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Eto prvi post za ovu voljenu 2008,moze kratki summary dogadaja od tad :)
Novu godinu sam dočekao s jos dvije osobe u Puli , u biti smo isli na koncert hladnog piva,mile nije zahrdjao i jos uvijek znam ostati pod dojmom.

While I was watching the fireworks above my head, a familiar yet still a sparkling performance pulled off right in front of me,but for the first time I felt there was something missing , in that perfect color filled sky.
I held a friend's hand,because it felt like my chest was ready to dissolve and decompose. I can till remember it,on the tip of my fingers.
The show started, they were as good as always,again there was my mood,going down the drain,and packing it's bags to go far far away.

I kept watching that flashing bas guitar,mumbling lyrics of the songs I knew, when the sound went out. Looking around,people were still moving,old grandmas kept singing, vine kept being poured into the plastic cups.
But there was no sound in my world,maybe just in my head, I guess I wanted someone to be in this sound-less world, or maybe I've already ran farther then I could ever immagine.

Then I realized something, even if someone tells you ''So you don't run away'' while holding your hands tigtly,that it doesn't mean you won't be left behind.
I guess the sound is fading,after a while, I guess I've seen it comming.
I know what I want to feel,that's why it keeps running when it's within my reach,my own sound,that's still missing.

Getting lost in the flow of thoughts,I ended up opening my eyes,and looking as far as I could see, as the world around me slowly returned to speak,shout,sing,and throw around everything it could. and here I was,just another face in the crowd.


Yes I had sex last night, to kill off the silence, today it's still here, disturbing me. It's supposed to be that way, another edge on this road you stumble upon,when you're at a loss,and mostly stink of cheap white wine.
And your body shivers in the cold,as if expecting snow.
I wanna see the snow,it's been so see it as white as the fading memories of this sky, of this feeling,near the end of the first bottle.


Happy New Year,Blessing to you all.
*curtains close for the narrator*

Post je objavljen 03.01.2008. u 17:47 sati.