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I took a ride to the US this week, crossed the border at Phillipsburg and went to pick up my copy of Alcohol is a Gas by David Blume,

Alcohol is a gas
along with a couple of books on building Stirling Engines and a wood burning camp stove that burns almoost anything and generates hydrogen/produce gas in an outdoor situation. It is simply cheaper to go and get the books from my brother when he is in the neighborhood and then cross the books across the border and pay the duty than to have this stuff shipped and the freight companies get their extras added to the bill. It cost me less in gas and the duty for the package than just the shipping the stuff to Canada by itself, let alone the duty. (But don’t tell the gas companies, I bet they simply hate the idea of this book being published, let alone being exported to other countries – and if there a cheaper way to get this vital information to people that are willing to act on it, that could be a disaster for them)

I am very impressed with the scholarship case he prresents, both in written form and the he made to promote the book. I will go into much more depth next post. I must admit that this is a surprising and very possible alternative to my original belief that I needed to be totally green and use only solar energy and its renewable nature to power my city dwelling.

I have been discussing the idea of making alcohol, an idea that is suddenly being strongly fostered by Steven Harris of Knowledge Publications, with a colleague. The ability to make alcohol from a still is pretty well documented. He was able to find instructions for making a still for free on the web:

Before I totally advocate this as the magic bullet we need to run Big Oil off the field, there are a lot of other factors to consider, mostly in the actual preparation of the distillate pre-mix. This is well covered in a website from Mother Earth News pointed to by Journey to Forever on ethanol and alcohol.

You need heat to make alcohol, and I fully believe the heat we need is electric. I think my original contention of using Solar Power will be the solution for providing the power needed heat the (corn/sorghum/other vegetative/old food) mix to prepare it for distillation. After that is done, then you need to heat the actual still to the right temperature. So, power still is needed to input to the system to get alcohol for the various motors out. I would use alcohol for both a car and for electrical generation. At least for the near future. In the very future, I intend to discuss a (hopefully) nearly ready for production product that will take the requirement for in the internal combustion engine out of it…….or better yet, remove the gas replace with alcohol when that form of fuel is required.

This is going to be rather short for me. Most of my friends and acquaintances know I can write a long post with ease. But one final set of comments before I use the infamous SMore” command to copy an e-mail from Steven Harris of Knowledge Publications that has lots of links to all kinds of alcohol related stuff, including video and audio of David Blume presentations. He asks for readers to forward the e-mail to all who are interested. I don’t know any of your e-mail addresses, and am not about to spam anyone who doesn’t want the mail. His commitment is pretty obvious in his communications, and I think he is getting frustrated with people who simply don’t want to get out their comfort zones and help themselves. I agree, and we need to get moving pretty fast, or everyone will be suddenly in the third world with Iraq and Iran holding an upper hand and us all as energy hostages. Even more dangerous, possibly some hawk will nuke them and be done with it. Either way, we need to be ready to support ourselves on this continent with our renewable resources and energy potential. Then be ready, WILLING and able to help others all over the world get energy independent and move the human species forward out of the hate and power struggles of controlled resources.

Finally, anyone know what the laws are for running an alcohol still in Canada, it is a request form Steven Harris in his e-mail, and I would love to be able to let him know, as it also impacts me quite a bit as well.

Next I will give a book report on the book I just got, the thing is huge and sure looks very promising as a handbook to finding a way out of the quagmire that big oil – or Megaoilron and David Blume calls it. It seems to be alternative to give all – Energy with-out Oil

7 Updates, 52 Sale Items & $0.31 Gallon Alcohol Fuel Information Announcements and Updates on Projects for YOU
This is a LONG email with MORE Making Fuel and energy information and discussion than anything else weve sent out. All for YOU, All because of YOU!. Please HELP US and forward this email to those who would appreciate it.
(also..FYI: Did you see Oil OVER $92 / bbl last week.?!!)

1. HUGE Sale. 52 Different Items on SALE


3. New David Blume Audio out - Listen. 1 Hour
Dont forget the good David Blume Video

4. Getting a license from the US Gov to Make Alcohol is EASY
State is easy too

5. Making fuel alcohol in the city - free or cheap fuel source.

6. The open source Fuel Alcohol Still project
Need help on the electric heat
stupid hybrids

7. FREE BOOKS AND DVDs for Copper is a HIT. We give you MORE now.

1. BIG BIG BIG Sale 52 Items on SALE
We were sitting down thinking and looking at inventory and thinking what to put on sale&.
What to put on sale for October& and then November we start the Christmas season&
&what do people want&how can we help them etc&. and the idea came up&
PUT EVERYTHING on sale& well&put the SALES we did have back up.
It takes a LOT of work to write and price and put up a Sale& and we had some


The AUGUST Roy McAlister Sale - New Solar Hydrogen DVD OUT.




**** The Stove is on SALE ??? Is Steve Crazy ??? ****

Wood burning Gas Camping Stove

The Stove is out #1 Selling Thing on
Thanks to YOU, we are the LARGEST distributor of stove in the WORLD.. no kidding.

These will be in short supply for the Christmas Season& so if you want one for yourself or as a present&get as soon as you can.
Due to the difference in the dollar and world currency. the stove price will be going UP after the 1st of the year.

Click on the blue text below to ADD CART a Stove.

Buy 1 Stove for $55 + shipping. Save ($0.00)

Buy 2 Stoves for $99 + shipping. Save ($11.00)

Buy 3 Stoves for $139 + shipping. Save ($26.00)

Buy 4 Stoves for $179 + shipping. Save ($41.00) ( this is the QTY 10 Price&for 4.)

If you get the idea that both the manufacture of the stove and does not have a big markup on the stove and that its priced low and that with the weak dollar it will go up after the 1st of the year& then you are correct.

3. New David Blume Alcohol Can Be a Gas Book Audio Interview  If you cant get enough. here is more.

if you missed our last email about Daves TV interview.. then here is the link.

AFTER you get DISTRACTED by watching the video, and listening to the Audio DO NOT FORGET to come back to this email
and GET THE BOOKS !!! :)

4. Getting a license from the US Gov to Make FUEL Alcohol is EASY
Let me tell you that I have had no end of EVERY IDIOT in the world writing to me and complaining about alcohol as a potential fuel. they just list one reason after another that someone else told them or that they heard and give excuse after excuse to NOT DO SOMETHING. Ok.. look. Its my job to teach you what you can do, and its my job to suggest if it is right or not right for you. If I was not in this business then it would not be worth it for me to make alcohol for fuel, but some people out there ( the ones Im working for ) have more time than money, it HURTS to use the gasoline pump. There are other people out there who WANT to be able to make their own fuel. Its an independence thing them, for others its a learning opportunity, others its an experiment to see if they can do it. Let me tell you.. if you are one of these people I will WARN YOU.& EVERY IDIOT who has done nothing in their life other than go to work for someone else, come home, make babies, watch TV and drink beer will tell you EVERY SINGLE reason why you are stupid and youll end up in trouble or it wont work or  I heard this.. or  I heard that.. in between each beer belch and readjusting their belt around their bulging waste as they sit in front of the TV.  oh look&a repeat marathon of the 1963 to 1970 world series&lets watch it to get YOU to do nothing just like them. to get YOU to do nothing just like them. ( I repeated that) People who have done nothing and do nothing to learn, do nothing to expand, do nothing to read, do nothing discuss always do nothing but try to get those who want to learn, read, discuss to do nothing just like them. After all, doing nothing is not bad as long everyone is doing it. Right?

So& my point. Every idiot has written to me and said that making alcohol for fuel purposes is ILLEGAL and that youll go to jail and that if you did make it then it must be taxed and it would do this and it would do that ( booo hooo hoooo hoooo whine and cry me a river.) They are all Here it is

The COST of a PERMIT from the US FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to make Alcohol As a Fuel (not drinking !) for a person who wants to LESS THAN 10,000 GALLONS A YEAR. Yes. LESS THAN 10,000 gallons a year. The cost is $0.00. ZERO.. ZILCH..NADA NOTHING.
..and oh.. the cost to make more than that is ZERO as well& its just a few more details on the form.

Here is the to the form to fill out and send in. Its 4 pages long and only 2 pages need to be filled out.

There is even a phone number on the website is answered by a VERY nice lady. It takes about 4 weeks to get a license, but could take up to 8. DO NOT CALL HER YET. Im just getting my license and one of the things I AM DOING WITH THEM FOR YOU is finding out all of the little details and mistakes people might make&and so far there does not seem to be anything like that. It is this simple. You get your own representative in their office on your state) and that person reviews your application and gives you any advice you need. It really sounds VERY VERY Friendly. Ill have more details for you shortly, youll have STEP BY STEP from us. My lease holder on our research facility has to review and sign my alcohol permit because I do not own the building. Theyll consider it a TRIBUTE for their company to be hosting someone who is making DOMESTIC FUEL. As soon as that is signed and mailed in Ill have the rest of the details for you.

Now.. State licenses. You need a state license to make alcohol, and that is been as easy as the federal. First, you NEED THE FEDERAL License FIRST. Then you contact your state liquor control board ( DONT GET SCARED). Its going to cost me $25 a year to have an alcohol production facility in this state. Make sure you say THANK YOU to all the people like David Blume who got their state government to push through new alcohol laws in the 70s and 80s to make this easy for you now& it use to cost $2500 to get a license, then in 1979 a state senator got it through in a week the reduction for FUEL Alcohol to $25.

Here is a link with the phone numbers, websties and addresses of every Alcohol agency you need for the 50 states.
If you are in Canada& I know nothing. I dont speak canadian eh? so if you are in canada or another country with more than 3 people in and you LEARN and FIND OUT and CONFIRM your laws regarding making FUEL Alcohol& email and let me know and Ill share it with the rest of the people on our email list.

So if you want to find more reasons to talk yourself out of learning and making fuel etc& then please dont write to me and whine about it& just go open a beer, turn the TV and do nothing. If you have a good question or have some good info for me and everyone else. then write us.
5. Making fuel alcohol in the city - free or cheap fuel source.
Of all of the idiots out there who did NOT write me and say it was illegal to make fuel alcohol, all of the OTHER IDIOTS wrote to me ( and did not read what I said or David Blume said ) and starting moaning and complaining about corn and sugar etc& and here David and I are talking about waste city products, cheap feed stocks, potatoes, bad flour, candy surplus, two day old donuts etc& and they still complain about the price of corn or sugar. . So not only have I TOLD you that you can get material to make FUEL ALCOHOL free or cheap.. but I just did it. I got over 350 pounds of bread for $24. This is bread that came back from the store, got too old for the bakery outlet and bread that 2nd Harvest did not want or need for feeding the hungry. Now this amount of bread can make 20 to 30 about GALLONS of Ethanol. Now.. I will tell you that $24 for 350 pounds of bread is EXPENSIVE. David has people who pay $20 to $50 per TON (2000lbs) of bread or pastry droppings. So why did I do it??? 2 reasons. 1 to show you that it could be done and 2. To establish a relation with the bread company. Once they know me and know Im a nice guy ( I put the bread racks and trays back in the facility and I closed the overhead door for them) Ill be able to get better prices on the bread or the pastry droppings from the bread factory (before its baked). What you do is you ask them for  farm food bread. This is bread that people buy to feed their pigs or other livestock. So those are the words. Dont call up and say,  Hey& I wanna buy some old bread so I can make alcohol and drive my car around the world. Theyll refer you to the surplus NUT store down the Just call them up and ask them when they have Farm Food bread and pastry for sale, when can you pick it up and how much is it. Usually they sell the farm food bread on Friday or Saturday.
Old Bread in Truck

350 of Farm Food Bread in the back of my Pickup Truck. Bread place was 5 miles from our research facility, Every city has a bakery outlet of one type or another.

Still Column Preparation

Hydrostone covered tubes for a still column. Only 1 ad 2 coats on this. Well do 4 or 5 before we use them&

Tubes being prepared for Alcohol still usage - 2

6. the open source Fuel Alcohol Still project
Ok.. if you want to make about a gallon of an hour ( once the pot warms up) then youll be running about 33 column top of your  pot  which can be a 15 gallon beer keg, 30 or 55 gallon drum or larger. You an run a 23 column on a 5 gallon can if you like. The POT and the DISTILLING COLUMN combined is called a STILL. Well its easy to get 23 iron pipe at some home depots&but going to 33 or 43 starts getting expensive and hard to work with. Cutting is hard and then you might have to weld& blah blah& ok.. not easy. Sheet can be used as well&& but working with sheet metal still requires some skill and tools.. and we wanted to look at a way of making a still for a MILLION PEOPLE across the USA. So it had to be a design that you could make easy yourself, with stuff available locally and/or a still that OTHERS could EASILY make for you, if you did not want to make one. So we went to work to figure out how could one person make a still with just their hands and stuff locally and how could one person in a garage make 100 to 500 or more a day. We came up with several methods, including fiberglass being a good one. Fiberglass and polyester resin in walmart, autopart stores, home depot, lowes, the hardware store, the paint store etc& but we wanted to go every more simple and one of the methods was to a very advanced plaster family type of compound called HYDROSTONE. When the powder is mixed with water it can be easily poured, molded and worked with your bare hands if you desire. When it sets it can be used as a replacement for marble in outdoor setting. It can get rained on etc& so it should be good for 200F water and steam of a still. So far it has PASSED a 24 hour soak test in a bucket of water. What you are looking at are 43 cardboard tubes from that have been rolled and coated in hydrostone. We also have a Tube of Chicken wire that is 43 in diameter and 10 feet lone that we are going to coat with cheese cloth and hydrostone to see how good of a column it makes. Well probably even wrap the cardboard tubes in a layer of cheese cloth ( from home depot etc..) and hydrostone. Note.. the INSIDES OF the cardboard tubes ARE COATED many times. Joining columns together will be done with cheese cloth and hydrostone and joining it to a POT such as a 15, 30 or 55 gallon drum or a 33 gallon metal trash can will be done with standard silicon caulk ( like what you use in the bath tube.) Insulation of the pot will be done with pink fiberglass insulation or other materials.

Why am I telling you all this&because this is an open source project which means we want everyone ( WHO KNOWS SOMETHING ) to contribute with their EXPERTISE and EXPERIENCE to the project. Ive done a LOT of work in the past, but there are still people who know a LOT more about hydrostone and the other flavors of the material out there&. HELP.. if you know of something better.. write me, tell me, me, help us. Do it and take photos etc& lets do this. I need a fiberglass person to make a fiberglass column. For AUTOMATION purposes, I want mine to be heated ELECTRICALLY. Yeah.. electrically. I can put the heat INSIDE the insulated pot, do it inside our facility safely and have it automated and on timers and switches. I have NICE electrical immersion heaters from grangier that are temperature controlled&but they cost $180 and stop at 190F. For distilling we need a bit hotter and itd be nice to have something a bit cheaper. It has to be an immersion heater and it needs to have a temperature probe IMMERSED in the fluid as well. A threaded through hole probe and heater would be great. So HELP. HELP HELP. Im repressed and I need help in this area. I know that some of my wonderful customers out there know the exact items to do this easier, cheaper and better than what I just described. WRITE ME. ( ) If you want to moan and whine and complain, find a dog that will listen to you, dont write. Lead, Follow, Contribute, Help or get the hell out of the way. Also.. you know the newer electric stoves / ranges that have the top electric burners that heat up and GLOW NOW.. in 5 seconds& I need someone who is an expert in those elements to contact me. I mean.. I know all about them and how they work etc& but I need them. Someone who works with these stoves and or these parts or services or manufactures these will be mine of information to help us. This is for future stuff that we will be doing to HELP YOU and everyone else.

Ok.. for those of you who about to moan and whine and complain about electricity being used to make alcohol please keep quite and do a bit of math. I calculated that it can cost as little as 30 cents of electricity to make a gallon of alcohol even in the socialist state of California where the rates are 20 cents a kwh&and thats without using a heat pump..thats being simple. The reason for electricity that you can AUTOMATE the process. Like a bread maker. If you want to be really really cheap and make it for 10 cents a gallon then youll have to use wood or some other form of energy you pickup and burn& and youll have to sit and baby sit the still rather than have it run automatically. compare this. Lets say 30 cents of electricity to make a gallon of alcohol is about equal to 70% of a gallon of so .30 / .70 is about .43. So thats about 43 cents in electricity to make a gallon of gasoline equivalent (GGE) of alcohol. In CONTRAST to this 43 CENTS of electricity to make a GGE of ethanol alcohol, you have a bunch of IDIOTS who are saying they are getting the GGE of 85CENTS by making their hybrid car a PLUG IN HYBRID. They hook up their car to their house to charge it at night and they have a modification where they throw a switch and the vehicle does not engage its engine&it just runs for a while on the small battery it has that makes it a hybrid. Theyve done funny math to say they are getting 85 cents an equivalent for gasoline.. and they are smoking something or graduates of the public school system or BOTH. If you are in the Midwest and pay 10 cents a kilowatt hour for electricity and you charge your plug in from your house and run the vehicle on that electricity it is JUST as if you were paying $4.69 CENTS a gallon for gasoline !!!. If you are in socialist california where electricity is 20 cents a kilowatt hour then it is JUST as if you are paying $9.38 a gallon of gasoline. I dont care if your car has a .18 coefficient of drag and low rolling resistance tires and gets 85 miles per gallon at 30 miles hour.. the cost of the fuel input is THE SAME. These numbers are based on 120,000 BTUs per gallon of gasoline and 3412BTUs in a KWh and a round trip charge efficiency ( putting energy IN and taking OUT of the battery) of 75%, So what is better? 43 cents a GGE for alcohol that you make from free or cheap waste or $4.69 to $9.38 for electricity from the grid.

7. Send us Copper is a HIT. We give you MORE now.
WOW WOW& we could not believe it& .have you guys EVER HELPED US SO MUCH. We need thousands of pounds of copper for some research and experiments we are going to be doing. I asked a bunch of to send us copper and wed pay you in books and DVDs. We need CLEAN COPPER& such as Copper wire with NO insulation. Motor windings with enamel is ok, but NO insulation like cords, plugs, other wires etc& Clean copper pipe&maybe. So far EVERYONE has sent the copper in by US MAIL Priority Mail in FLAT RATE BOXES. One guy sent 56 POUNDS of copper in ONE rate box that cost $12.50 including delivery conformation. Hes trying to break his record and get near 70 pounds in the box next time. Ok.. so if youd like to do this&.this is how it works. The rate for #1 scrap copper is $2.70 per POUND. WE are NOW PAYING 20% OVER that rate per POUND AND we are PAYING for the SHIPPING of the copper to US. The guy who sent 57 pounds of copper got $198 in credit for any and all books and DVDs and stoves and anything else he wants from our website. We just did not think 10% over the scrap price was enough because you need to chop the pieces up to fit in a flat rate and if you do have clean tube / pipe& run over with your car to make it flat before you cut it to fit in the flat rate box. current record is 57 pounds in a flat rate box& the person who puts the most in that size box will get a REWARD FROM us for their CREATIVITY and INGENUITY. You do NOT have to get all the credit in and dvds and products right away& well keep a running tab for you !!! :) We need copper for quite sometime.. its not a race&its a marathon& so as you get it and put it into the box& well take it from you.

As always.. THANK YOU for letting us send email, THANK YOU for being a reader, THANK YOU for being a customer, THANK Please help us and send this or post this email where you think it will be of benefit to others who also want to know. Dont put it on the bathroom wall.

Oh.. can I make a little side note here please&. Some people are going to not like my attitude in this email. Sometimes Im not nice. Im not always patient and I say things like  idiot  and other derogatory comments. Theyll say that Im arrogant or.. or something Fraud would say&. or is it Froid& or..Freudian. What ever. Stupid is as stupid does, or says. Thanks Forest. The only reason stupid is breeding and becoming a plague, an epidemic is because stupid is not being called in our politically correct world. Opinions trump and override science. This only happens, only is allowed to happen, only grows because we in the sciences are silent. To move us to silence is to move the ignorance forward. No more. Large scale solar energy will be vilified and protested by environmentalists worse than they ever protested nuclear energy. -Quote by Steven E. Harris. The idea of even thinking about doing an open source project with the Stretch GOAL of one Million 7 gallon a week Alcohol refineries in America is a grand scheme. A grand dream& a grand idea.. the larger the idea the larger the opposition. Read that twice.. Albert Einstein quote - Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. Well violent opposition get ready to meet violent science. You will not win by moving us to silence. It was called the Boston Tea Party. Not the Boston Discussion for Enlightenment and Harmony at the Harbor Interpretation Center. Thats a Harris Quote as well.

Thank you as always,
Steven Harris

8243 Dartmouth
Warren, MI

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Post je objavljen 15.01.2008. u 17:49 sati.