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grounded for life

grounded for life

(related: grounded for life, )

Two down, seventeen to go. Its time for the So You Think You Can Dance results show! Cat welcomes us to the show, looking ever-so-lovely in a yellow floaty dress. Im no longer surprised to see her looking cute. This appears to be a permanent change for the avianca airlines and I applaud the wardrobe stylists who quit smoking crack and started doing their jobs right. Ridiculous costumes are for the contestants, people, not the host.

This weeks group dance is to another Wade Robson song. I wonder if he just paid a DJ to come up with some fresh beats, mumbled a few words into a mic, and called it a day. I wonder if his whole recording career is an attempt to show up his former pal Justin Timberlake, or if its an apology to the world for setting in motion a chain of events that would eventually ruin Britney Spears. Or perhaps hes legitimately multi-talented, and Im just a bitch.

The ladies are decked out in black unitards, tutus, and hi-tops, and attempt to illustrate how robots dance the ballet. Breakdancing comes next, then some of the guys do that thing where you put the hem of your t-shirt through the neck and pull it down so that your t-shirt becomes super slutty. Then Sabra pretends to blow a mighty wind at the group, who wiggle accordingly. Ugh, this dance sucks. I dont think Ive ever been so underwhelmed by an opening number. And it was choreographed by Shane Sparks?? Im so confused.

Enough of this, its time to send some kids home. First to get the news: Lauren and Neil. Theyre wearing concerned faces, but I think theyre faking. Everyone loves them. Cat says theyre safe, and they let out grounded for life sighs of relief.

More after the jump:

Jessi and Pasha are next. They look pretty confident, too & and uh-oh! America disagrees! Theyre in the bottom three! I wasnt expecting that. Perhaps the ladies are intimidated by Pashas Russianosity, or annoyed with Jessis good looks. Marys shocked and disappointed, and caustically berates America. America Ferraras like: Shut your pie hole, Murphy, I voted for Neil! And then she doodles Henrys name over and over on a piece of pink notebook paper whilst devouring an empanada. (I love Ugly Betty.)

Hok and Jaimie are next, and dang, Hoks fan base must be really dedicated, because I cant imagine that Jaimies inspiring much love. Theyre safe, and quite thrilled to hear it.

Lacey and Kameron head up the next group, and I still hate Laceys haircut. This girl needs a side part, STAT. Theyre safe, and hug for an extra-long time. Hmm, maybe Lacey is getting all up in Kamerons mohawk. Maybe next week, Mr. Schwimmers electric sign will read KEEP YOUR DAMN HANDS OFF MY DAUGHTER.

Danny and Anya are up next. No surprise here, America loved them, too!

Ooh, now its getting suspenseful. Dominic and Sabra are next, and they were in the bottom three last week & hmm. I think this is a fakeout. They couldnt possibly be losers again, could they? Its true! They couldnt possibly! Theyre safe! They both completely freak out, and heres where grounded for life get a little scandalicious. Dominic flops dramatically on the floor, Sabra jumps on top of him to give him a hug, and they kind of roll around a little. Its not sexual, but they really arent wearing a lot of clothes, so its a little uncomfortable to watch. Perhaps sensing that his behaviors a little too PG-13, Dominic wisely gets off of Sabra and gives Cat a hug. Nice save.

In the next group, Jesus and Sara are first grounded for life Cat goes through the whole suspense-building windup before telling them that they have to wait a bit longer. She moves on to Shauna and Jimmy, gets them all hyped up, then starts in on Faina and Cedric. What a tease! Its because only one couple is safe  and that couple is Sara and Jesus. Shauna, Jimmy, Faina and Cedric will be dancing for their lives. Mia takes this opportunity to remark that Faina and Cedric are the worst, and that Pasha and Jessi dont belong in the bottom three. Mary and Nigel agree, so that really kills the suspense, because um, theyre the judges. Nigel really lays into Cedric, and the poor guy looks devastated. Plus, now hes gotta go dance a solo. Ouch.

Luckily, hes got some time to compose himself, because Jessis going first. Her solo is ew, not good. Shes got a lot of energy, but grounded for life choreography is atrocious. Its basically a lot of spastic kicking. This is really surprising, because while Jessis not my fave, her choreographys been very strong up until now. Nigel loves cdot though, so shes probably still okay.

Pashas up next, and this promises to be interesting, since ballroom solos are kind of wack by definition. Amazingly, Pashas solo is grounded for life wack in the least! teeth movie got Benji-level energy and charisma to his routine, and really entertains. Im wowed. He wows me.

Shaunas got a tough act to follow, especially since she chose to dance to Lifehouse. She spins around a lot, and its okay, but shes no Allison Holker. She did better than Jessi, though, so Nigels grounded for life a tough choice to make.

Jimmys next, and dang, that kids got some vert! Hes really wonderful, such great technique. The routine itself is also far more exciting than your average contemporary crap, definitely entertaining. grounded for life kids got a bright future ahead of him.

Fainas the last girl to dance, and ooh! Shes dancing to Do You Love Me from Dirty Dancing, and wow, what a smart choice! Its like an instant crowd-pleaser. Her dress is amazing, all twirly and multi-layered. I covet it. Seriously, if you get to wear a dress in heaven, thats the one youll wear. The crimped hair, though, is not a good look. But shes a great dancer, she performs the hell out it, and I just hope she makes it another round.

Cedrics going last, and when the opening chords of Imogen Heaps Hide and Seek played, I knew he was going grounded for life deliver something great. Hes unbelievably good. Honestly, his dancing is awe-inspiring. Its indescribable. I suppose I have to try  its like he fused popping and contemporary. He belongs in Cirque du Soleil or something. I hope Shane Sparks puts him in movies. Aw, when hes done, he heads over to Cat, all teary-eyed, and tells Cat that hes at peace either way. Thats a relief to hear, because we all know how this is going to end.

While the judges deliberate, Daddy Yankee comes out. Hes dressed a like Sean Paul clone, FYI. Im all for the reggaeton, but this is just zzzzzz. Lets get on with the show.

The girls are first to face the judges, and Nigel says the judges were unanimous. First, he tells Jessi that he solo blew chunks. He tells Shauna that she really danced for her life tonight, and shes safe. Aw, dangit, this means Fainas going home. Nigel tells her he didnt like her solo, and so adios, Faina. Poor kid. Shes stoic and gracious, and Im sure will rock the ballroom circuit, but I wanted to see more from her.

Its finally time for the guys. Nigel says the judges were not grounded for life in this decision, and I predict this means that Mia stuck up for Cedric, but hes still out of here. First, Nigel addresses Pasha, and tells him that his solo wasnt good enough. earl holliman I thought he was great, but shows how little I know. Hes safe, though. Nigel then addresses Jimmy and Cedric. He says that last week, the judges kept Cedric based on his uniqueness, not on his technical skills, and consequently let a very strong dancer go in his place. This week, Mary caved and voted for skills over originality, and as Nigel talks, Marys wiping tears from her eyes. Mia stuck up for Cedric, and Nigel says he was right in the middle, but that hes keeping & Cedric? WHAT? Hes keeping grounded for life Jimmys going home & wow, I wasnt expecting this.

Usually, I get very pissed when the judges pick personality/originality over technique and versatility, but Im actually a little relieved grounded for life this result. Heres why: Cedrics got more to gain by staying in this competition. Jimmys ready to work in a company or teach right now, hes clearly got the ability, and the skill set to succeed in traditional auditions. Cedric has more to learn, and will benefit more from exposure on a national stage. At least, thats how Im justifying this. Maybe Im grounded for life blinded by love for his solo, but Im okay with tonights decision.

Plus, pragmatically, Danny and Jimmy are quite similar  graceful black ballet/contemporary dancers. So are Faina and Anya  sexy Russian ballroom dancers. The judges picked one from each type to continue, which sort of makes sense. Getting back to the show, Nigel yells at timothy treadwell like hes been grounded for life, ordering him to rise from the bottom three or face the consequences. Unfortunately, I think Cedrics got a rough week ahead of grounded for Hell be partnering Shauna, and neither one is good enough to elevate the work of the other. Jimmy and Cedric share a big hug, and man, Jimmy is really, really sorry to go. Aw, these are such nice kids. Even my grounded for life hearts been touched & but dont worry, Im sure itll be nice and freezing by next Wednesday.

Later, my little danceketeers!

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Post je objavljen 06.01.2008. u 21:31 sati.