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numbers lady

Microsoft Head Hints at Good HD DVD Numbers - AVS Forum

Microsoft Head Hints at Good HD DVD Numbers Responding to Sony sayng HD DVD will be dead soon"On the topic of HD DVD, Moore was largely bullish.

"On that mark I look forward to speaking with you at say CES next year," he began.

"I was numbers lady looking at HD DVD numbers over the weekend, and I think Toshiba may have an opinion about that.

"Full Remarks HereHD numbers lady 52Blu-ray : blue ridge log cabins suspended all Blu-ray purchases numbers lady the time being)
numbers lady Hmm! A tale of two Peters !I was beginning to think about maybe picking up a BR player, but no -- their latest braggadocio puts that back in the can for at least another six months !

numbers lady
"On that mark I look forward to speaking with you at say CES next year"~Peter MooreHmmm....

What does he know!!!The Blu-Ray exclusives that aren't bragged about...Excessive-DRM, Anti-Consumer, Regional Coding, Incomplete Hardware, Non-Mandatory Specifications...

All Blu-Ray exclusive
That Remark from Sony was ridiculous and unprofessional anyway.

Its one thing bragging about your own product, its another talking smack about your competition.

numbers lady
Quote:I know...who hires buffoons like this anymore?

Ever heard of diplomacy mate?HD DVD rocks!

Latest movie purchase Children of Men)
Quote:Maybe Sony has decided to roll back their corporate clock to the hey-day of Hirohito/Yamamoto diplomacy, but without the surprise!

winter classic They see the darkness at the end of the tunnel and know that the PS3 is the BetaMax-2.

So they're now numbers lady the anger stage and making stupid angry numbers lady PS3 will go back to 600 and the Xbox will drop.

HD-DVD standalone prices are already at the point where numbers lady will eventually take over.

And yet prices will drop even more when cheap players flood in from China.
AgreedI hope the HD DVD Promotion Group doesn't allow themselves to be dragged down by this type of behavior.I'm really turned off by companies that have no class and unfortunately there have been a bunch of petulant children running around yapping too much in the media from both sides but perhaps with a bit more vitriol coming from the Blu side.HD DVD rocks!

Latest movie purchase Children of Men)
I myself am format neutral...but these blatant statements coming from the Blu side are really leaving me with a sour taste in my mouth...

It makes me kinda want to go out and burn ps3 and put it up on you tubeHD-DVD & BD SupporterHD-81BD-34 numbers lady
Quote:Yupe! I know how you feel.

Sometimes it make us embarrassed to own products from southern scuffle people!!

Such publicity shamble might be acceptable in the kiddie world of consoles.

But for god sake, stick to your own field.

If you are from the console department speak for your own department and dont embarrass Sony when it comes to the adult world of hidef audio/videoBD movies continuously secondary to HD DVD.

There are more than 10 times more BD players.

Why week: May 20th show sales ratio = BD 58:42 HD DVD?

Answer: HD DVD where true hidef interest lies.

numbers lady numbers lady
Quote:And if Sony has done the same to Bill Gates, not smart.

The man could drop 10 million x-box numbers lady on the market and pay for it out his own lunch money.

Quote:Sony is being mugged by HD DVD, they're bleeding (red ink) and they're crying out to make HD DVD stop it.

Quote:"Nurse Ratchet- We have a GUSHER"!!!JUST SAY NO TO COMBO'S!!!They are the BANE of HD DVD!!Screen Pics patriots game
southern scuffle heartstopper Sony is trying to fight two wars at once.

They are competing with the Xbox on one end and HD DVD on the other.

The problem for Sony is they have the price disadvantage on both fronts!

ItÂ’s very difficult to compete in home electronics with a price disadvantage, unless you have a product that is head and shoulders above your competition, and PS3 / Blu-ray does not have that advantage.HD DVD: 52Blu-ray : 4 (I've suspended all Blu-ray purchases for the time being)
Sony is actually fighting on more then 2 frontsyou also have to add tv's to this category because samsung is currently king in sales for tv's (hdtv's)toshiba has also begun to cut into this pie as well with the new numbers lady hdtv's,toshiba has gone from 8% overall to 12-13% currently
numbers lady only that, but the generaic brands keep cutting their prices and adding features with their market shar going up which is forcing SOny to bring down their prices on TVs closer to cost than they would like.A1 and PS3.Most recent purchase: V for Vendetta (HD-DVD)
This is just too funny.

Why would anyone care what these fools say?Reading some of the coments numbers lady these boards on "both side of the isle", could explain easily where these bonehead execs are coming from.

Clearly they have a very partisan base support.The Hun numbers lady Quote:You don't campaign for the benefit of your party or to gain the other party's voters, you campaign to gain the support of the independent/undecided voters.Thats why I think fanboi-ism is funny.

The company/product you are going fanboi over actually cares quite a bit LESS about you then other people.

Sure, the companies will pay lip service to the fanboi's, but in the end, they already had them sold, so they don't need to focus marketing dollars or promotions on them.Why do you think most promotions (free game, 5 Free HDDVD/BR, etc) are only for people purchasing hardware?A1 and PS3.Most recent purchase: V for Vendetta (HD-DVD)
The tone of these comments is sort of surprising.

Sony needs to remember that a whole lot of serious folks have entered into reasoned deliberations on which format to go with.

Many of those folks (myself) have invested in stand-alone players of both stripes.

And many of these people, whether they've invested in BD or not, may very well have purchased Sony products in the past.

Or they might think about doing that in the future.

And cassadaga is making that crowd of past customers and prospective future customers feel like losers because numbers lady decided to support the Toshiba HD player.I have one Sony TV in my home.

It's probably 20 years old.

I've owned two other Sony TV's in the past.

I have a Sony VHS deck.

Yet I have two Toshiba HD DVD players and a Panny BD player.

I don't warm to these comments by Sony.Hank Brown"Being at the right numbers lady at the right time is purely a function of numbers lady at the right place a lot."JPEG's of my Home Theater.

Quote:This is well said and points to a simple, yet often unfollowed rule of conduct: show integrity wether numbers lady winning or losing.I don't think they have a chance, but even if Sony were to win this thing, I think a lot of people have been turned off by their tactics.Another thought is considering the recent comments which lack integrity and common sense, it can add weight in some people's minds to the idea that there could be something in the antitrust investigation: ruta lee
Wel, it was good to hear numbers lady HD DVD has passed 500,000 players - I can also hardly wait to hear more from the MS folks.(Plus, it's just a pleasure to make a post in a friendly thread for a change!)Restraint, responsibility and respect = Peace...VC1/AVC Codecs COMPARED!

| AlreadyBluray Disc Rot?

| Pre-NOVEMBER 07 BD players Obsolete?

| More HD!! Sign the Studio Petition!

I especially liked this quote:Quote:It is good to see that Msoft and the EU are well aware of numbers lady underhanded tactics with retailers.

Quote:In the states?

Or worldwide?The Blu-Ray exclusives save a blade aren't bragged about...Excessive-DRM, Anti-Consumer, Regional Coding, Incomplete Hardware, Non-Mandatory Specifications...

All Blu-Ray exclusive myspace new years graphics
Quote:This is a VERY GOOD observation.

The sooner HD DVD goes away, the sooner people realize they have to pay $499 for a player and $29.99 for new releases for their new Blu toy.

Damn those HD DVD players for $229 and those 5 free disks!

Quote:I think he already did that.

And Microsoft as a consequence has had to set aside something like $1.3 billion to fix them.

Quote:This may come as a shock to you but the Xbox 360 doesn't play HD numbers lady unless you purchase the add-on.

So I doubt that HD DVD has anything numbers lady do with the problems the 360 has been having.

Of course don't let this small fact change your blu colored world.You know, it used to be you had to take viagra to get a blue tinted world.

Not any more, we now have BR that does the same thing to those willing to believe the pr.

Popular topics today: buynowbe

Post je objavljen 11.01.2008. u 16:36 sati.