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south carolina election results

south carolina election results

ADD des sii mc's from south (Best Youngas in South) - RWD Magazine guys are str8 firei fink der da best in south
Clamper is shit, the other guy is average south carolina election results needs work.
Theres me comin here ready to take the piss but yur not that bad clamper is good
Don't day come out of south.

Day got n e videos.

Well i wona see them spitting all over the city like we have from the videos on
Quote: theres me comin here ready to take the piss but yur not that bad clamper south carolina election results anyway your just pissed cause hes better
Dey are both sikclamper fuks up da setso does da ova guyan i aint any of dem i am jus promotin dem init
Quote: your just pissed cause hes better i sed clamper was good u dougnut and i dont particularlly think there better than me but u have yur opinion
Neither are shit....Neither Are Great.Clamper is better than the other one though.
south carolina election results Both got good flows and that just no usp, if they upped the tempo and energy they would be better in my opinion.
Quote: don't day come out of south.

Day got n e videos.

Well i wona see them spitting all over south carolina election results city like we have from the videos on **** off.

Put it in your sig and post properly. south carolina election results

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Post je objavljen 20.01.2008. u 11:36 sati.