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Pišem novi post tek toliko da se javim....
Nema ništa novo od zadnjega puta kada sam pisala post... Nemam ideje ni inspiracije... Donijela sam par sitnih odluka (ne bih sada htjela o njima)...
U zadnje vrijeme sve više slušam Sisters Of Mercy i Diary Of Dreams, iako ne znam zašto. Jedan sam dan pustila jednu pjesmu od Diary Of Dreamsa, i od tada ih svaki dan po par sati slušam... Pa evo riječi pjesme Cold Deceit:

Diary Of Dreams - Cold Deceit

Crucified in my mortal chamber
Begging eyes deceive my strength
Stumbling feet into horizons
Tear - stained cheeks taint my soul
In cold deceit
In captive secrecy still waiting
For the truth that I can't find
A stranger's words in cryptic silence
My paradise in cold deceit
While my sympathy is dying
I loose belief of who I am
Victims fatefully united
Imploring now in seclusion
Have you seen through my disguise ?
In cold deceit
Have you felt my shattered eyes ?
In cold deceit

Pjevač grupe...

Još jednom...

Post je objavljen 26.01.2008. u 12:04 sati.