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Koreanski uspjeh ili kuda ide svjetsko školstvo

Objavljeni su rezultati zadnje PISA studije. Koreja je pretekla Finsku u čitanju s 557 prema 547 bodova. Finska je u matematici bolja samo za jedan bod (548:547). Treba li nam Koreja biti uzor? Nekoliko stvari za razmišljanje nakon par minuta googlanja:

1.Kod nas se u temelju negativno gleda na samoubojstvo učenika.U Koreji je to drukčije:

"If a student commits suicide in Korea, it's business as usual in the
school. No memorial services, no speeches by the administrators, no
grief counselors, no day of mourning - nada."

2. Kod nas su individualnost i kreativnost precijenjeni:

"Although South Korean students often rank high on international
comparative tests, the education system is sometimes criticized for its
emphasis on passive learning and memorization." (Wikipedia)

3. Previše nam je važno i učenje stranih jezika:

Despite South Korea's obsession with learning English, it ranked among
the lowest in Asia in ability to use the language, and just dropped to
134th in TOEFL speaking scores worldwide.

4. Suviše smo blagi prema našoj djeci i bojimo se autoritativno postaviti:

"Needless to say, Koreans indeed want to get ahead. They strive and work
and study, then these parents enforce such grueling study sessions on
their kids---they're kids, by the time they're in high school--they've
long since forgotten what it means "to be a kid." It's rather appalling.
I know I'm not the only expatriate that thinks this way; many Koreans
have told me this themselves, that the Korean school system has many
problems... that it SUPPRESSES the students. So in this light, they're
SUPPRESSED or REPRESSED from being creative, thoughtful, wholesome.
They're TOLD what and how to think; what the right answer is turns out
to be more important than the creative process to get there."

5. Prekasno djeca odabiru srednju školu:

In the Korean school system, failure to perform even at a very early age
usually traps a child in a mediocre career path for life. Imagine a kid
having his life largely determined by how he scores on a test at age 5.
That's the way the system works, and kids are put under unimaginable
stress for years. No wonder some of them snap.

Ne bih se upuštao u dalju analizu. Povod za ovaj post je mail koji sam dobio od austrijskog sindikalnog kolege, u njemu južnokorejska ugledna profesorica, koja je osnovnu školu završila u Njemačkoj opominje javnost da ne slavi previše koreansku pobjedu I tvrdi da je njoj osobno njemački školski sustav puno draži. U Koreji su učenici pod tolikim pritiskom za uspjehom da velika većina nakon redovne škole pohađa privatne dodatne škole…

Post je objavljen 10.01.2008. u 11:13 sati.