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Right off the bat: It’s not a damn lion! cloverfield I hope not.

The new film by producer J.J. Abrams (Lost) and director Matt Reeves (something he’s done before) is a strange beast (also features one) in that for once we don’t know a hell of a lot about it. A huge monster attacks New York and cloverfield see video camera footage of it doing so. And that’s it. We don’t know anything else apart from that. Well, the monster is a bit clumsy with his kick-ups (see statue of liberty head scene) but beyond that we’re relatively clueless.

We’re so used to seeing promos cloverfield blockbuster movies show pretty much all the coolest bits in a flash cut, hyper-speed, blink-and-you’ll-miss-the-whole-trailer kind of way, that to see a preview that only hints cloverfield the destructive epic we’re in for is a real breath of fresh air. Go on take full. Actually don’t - it’s probably tarnished with rubble dust from fallen cloverfield and smashed bridges.

I recently saw the film I Am Legend. And that too was a film that held back something in its trailer – the creatures. Unfortunately when you finally saw them in their poorly rendered, done-by-the-work-experience-boy CGI you wished they’d held them back for the whole film. But until we actually saw the film and watched it fall apart as the cheap videogame baddies started bouncing off the walls like a big bunch of pill popping Gollums, at least there was a mystery about it. We didn’t know everything there was to know when we went in.

Compare that with the Transformers preview; where 200 half a second clips are crammed into 2 minutes leaving anyone with a heart condition clutching their chest for dear life and anyone without a heart condition with a heart condition. I’ve never seen the film, but I feel I have, it was just ran at cloverfield times the normal speed and was called a trailer.

Incidentally, there was a trailer for another film before the full presentation of Transformers. It caught people’s attention because they didn’t know exactly what it was, but it sure looked interesting. The cloverfield didn’t even have a title at that point. We now know it as Cloverfield. And I’m hoping it’ll break records like a hundred foot tall monster breaks heads off statues.

I just hope it turns out to be a good film. And I’ll spit if it turns out to be a lion.

For more laughs and funnies.

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Post je objavljen 19.01.2008. u 01:45 sati.