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ICE campaign - "In Case of Emergency"

Mobile phone, illuminated keypad

Za ovu kampanju znam vec duze vrijeme, ali sam posve zaboravila do jucer, kad sam ponovno dobila mail s navedenim sadrzajem.

Ovim putem zelim vas upoznati s idejom, a za one koji vec znaju, a nisu napravili ICE unos - podsjetnik.

Tekst u slobodnom prijevodu glasi ovako :

Svi mi imamo svoje mobilne telefone s mnostvom imena i brojeva u memoriji, ali nitko osim nas samih ne zna kome pripadaju - obitelji, prijateljima ili poslovnim suradnicima.
Ukoliko bi se u slucaju neke nesrece osobe koje se nadu na licu mjesta nekom od nasih najblizih morale obratiti za pomoc ili obavijest, u tom trenutku o kojem bi nam mogao ovisiti zivot, iscitavanjem nasih unosa na mobitelu - jednostavno ne bi znali koga da zovu.

Naravno, pomoc bi se mogla dobiti zvanjem mozda bilo kojeg od navedenih brojeva, ali KOGA DOISTA ZVATI u presudnom trenutku u slucaju hitnosti ?

Tako je nastala "ICE" (In Case of Emergency) Campaign.

Koncept ove kampanje je trenutna reakcija, momentalni kontakt u slucaju hitnosti i nesrece. Buduci da vecina populacije posjeduje mobilni telefon, ono sto trebate napraviti je pohraniti ICE broj-a koji je telefonski broj osobe koja mora prva i najbrze biti pozvana u slucaju da vam se nesto dogodi. Moze biti i vise unosa ( ICE1, ICE2) u slucaju da se zelite osigurati ukoliko itko ne bude dostupan.

Ideja je pokrenuta od strane tehnicara hitne pomoci, koji je na mjestu nesrece uvijek nasao kod ozljedenih mobilni uredaj, ali nije znao koga da zove. Dosao je na pomisao da bi dobro bilo ustanoviti nacionalni standard ICE broj koji bi bio opce prihvacen i prepoznat po kratici i svrsi.
U slucaju nesrece, osoblje hitne pomoci i drugih sluzbi, kao i bolnica bi bili u mogucnosti hitno kontaktirati osobe koje odaberete jednostavnim biranjem unosa ICE ( ICE1, ICE2, ICE3 )
Narocito je vazno ovaj unos postaviti na brojeve mobilnih telefona vase djece.

Izvrsna ideja koja moze ciniti razliku u presudnom trenutku !

Molim vas da ovu ideju proslijedite i dalje, da sto vise ljudi bude upoznato s tim. Obavijestite svoje najblize. Ne trazi puno truda, ali donosi mnoge prednosti, i doista moze spasiti zivot ili nam olaksati brigu kad je rijec o nasim najdrazima.


Originalni tekst :

We all carry our mobile phones with hundreds of names/ numbers stored in its memory but yet nobody, other than ourselves, knows which of these numbers belong to our near and dear ones?
In case we are involved in an accident or had a heart attack and the people attending us get hold of our mobile phone but don't know which number to call to inform our family members.
Yes, there are many numbers stored but which one is the contact person in case of an emergency?For this reason, we must have one or more telephone numbers stored under the name ICE (In case of Emergency) in our mobile phones.Recently, the concept of "ICE" is catching up quickly.
It is simple, an important method of contact during emergency situations.As cell phones are carried by majority of the population, just store the number of a contact person or person who should be contacted during emergency as ICE" (meaning In Case of Emergency).
The idea was thought up by a paramedic who found that when they went to the scenes of accidents, there were always mobile phones with patients, but they didn't know which number to call. He therefore thought that it would be a good idea if there was a nationally recognized name for this purpose.
Following a disaster in London, the East Anglican Ambulance Service has launched a national "In case of Emergency (ICE)" campaign. In an emergency situation, Emergency Service personnel and hospital staff would then be able to quickly contact your next of kin, by simply dialing the number stored as "ICE".Please forward this. It won't take too many "forwards" before everybody will know about this.It really could save your life, or put a loved one's mind at rest.
For more than one contact name simply enter ICE1, ICE2 and ICE3 etc.A great idea that will make a difference!Let's spread the concept of ICE by storing an ICE number in our mobile phones today! Please forward to your all nearest and dearest.

Post je objavljen 08.11.2007. u 13:59 sati.