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Why do you always push me away..?

Dialing an ancient number that was engraved in my soul,I listened to the constant beeping tone.
A few moments after no one picked up,the answering machine made its presence known.

The person you are trying to reach is momentarily unavailable,so please leave a message after the beep.

With a rejected sigh,I hanged up.


No matter how many times I tried,nor how persistent I was,or the fact that I had good intentions,it just served no purpose whatsoever.

Some deny and search for things that never come around
Do I feel like a fool?
The places I have ran to all my life have disappeared
And I owe this all to you.

My call,my wish to help,to heal,to assure,to be... was ignored.I was afraid to show more compassion in trepidation of being mocked,laughed at,repelled.It felt horrid to hide such a need,until one day it just got burried.

I'm feeling like I'm sinking
And nothing's there to catch me, keep me breathing.


Still just a sniveling child,shivering in the cold,but this time not hopeless.No more dead.Hollow.Helpless.

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This time I am outstretching my arms forward.Willing to repay.Wishing to participate.

Why won't you please let me through?
I don't understand why you always push me away.

Merely slightly disappointed at the lack of courage.Lack of the so oftenly spoken strong will.
At the way one thing is said and decided,but another thing takes place.Something else happens.
But even so... I understand.

I don't understand why you always push me away

Why you always push me away
Why you always push me away
Why you always push me away

I just want your torment to stop.And yet again I feel helpless. Laying forgotten in the snow...
Frustrating and agitating.Forgive my brash insolence.
Its just that I care.

*Ispričavam se za ovaj neobičan,neshvatljiv i krajnje imbecilan post koji većina(99,9%) mojih stalnih,ali i prolaznih čitatelja ne razumije,no shvatite ovo kao moronic rambling of an exhausted mind that hasnt slept at all for 36 hours straight and pranced around in her cursed high-heeled boots all night.

Stoga hvala vam svima na razumijevanju,a za zainteresirane(2-3 osobe!YAY!!!!XD) pravi post uskoro slijedi.
Sretna vam svima Nova 2008.godina!

Post je objavljen 01.01.2008. u 09:26 sati.