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tokio hotel u Beogradu!!!! + viva live, J.B.Kerner i tv Total

Viva Live (22.11.2007.)pričali su uglavnom o dvd-u i turneji i da će Novu godinu provesti na Maldivima uz koktele,haha, a Gustav nije rekao niti jedne jedine riječi...po običaju...i svađali su se Bill i Tom oko toga čija je bila ideja za vodu na MTV EMA AWARDS mislim da je na kraju bila Tomova, a Bill ju je usavrš i rekao je da je po svakom palo oko 4 litre vode....haha

03.3.2008 - BELGIJA, Bruxelles
04.3.2008 - NIZOZEMSKA, Rotterdam
06.3.2008 - FRANCUSKA, Strasbourg
07.3.2008 - LUXEMBURG, Esch-sur-Alzette
09.3.2008 - FRANCUSKA, Paris
13.3.2008 - FRANCUSKA, Montpellier
14.3.2008 - FRANCUSKA, Marseille
16.3.2008 - PORTUGAL, Lisabon
18.3 2008 - ŠPANJOLSKA, Madrid
21.3.2008 - ŠVICARSKA, Geneva
23.3.2008 - ITALIJA, Turín
25.3.2008 - ITALIJA, Rím
26.3.2008 - ITALIJA, Bologna
29.3.2008 - SRBIJA, Beograd31.3.2008 - NJEMAČKA, Dortmund


Tom und Bill bei JBK Show
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20.11.2007. TV Total Pro7

1000 Meere

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Stefan: So I'll change the water for TH...Do we have some more? Here. So they all have something to drink. TH are 4, right?
Audience: Yeah..
Stefan: No I know it, I only joke. So ladies&gentleman. Get ready and here in the room: Hold you ears..It's time..Since..1 year, no in January they were at schlag den raab,.. They're back from their tournee through 14 countries, ladies&gentleman greet Tokio Hotel!
Audience screams.
Stefan: Thanks, thank you very much.
Bill: I'm totally..?..
Audience still screams.
Stefan: Ok.. I'll talk with Bill alone. So .. When you meet the.. -to the audience- Really shut up or I'll kick you out. One scream and it goes like this! -movie-
So you were on the way through 14 countries, right?
Tom: It were 17 I believe..
Stefan: 17?
Tom: 17, yes.
Stefan: From France we already heard.
Bill: Yes.
Stefan: The little french girls have a crush on you guys.
Tom: Not we all, .. it's more like him.. On Georg.
Stefan: Are the others a little pissed off they like you the most?
Bill: A little bit sometimes..You have to say that.
Tom: With the other 3, in the foreign country, they ask what happens to us and so and the other 3 boys have nothing to tell, the fans can tell, because nothing will work with them, actually about me you can make a whole tv total - programm.
Stefan: It's not only you're that successful in france, I thought you were at the 2nd place in the album charts?
Bill: Yes.
Stefan: But also in Russia and Poland..
Bill: Yes, we also were just in Italy and so.
Stefan: Yeah I saw that, in Italy you were also with the album in the charts.
Tom: I believe it was the 2nd place too.
Stefan: Madness. But you sing in English or in German?
audience screams.
Yes, it's good.
Tom: The countries can actually decide, we have the german and english albums released.
Stefan: You have that tattoo new?
Bill: Yeah, relatively..
Stefan: What is it?
Bill: Freiheit[=freedom] 89.
Stefan: Freiheit 89? What does that mean? Or well, Freiheit I know, what does 89 mean?
Bill: Thats my birth year, because I did it to my 18th birthday, and that was very important for us, to be 18...
Stefan: You can't pass it, right?
Bill: You can't pass it.
Tom: I don't believe you want that.
Bill: 18 is super..
Tom: 18 is super, exactly.
Stefan: Do you have a tattoo too?
Tom: No I don't.
Stefan: You know it won't go away, right?
Bill: No it won't go away, that's true.
Tom: It'd only make it worse. I won't get my body that stuff[??]You see it at the poster there,too!
Stefan: Exactly. I believe when I was with you in the band, I would pick a more quiet person, you can be more quiet
Stefan: -points at Bill- He always has to do his hair every morning and so..
Tom: But the thing is, people believe they don't need that long, but until he looks like that, it'll take 4, 5 hours!
Stefan: So how are you under eachother? How long are you together? Since 3 year, right?
Bill: no we are already..
Stefan: ... Yeah you exist longer but how long are you famous..?
Bill: 3 years, yeah exactly..
Stefan: Are there discussions? There was a discussion that you'd -points at gustav- get out the band. I've read that somewhere..
Gustav: That of course, in magazines everything will pass,
Bill: Always when we don't release an album or a single we split up.
Georg: Or one dies, that can happen too.
Bill: I read myself a message that I lyed dead in my hotelroom.
Stefan: But you're alright, I don't need to worry? Can I look?
Bill:At first he doesn't realise what Stefan wants to do.We're fine.
This is the point where Stefan lifts Bill sleeve and looks if he takes drugs..
Bill bursts into laughter.
Stefan: But it's like that! Especially the bands which are famous that young, it's the story of the rockmusic, they end really extreme.
Bill: We're extremely addicted to coffee.
Stefan: And alcohol?
Bill: We are just allowed..
Stefan: You try in the USA too, right?
Bill: We hope so, there's nothing officially planned, but it'd be cool, of course.
Stefan: But the fans in germany will miss you right?
Audience: YES!!!!!!!!!!!
Bill: But we always return! Just as now, we're again at your sofa..
Stefan: Do you have pauses or are you to home sometimes?
Bill: We have 4 weeks off now, the first 4 weeks in the whole year.We always have 2 weeks where we can fly away and..
Tom: We look extremely fresh, I think, you don't see it..
Stefan: Yes, you look totally relaxed. From what you hear from the media you get the feeling you're today here, tomorrow there and always only in dark backstage wholes and that can be dangerous.
Bill: Yes, from the countries you don't see that much,most of the time it's just plane, tourbus, backstageroom, that's true..
Stefan: Yes and with an interview I heard some rumours you are gay, what's with that? Or did you already denie it?
Bill: Yes! At RTL already!
Stefan: Who spreads that kind of rumours?
Bill: I believe..
Stefan: .. I kinda get the feeling you do it yourself so once in a couple days there's something about you in the newspaper!
Bill: Actually we are happy when there's nothing about us in the newspaper in 2 days! We won't make it to read everything and so, there's every day something new..But other than that.. I believe I was drunk after my birthday and than went to a fanforum and than of course..
Stefan: Aha, so of course you wrote: "I am gay."
Bill:..Yes and unfortunately it came out and it was totally stupid.
Stefan: Yes. Well, we will hear you later..You play today a song from your new single.. I'll say more about that later. The boys need to go backstage to get ready for their performance but they are directly back, no fear. So, Tokio Hotel go away a while
Bill: Thanks.

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TOKIO HOTEL U BEOGRADU 29.3.2008.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Tokio Hotel u martu u Beogradu
Utorak, 20. novembar 2007. 18:53

Nemačka tinejdž punk/rock grupa Tokio Hotel sviraće u Beogradu 29. marta naredne godine, otkrio je direktor Beogradske arene Djrodje Milutinović.

Tokio Hotel je četvoročlani sastav iz Magdeburga, izuzetno popularan u Nemačkoj, Austriji i Švajcarskoj, ali koji tek treba da se pojavi na zahtevno i vrlo probirljivo englesko tržište.

Grupa se najpre zvala Devilish, ali su članovi benda potom promenili ime u Tokio Hotel, jer im je Tokio omiljeni grad(!?).

Imaju dva albuma ("Shrei" i "Zimmer 483"), ali su ove godine objavili i album na engleskom jeziku, koji je zapravo kompilacija njihova prva dva na nemačkom - "Scram (Room 483)".

Prvi singl ("Scream" i "Ready, Set, Go!") za američko tržište objavili su septembra ove godine.
Bend čine blizanci Bil i Tom Kaulic, Georg Listing i Gustav Šafer.

Na nedavnoj dodeli evropskih MTV nagrada u Minhenu osvojili su nagradu Inter Act i to tačno dva meseca pošto su blizanci Kaulic postali punoletni.

Inače, direktor Arene Djordje Milutinović rekao je da su u toku pregovori sa Vanesom Mej i da bi beogradska publika mogla da je čuje sredinom decembra.

Monsoon - by: Bill & Jeremy

Star Academy: Tokio Hotel - Monsoon [17-11-2007]
Uploaded by tokiohotelfans

Engleski prijevod backstage videa na ADS

Translation Tokio Hotel Live in Europe
Bill: When people came up to me and said: "Ok, you will play a European Tour next year," I thought: "That is so cool!"

Tom: The atmosphere is so good. Everyone gets along with each other, everyone has their own jobs, and iis happy with it, it grooves like that.

Bill: I have to say we are having a good time, and the tour started off good, and we've had really cool concerts so far.

Georg: We haven't had any big problems so far. Bill once messed up the days, and once Tom's guitar stopped working, but other than that it was super.

Bill: When I'm standing there and I know I almost have to go on stage, I know I want to go over the lyrics one more time, but I can't remember anything.

Tom: What you really can't do is, 10 seconds before you go on stage, you really can't think about what you are going to play anymore.

Bill; I am not allowed to do that. I am not allowed to go over the lyrics again because it makes me completely nervous and I will mess up everything.

Tom: I, as the guitar player, of course keep the whole show together, so from that it will go very well.

Tom: You feel at home here, you have a lot of fun and I think that is the most important thing on tour and that is why I am very happy.

Bill: The concerts were sensational

Bill: Nothing is finshed, but the singer is ready, as usual.

Tom: Roger!

Bill: Ok, it started in Prague, I know that, then Ostrava, Bratislava, Warsaw…

Tom: Uhm shit, Prague…

Georg: Vienna, Kempten…
Bill: Budapest…

Gustav: Zürich, Paris…

Georg: Nancy was … I think…

Tom: What came after that…

Gustav: What what was it,… I know it…

Bill: Stutgart, Munich, Nurenberg…

Gustav: Berlin, Leipzig

Bill: As you can see they are building the stage now. We have been practising here for the last few days, and now it's time. Tomorrow it will start. Tomorrow….

Tom: …the first show… oohooo

Bill: … we are playing in Prague. No, we are really nervous.

Tom: Now, look, the stage looks really cool.


Gustav: YEAH!

Dude: …… (can't understand, sorry)

Gustav: SURE!

Georg: From all these impressions you get a lot of ideas. It is a very inspiring and, I think, also a very creative time.

Tom: In Warsaw I slept really bad. I was awake until 7:30. UnbelievaBill. I just couldn't get to sleep. Sometimes you have so many thoughts and you force yourself to go to sleep but you can't. You just can't. And it was so hot, and the window wouldn't open and then I had to turn down the climate system and I had pain (somewhere, cant understand, sorry)… It was bad.

Georg: Aww you poor thing.

Tom: It was terrible

Tom: The bus is really cool. We all have big beds with TVs, DVD players, we have loads of DVDs on board.

Bill: I'm very satisfied with it. I think it's a great bus and we also have a great time together.

Tom: But sometimes it's too small.

Bill: I've also fought with some people and fought a little with the band, That also happens.

Georg: Everyone can just go and lie in bed and close the curtains and then everyone understands they need to be alone for a while.

Tom: Georg showers, Gustav also does that sometimes, and so it goes. We don't get on each other that much.

Bill: Soooo, people… we are backstage here. It is 35 minutes before the gig and you can see, I can still smile while saying that, but the others are very chilled.

Bill: I am a little nervous and tired.

Gustav: It hasn't become routine yet. It is a different venue everytime, and even though you have the same setlist, you need to make a special connection every time with the crowd.

Georg: You have to think: where can we stand with every song, so we don't get (somethin, I can't understand, sorry) on our heads.

Bill: (I really can't understand, sorry)

Bill: Today we got platinum and gold for the new album, for the old one platinum.

Gustav: The fans sing along withg the entire album

Bill: Its hard to imagine, but you see it. You come out of the hotel and they speak German to us. Of course they have accents, but they can do it.

Tom: Bill is the singer, so he talks a little bit here and there. He is the frontman, so we said: ok, you are the frontman, than you also have to say something .

Bill: Je parle un petit francais (I speak a little bit of French). Attencion (Listen), Je m'appele Bill (My name is Bill).

Bill: I think it is friendly when someone goes to another country he can say a few sentences or a few words in that language.

Tom: So he learned a few things.

Bill; Polish… what was that again? Aah ahoy warsawa it was, exactly.

Tom: And some French, I can teach the others some of that.

Bill: So much has happened and we were in so many countries, but it seems to me as if we've only just started.


Novi termini, Francuska, naravno...marš
06/03/08 Starsbourg
13/03/08 Montpellier
14/03/08 Marseille


20.11. TV Total ( Pro7 ) 23:15 h
21.11. Johannes B. Kerner show ( ZDF ) 23:00 h
22.11. VIVA Live 15:00 h
23.11. MTV TRL 16:00 h
23.11. Unsere Besten ( ZDF ) 21:15 h
24.11. Frag doch mal die Maus ( ARD ) 20:15 h
25.11. Zimmer 483 Live DVD World Premiere in 100 cinamas
30.11. Release DVD

Post je objavljen 18.11.2007. u 19:18 sati.