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pametno trosena lova i radiohead lyrics

imam par minuta da nekaj napisem. u zadnje vrijeme se uopce ne skidam sa gitare. malo na klasicnu, pa malo na elektricnu, pa opet na klasicnu... jednostavno uzivam u sviranju! i mogu rec da se vide i rezultati mojeg neprekidnog sviranja. puno bolje mi ide sviranje... a i vratila sam onu tvrdu kozu na prstima lijeve ruke koja mi se ogulila na bazenu... hehe... sviram malo interpol, malo radiohead, malo ono kaj imam za uvjezbat iz skole... svega po malo. ima i nirvane... danas su mi dosli deda i baka iz slovenije. tata mi je preko njih poslo 100 eura a i oni su dodali svaki po 40 euricha... na yahoou sam nasla currency converter i izracunala koliko je to kunica. hehe... ja sam ponosna vlasnica 1,298.2518 kuna! ajmeeeeeeee, sta sam sretna! moj san ce se napokon ostvarit! ali ne smijem odmah potosit sve... mislim da cu bit wicked pa jos kojih mjesec dana radit ko crnac i zaraπivat sto vise mogu dzeparca pa da ustedim jos malo... a i smanjit cu kolicinu zderanja ujutro. kad mi stara ostavi lovu za dorucak potrosit cu jedan dio na neku malo vecu kiflu i onda ce mi ostat love... hehe... koji plan! onda cu prvo smislit di bi stavila terarij... pa onda bi mozgala na sto da ga stavim, pa bi angazirala dadu da nas dvoje zajedno izradimo stalak za terarij od drveta i zeljeza kakav smo napravili za akvarij... pa bi se opet mjesecima zabavljali lakirajuci i premazivajuci taj stalak dok bi ja skupljala lovu... hehe... jedva cekam1 a leopard gekona cu nac preko akvarij.neta... mozda dobim malo jeftinije nego od nekog uzgajivaca... upsic! mzaboravila sam rec o cemu trenutno sanjam... plan ste vidli a pozeljan rezultat bi bio da kupim jednog muzjaka i jednu zenku leopard gekona, terarij sam im vec nasla, kosta 800 kn. ali ja bi ga dobila za 600 jer curke meni uvijek daju popust jer volim zivotinje i jer sam im vrlo cesta musterija. heh. leopardeki inace kostaju 550 kn ali mislim da bi mi netko na akvarij netu prodo bebuljka za malo manje... nadam se... hehe. ah, gle ti mene... zanijela se ja malo... ali kad kupim leopardeke stavim slike na blog a i stavit cu i link teme na akvarij.netu koju cu otvorit kad kupim terarij...
stavit cu malo lyricsa... hehe... RaDiOhEaD OnLy!!!!

stop whispering
And the wise man say I don't want to hear your voice
And the thin man say I don't want to hear your voice
And they're cursing me, and they won't let me be
And there's nothing to say, and there's nothing to do

Stop whispering, start shouting
Stop whispering, start shouting

And the mother say we spit on your son some more
And the buildings say we spit on your face some more
And the feeling is that there's something wrong
Because I can't find the words and I can't find the songs

Stop whispering, start shouting
Stop whispering, start shouting

Dear Sir, I have a complaint
Can't remember what it is

It doesn't matter anyway
It doesn't matter anyway

You are the sun and moon and stars, are you
And I could never run away from you

You try at working out chaotic things
And why should I believe myself, not you?

It's like the world is going to end so soon
And why should I believe myself?

You, me and everything caught in the fire
I can see me drowning, caught in the fire

The earlier version finishes with the following:
Hey the sun and moon and stars are yeah..
But I won't share myself with you
You to me

black star
I get home from work and you're still standing in your dressing gown
Well what am I to do?
I know all the things around your head and what they do to you
What are we coming to?
What are we gonna do?

Blame it on the black star
Blame it on the falling sky
Blame it on the satellite that beams me home

The troubled words of a troubled mind I try to understand what is eating you
I try to stay awake but its 58 hours since that I last slept with you
What are we coming to?
I just don't know anymore

Blame it on the black star
Blame it on the falling sky
Blame it on the satellite that beams me home

I get on the train and I just stand about now that I don't think of you
I keep falling over I keep passing out when I see a face like you
What am I coming to?
I'm gonna melt down

Blame it on the black star
Blame it on the falling sky
Blame it on the satellite that beams me home
This is killing me
This is killing me

I don't want to be crippled cracked
Shoulders, wrists, knees and back
Ground to dust and ash
Crawling on all fours

When you've got to feel it in your bones
When you've got to feel it in your bones

Now I can't climb the stairs
Pieces missing everywhere
Prozak painkillers

When you've got to feel it in your bones
When you've got to feel it in your bones
And I used to fly like peter pan
All the children flew when I touched their hands

When you've got to feel it in your bones
When you've got to feel it in your bones

Can't get the stink off
He's been hanging round for days
Comes like a comet
Suckered you but not your friends
One day he'll get to you
And teach you how to be a holy cow

You do it to yourself, you do
And that's what really hurts
Is that you do it to yourself
Just you and no one else
You do it to yourself
You do it to yourself

Don't get my sympathy
Hanging out the 15th floor
You've changed the locks three times
He still comes reeling through the door
One day I'll get you
And teach you how to get to purest hell

You do it to yourself, you do
And that's what really hurts
Is that you do it to yourself
Just you, you and no one else
You do it to yourself
You do it to yourself

You do it to yourself, you do
And that's what really hurts
Is that you do it to yourself
Just you, you and no one else
You do it to yourself
You do it to yourself.. yourself.. yourself..

fake plastic trees
Her green plastic watering can
For her fake Chinese rubber plant
In the fake plastic earth
That she bought from a rubber man
In a town full of rubber plans
To get rid of itself

It wears her out, it wears her out
It wears her out, it wears her out

She lives with a broken man
A cracked polystyrene man
Who just crumbles and burns
He used to do surgery
For girls in the eighties
But gravity always wins

It wears him out, it wears him out
It wears him out, it wears him out

She looks like the real thing
She tastes like the real thing
My fake plastic love
But I can't help the feeling
I could blow through the ceiling
If I just turn and run

It wears me out, it wears me out
It wears me out, it wears me out

If I could be who you wanted
If I could be who you wanted all the time

All the time...
All the time...

high & dry
Two jumps in a week
I bet you think that's pretty clever don't you boy?
Flying on your motorcycle,
Watching all the ground beneath you drop
You'd kill yourself for recognition,
Kill yourself to never ever stop
You broke another mirror,
You're turning into something you are not

Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry
Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry

Drying up in conversation,
You will be the one who cannot talk
All your insides fall to pieces,
You just sit there wishing you could still make love
They're the ones who'll hate you
When you think you've got the world all sussed out
They're the ones who'll spit at you,
You will be the one screaming out

Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry
Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry

It's the best thing that you ever had,
The best thing that you ever, ever had
It's the best thing that you ever had,
The best thing you ever had has gone away

street spirit
Rows of houses, all bearing down on me
I can feel their blue hands touching me
All these things into position
All these things we'll one day swallow whole
And fade out again and fade out

This machine will, will not communicate
These thoughts and the strain I am under
Be a world child, form a circle
Before we all go under
And fade out again and fade out again

Cracked eggs, dead birds
Scream as they fight for life
I can feel death, can see its beady eyes
All these things into position
All these things we'll one day swallow whole
And fade out again and fade out again

Immerse your soul in love

the bends
Where do we go from here?
The words are coming out all weird
Where are you now, when I need you
Alone on an aeroplane
Fall asleep on against the window pane
My blood will thicken

I need to wash myself again to hide all the dirt and pain
'Cause I'd be scared that there's nothing underneath
But who are my real friends?
Have they all got the bends?
Am I really sinking this low?

My baby's got the bends, oh no
We don't have any real friends, no, no, no

Just lying in the bar with my drip feed on
Talking to my girlfriend, waiting for something to happen
I wish it was the sixties, I wish I could be happy
I wish, I wish, I wish that something would happen

Where do we go from here?
The planet is a gunboat in a sea of fear
And where are you?
They brought in the CIA, the tanks and the whole marines
To blow me away, to blow me sky high

My baby's got the bends
We don't have any real friends

Just lying in the bar with my drip feed on
Talking to my girlfriend, waiting for something to happen
I wish it was the sixties, I wish I could be happy
I wish, I wish, I wish that something would happen

I wanna live, breathe
I wanna be part of the human race
I wanna live, breathe
I wanna be part of the human race, race, race, race

Where do we go from here?
The words are coming out all weird
Where are you now when I need you?

climbing up the walls
I am the key to the lock in your house
That keeps your toys in the basement.
And if you get too far inside
You'll only see my reflection.

It's always best when the candle's out,
I am the pick in the ice.
Do not cry out or hit the alarm,
You know we're friends 'til we die.

And either way you turn
I'll be there
Pull out your skull
I'll be there
Climbing up the walls

It's always best when the light is off,
It's always better on the outside.
Fifteen blows to the back of your head,
Fifteen blows to your mind.

So lock the kids up safe tonight
And shut the eyes in the cupboard.
I've got the smell of a local man
Who's got the loneliest feeling.

That either way he turns - I'll be there
Pull up your skull - I'll be there
Climbing up the walls

Climbing up the walls
Climbing up the walls

exit music
Wake.. from your sleep
The drying of your tears
Today we escape, we escape

Pack.. and get dressed
Before your father hears us
Before all hell breaks loose

Breathe, keep breathing
Don't lose your nerve
Breathe, keep breathing
I can't do this alone

Sing.. us a song
A song to keep us warm
There's such a chill, such a chill

You can laugh
A spineless laugh
We hope your rules and wisdom choke you
Now we are one in everlasting peace

We hope that you choke, that you choke
We hope that you choke, that you choke
We hope that you choke, that you choke

karma police
Karma police, arrest this man
He talks in maths
He buzzes like a fridge
He's like a detuned radio

Karma police, arrest this girl
Her Hitler hairdo is
Making me feel ill
And we have crashed her party

This is what you get
This is what you get
This is what you get when you mess with us

Karma Police
I've given all I can
It's not enough
I've given all I can
But we're still on the payroll

This is what you get
This is what you get
This is what you get when you mess with us

And for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself
Phew, for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself

For a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself
Phew, for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself

imaju oni jos prekrasnih pjesama ali moram stavit jednu sa novog albuma in rainbows...

all I need
I'm the next act
waiting in the wings
I'm an animal
Trapped in your hot car
I am all the days
that you choose to ignore
You are all I need
You are all I need
I'm in the middle of your picture
Lying in the reeds
I am a moth
who just wants to share your light
I'm just an insect
trying to get out of the night
I only stick with you
because there are no others
You are all I need
You are all I need
I'm in the middle of your picture
Lying in the reeds
It's all wrong
It's all right
It's all wrong

evo sljedeci put vise svega... sad moram ic jer mi stara oce radit nekaj na kompu... ali evo playlist iz treceg dijela sumraka bez mojih komentara...

Mexican Standoff – Elbow
Hamburg Song – Keane
Clocks – Coldplay
The Small Print – Muse
Stab My Back – The All-American Rejects
Overweight [edited] – Blue October
Mr. Brightside – The Killers
Newborn – Muse
Love Me Like You – The Magic Numbers
Vindicated – Dashboard Confessional
Hysteria – Muse
Uninvited – Alanis Morissette
Yes Please – Muse
Infra-Read – Placebo
The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot – Brand New
Luv – Travis
Blackout – Muse
It’s A Disaster – Ok Go
*This Is How I Disappear – My Chemical Romance
*Sleep – My Chemical Romance
*Falling Away With You – Muse
*Accident & Emergency – Patrick Wolf
*The Well and the Lighthouse – Arcade Fire

hehe... ja nebi bila ja da ne dodam samo par komentara... coldplay - clocks - fenomentasticno! a ovu pjesmu od killersa znam na gitari svirat...

Post je objavljen 02.02.2008. u 17:31 sati.