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diane lane unfaithful

diane lane unfaithful

(see also: unfaithful, diane lane, diane lane unfaithful, )

(Tons of photos, so those diane lane unfaithful using broadband might not be able to see. Slow loading.)

Wassup with weather these days? harrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlow???

Is freaking hot and humid. I can perspire even when I am sitting still. But hang on a min cos I gonna make this space so MUCH hotter!

The gals gonna luv it & at least I think I will.

Presenting you the rival of FHM, FNO very own page of 50 sexiest man!

Slurrrrp!!!!! (drooling &..)

It was complete out of boredom but I think it kinda satisfy my lust over them hahahaha! Oh fyi, FNO stands for For NaNa Only lol!!!! All gals and guys have their diane lane unfaithful lusty list lah!

NOW, there you go! The marvellous and yummylicious guys & everyone say Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

In no particular order ya, all random cos all damn equally hunky to diane lane unfaithful hahahaha! I just yearn to meet them all one day! Oh paraparaparadise!!!!!




Go !!!! Slurp all you want &..


Stephen Fung, I think he is so damn cute despite his ugly and large nose. But I like a guy who is talented, he not only act and sing, he multi-tasks as a director and a scriptwriter! The only thing I hate about him is his choice of gf and I better dont mention names since she had hordes of zealous male fans!


I dont think I need any introduction here. All normal gals should know Takeshi Kaneshiro. He made me cry my heart out in the Jap serial: God, Please gimme more time! One hearthtrob! His hair be it long or short, he never fail to make me notice more about him! My mum diane lane unfaithful to say he has a horse face though! Hahaha long chin but still he makes me drool! But I would prefer him a lil more rugged than this neat look!


One should really pay attention to this Mexican, Diego Luna! He should be very unfamiliar to many out there, but given his humorous acting in The Terminal and sexy booty-shaking in Dirty Dancing - Havana Nights, one should really sit up and notice his appeal! I and swoon over him! He may be small built but to me he is damn charming!!!!


Another face that need no introduction. Simply a legend that diane lane unfaithful been spinning around the Asian entertainment for decades! Short he is but he is one super charismatic man! Oozes out the most manly appeal! I simply envy Carina!


No, I aint crazy to find a middle aged man like Ken Watanabe sexy. In reality, he is VERY sexy! I just wish all middle aged man look like him! His performance in The Samurai was superb and I was so rooting for him to win The Best Supporting Actor which he din. How disappointing! His next hollywood screen pressence will be felt diane lane unfaithful Batman Returns and Memoirs of a Geisha starring Zhang Ziyi.


The Next Big Thing! Young, daring and handsome! He finally seen his ray of light when he bagged The Best Supporting Actor in the Golden Horse award last year. He is so convincing in his baddie roles and diane lane unfaithful watched Divergence in the cinema cos of him! Friends who know me well know I aint someone who will waste my penny on chinese movies. But I couldnt resist seeing him on a larger screen! I am obsessed with Daniel Wu haha!

Haha another puzzling option rite? His remarks are brutally honest but I am so drawn to him! Maybe I like a man when he is most honest and confident! Plus, the wrinkles on his eyes &. damn! It just make me luv him more! There you go, the sickening Brit - Simon Cowell! Just hope Paula dont kiss him again!


How can I ever miss the host when the judge is in my list? Ryan Seacrest is HOT! His witty way diane lane unfaithful hosting always had me in stitches! The childish fight of exchanging snide remarks diane lane unfaithful him and Simon is hilarious and he definitely deserved his very own star in the walkway of Hollywood! I diane lane unfaithful guys who are humourous!


I like rock bands! And I think there is no band that can ever overtake Beyond! And the most alluring about a diane lane unfaithful band is when they have cute drummers like Ah Wing! A guy looked his best when he is focused! When Ah Wing hits the drums, I simply melt. But he can surely do away his ugly blonde hair at times! Oh to Xinyi who is reading this, I think I will fall in love diane lane unfaithful you too if I see you drumming one day haha!


Dashing in suits, nasty in torn tops! He is like a magnet who draws gals automatically! Bad boys are damn attractive! His tattoos diane lane unfaithful S-E-X-Y all over! Presenting Suger Ray lead, Mark McGrath!!!!


If bad boys are so irresistible, Colin Farrell must be in the top list! He is thoroughly bad and nasty but still, gals are swooning and lusting all over diane lane unfaithful and diane lane unfaithful that includes me plus Britney Spears lol! But, no more him in ugly looking skirts in Alexander! Eeew!

PHEW! Mentioning only 10 of them diane lane unfaithful already made my legs go wobbly and my keyboard is filled with saliva cos of excessive drooling haha! See lotsa resemblance ya? All the rugged looking, goatie and hagged-brooding manly looks diane lane unfaithful my hot faves! And if diane lane unfaithful is humourous and have wrinkles by his eyes or someone who is aloof and dont speak much, goodness! They make me weak loh! I aint so much of a boy-next-door look diane lane unfaithful gal but I do go gaga over some at times! But manly guy still truimph them hahaha! Lets continue with the heat &..

A good example of a guy who doesnt speak much! Who else can outwin the crooner, Jay Chou? He seems to open his mouth only when he sings. Simply cool and talented, I cant wait to see him in Initial-D. No other single-eyelid guy except him can make tons and tons of gals scream their lungs out!


To think I can actually tahan watching a few episodes of Westside story with the disgusting 5566 in diane lane unfaithful What do you think? Wallace Huo is HOT HOT HOT! His eyes are mesmerizing and his bo chup attitude raises the stakes and temperature!


A regular in Guy Ritchies(Madonnas hubby) shows, he proved himself as a real actor when he was named the lead in The Transporter. The Transporter 2 is currently in the production and him repriving his role as Handsome Rob again in The Italian Job 2, sometimes I cant help but wonder if there diane lane unfaithful a psyhic out there in Hollywood that reads my mind! Jason Stratham is sooooooooooooo MAN!

So what he had an alcoholic disorder and was fined before? I begged to have him as my neighbour loh! I wont mind his disorder for Christ sake! If only I am the head of NYPD, cos I die die wont fine or sue a hunk who walks around buff naked loh lol!!!!!! His pairing with Kate Hudson in How to lose a guy in 10 days was captivating and his beefy body in Reign of fire was unforgettable! Now throw me a revolver and let me shoot Penelope Cruz down!


As long as he doesnt don himself in glittery and flowery tops or even tight and short pants, diane lane unfaithful Kwok is just another legend. He is old but he doesnt look old. Rumours of him being gay had been circulated since ages but no-one gonna stop me from liking him. Him being in Divergence was also another reason I watched it and seeing him live in concerts shaking his booty makes me sweat!


One more rising talented star from Taiwan! Li Homs luv songs are enchanting and his accent drives me mad! I actually disliked him when his first album came out, I he was another diane lane unfaithful but now I adore him haha! Alrite, this pic does him injustice and for once I gonna be unfair by placing another pic of him! I cant seem to find pics of him when he had this goatie and rugged look! Too bad! Must emphasis I started to like him when he changed his image to a rugged feel lol!

Keagan Kang, so far the only local celeb I mentioned. I met him many times before when I worked in Indochine. He exludes an aura of sexiness! Very very very yummy! He speaks in a manly tone and I find myself sucked into his beautiful eyes! To be seen in Chase currently which I dun really chase after lol. Even my boy feels he is damn manly!


If the guys fantasize over the cars in The Fast and The Furious, then I shall be honest that I fanstasize over Paul Walker then. Yes, the cars in the show were amazing but compare to a piece of metal afterall to a man with looks and lovely blue eyes, I say PASS ME THE MAN!

He is tanned. He is hot. He is man. He is charismatic. He is handsome. He modelled for Gucci. He has dimples. He is humourous. Why should one dislike He is so photogenic that I had a hard time deciding which diane lane unfaithful to put up. He broke the law before but so what? He aint your reformed jailbird darling for nothing. Everybody luv him. My boys mum is so smitten over him haha! It was definitely a wise move to change his curry pok hairstyle and his fair white complexion to what he is now! Louis Koo is one hottie!

(30 and 29)
The controversial two! The two who benefits the newspaper and magazines. Countless of articles run the front page of their rivalry on their problems at work or the gals they are chasing. Rumours had it they fought it out before. Must be a really good fight. Infernal Affairs 2 was smart to cast both of them. Shawn Yue, the one with the chiselled look, sexy cheekbones and one who doesnt seem to talk much either = HOT!

Edison Chen? Yah man I am guilty over adoring him cos he has the neat boy-next-door kinda look. But he isnt leh haha! He got beaten up by thugs once and I think thats cos he had this smug-you-see-me-not-happy-then-come-lah look! Reminds me of the diane lane unfaithful Louis Koo. Promising career ahead!


Our dearest Mr Anderson or Mr Constantine. A pity he is a gay! He scores full marks for having the most brooding and rugged look. His appearance in Constantine swept me off totally! No one does it like Keanu Reeves!


100% confirmation that David Beckham is one diane lane unfaithful man! In fact, sexiest sportsman ever spotted! But the truth is, he is someone I never really liked but somehow had himself squeezed into my list. I am a die hard fan of Dennis Bergkamp! Plus the fact I always hated Man Utd. But he look real manly in suits! But once he open his mouth, he diane lane unfaithful turn me so so so so OFF. Someone zip his mouth forever! But I cant deny he is full of charisma lah, look at his pics!!!!


Forever stereotyped as a cop or fireman. But his is diane lane unfaithful charming! Alex Fong, a veteran actor and one who totally my heart! I especially luv him when he is casts as a baddie haha! Charm, baby thats call charm!


Recgonise him? I am sure do. Still dont? Now see this.

Ahhh .. now you know who! He sure looked so different rite? As a diane lane unfaithful fan of LOTR, I find Viggo Mortenson really sexy. He captured his role as Aragorn so well and how I wished he never had to change his real life image back lol. Him, starring as a jealous lover in A Perfect Murder with Gwyneth Palthrow had me lusting over him diane lane unfaithful then. But he was rumoured to be a gay as well, nevertheless I still find him sexy!


One last local celeb I will mention. Actually, he is a Guangzhou native more than a local. Not much handsome local guys lah damn sian. But Qi Yu Wu aka 715, is really a hidden tiger crouching draggon. Hide his assets so well! Only when he appeared in The Champions and I realised he so fit! One who doesnt talk much too. Cool Cool Cool! Oh I think he looked so compatible with Jeanette Aw and Joanne Peh!


Reigning James Bond 007! He is really at his peak age whereby he look so damn good despite being at 52yrs old! Pierce Brosnan rocks! Protray an unbelievable sex appeal! I was never a fan of James Bond until he became one. The luv scenes he had with Rene Russo in The Thomas Crown Affair was HOT to extreme! And how I envy Salma Hayek for snagging him in the lovely island in After The Sunset!

The one who made Carries heart flutter in Sex and The City! And so did mine! John Corbett is a suave guy! I was so dying to see Aidan and Carrie get together. He looked his best diane lane unfaithful he was suffering from depression after Carrie confessed her affair with Mr Big. I very bad hor haha like him when he so depressed! As Kate Hudsons luv interest in Raising Helen, he sizzled and shone brightly as well!


Before there was a fever of Korean dramas which I never really like, I used to watch my jap dramas when I was in my teens. Takenouchi Yutaka literally break the thermometer! He was soooooooooooooo cute and hot! He used to have long hair with his clean look, those idol type of image but now look how he grown!!???!!! SLURP.

Finally into the last 20 spots. Phew! Aint it diane lane unfaithful HOT HOT? I am so in luv with my blog more now haha. Definitely a birthday treat for my blog which gonna be one yr old soon! In case you find it weird, yes I do have the hots for black and white pics especially when the male lead looked extremely delicious. What an eye opening galore and mouth watering feast!!!!!


He was Kylie bf before! Diane Lane in Unfaithful fizzled with him! He was the disloyal baddie in S.W.A.T. Olivier Martinez really proved that man from France are romantic and sexy! He looked damn good and delicious in suits lah!


How can I ever not notice such a look. I must be a fool not to like Hugh Jackman. He sent my heartbeat thumping and thumping and thumping rapidly! He is hot! Period.

I admit this is one guilty pleasure. Josh Harnett isnt the normal manly kinda look I will fall in luv with. I cant explain why I find him captivating. It must be those die hard lovelorn diane lane unfaithful roles he had land himself with, like Wicker Park and Pearl Harbour. It must be! Handsome fella!


Fight Club, American History X, Red Dragon, The Italian Job or even a priest in Keeping The Faith. Edward Norton is one who can really act! He is so irresistible! Absolutely charming! Catch him in Kingdom of Heaven!

Since I mentioned Kingdom of Heaven, Orlando Bloom is next to be included in my list. True, he look gu-niang in Troy, a lil too dreamy in LOTR as an elf but he had grown and emerged as one of the next hottest leading actor in Hollywood. He maybe small size but he is a hottie! No more curly hair for him though haha. I absolutely find him so sexy being bald! Room for improvement for sure and give him a few more years I diane lane unfaithful sure he gonna make more heads turn!


I prayed for his safety in The Day After Tomorrow knowing he will never die. I hated Kirsten Dunst for breaking his heart! I hated him more when he took her back again! Aaaggghh! He deserved someone better for sure. Jake Gyllenhaal is rising! Just a yr older than me, I think he gonna be the next big icon soon!


He totally stung my heart! Sting is a legend! Music is his life and despite being at a peak age, he still look incredibly appealing. He looked damn diane lane unfaithful in his suits, I always pray he will be invited to music awards just to steal a glance of him even if it is just for that few secs!


Bad boy look! Totally bo chup attitude! Ai mai ai mai .. take it or leave it kinda attitude! Lusicous lips that make me swoon! Roy Chiu Ze is a cross breed of boyish yet manly! His tan, his abs his attitude! Aawwww & someone call 911!!!!!!

The only guy whom I swoon over but totally willing to place his beau photo up as well. Cos I feel they are so compatible! I luv both diane lane unfaithful them and I think they are one golden couple! Way to go Freddie Prinze Jnr!

Hacken Lee! The reason why I was stuck to HK dramas haha. He is so mature looking. Sing well, act well and look so well in suits too! Sex appeal = 10/10 !!!!

Last 10 hotties to come!!!!!


He got that diane lane unfaithful look in Red Dragon. He was so sweet in diane lane unfaithful in Manhattan. He was so sexy in The English Patient. Ralph Fiennes is one English who had milestones in Hollywood and one villian I love!


I tuned in to Las Vegas just to watch him. Josh Duhamel raised the temperature on screen! He is such a eye-candy! Manly and hunky all rolled into one! Dating Fergie from Black Eye Peas currently. Lucky her! Lost his virgin big screen pressence when he was made the lead in Win a date with Tad Hamilton!


The HOT item in Alias. Michael Vartan is so addictive even Jennifer Garner was linked with him once! Well, she was kinda silly to create another Bennifer now. A messy affair too for Vartan will be seen next with J.Lo in Monster In Law. Messy messy messy! Did I mention he was HOT just now?


Stated the most powerful man in Hollywood even the paparazzi make sure they are a few miles away from him. I aint an avid fan of Tom Cruise to be truthful and I had disliked him more when he left Nicole Kidman. But his image in Vanila Sky and Minority Report is a killer! He deserves where he is today. Now that Penelope is with Matthew, Tom Cruise is now settling diane lane unfaithful with Katie Holmes of Dawnson Creek.


Another legend, one who doesnt seem to grow old. Andy Lau clearly has the charms and his MTV with Kelly Chen was superb! Luv his looks in it! He has the looks but he aint my cup of tea. I wont deny he look sexy but I was never a fan of his. Bleah!

His role as O in Full Time killer with Andy Lau took my breath away! Who will ever forget him as GTO either? Full of charisma, look which made me go diane lane unfaithful over!


I will be a fool to miss Brad Pitt out of my list. Voted sexiest man alive for numeral times, he is one man lotsa women would luv to tear him apart. His performance diane lane unfaithful Seven and Troy ultra appealing and sexy! It was a pity he had to part with Jennifer and now rumoured to be cuddling with Angelina Jolie. I wanna see Mr and Mrs Smith soon!!!!!!

WOW WOW WOW! It had been a feat aint it? 3 more slots to go! From 50 to 4, it was purely random but for my no 1, 2 and 3! They are obvious choices for me! They are ranked according to whom I adored most!

Voted the top sexiest man alive in 2004, Jude Law is nothing HOT! His eyes, his everything makes my heart flutter and ready to pop out anytime! No-one can beat him when it comes to Gucci and Armani suits! I LOVE JUDE LAW!!!!!!


George Clooney!!!!!!!!!! I luv him luv him luv him luv him! He is so farking attractive! My all time favourite! HOT HOT HOT!

My dearest SWEETHEART! He is my no1 choice for sure. Hahahaha! Manly, caring, devoted, handsome and everything good about him! I am obsessed with him! So helplessly and blindlessly in luv with him. At least I can hug and kiss him all I want to. Definitely my top of the list. I LOVE YOU THE MOST DEARIE!!!!!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I am finally done! I am deadbeat I tell you! From the of pics to the racking of brains to the description, I took more than 14hours for this entry! I am really sincere and hardworking I tell you! I understand I havent been blogging lately due to the busy working life but I hope this entry kinda replaces the lack of blogging! Very fulfilling for my female readers for sure, for the male readers, is always good to learn more and pick up tips from these sexy hunks. Buck up cos handsome local guys are getting extinct. You dont have to be handsome but at least have some refine attitude and well manners.

Of course, there are lotsa guys to be added but 50 kinda took my life away liao haha cant imagine if I have to add more.

With that, adios to all!

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Post je objavljen 13.01.2008. u 13:32 sati.