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3 months since you left us

My dear Bracko...Tak falis,neopisivo...Tek sam sad smogla snage za napisati nekaj...Nadam se da si na boljem mjestu,ali da sada cuvas rodicu...Pazi da ne umre...Znam da neces dopustit...
I sekunde se gomilaju,minute,sati,dani,mjeseci...A tebe nema...
I nikako da nam se vratis...I to vise boli...Polako se sve vraca u normalu,ali sa ogromnom tugom,boli i rupom u srcu...Tesko je maknuti se bilo gdje,i vidjeti da te nema...I znati-nikad vise te ni nece biti...
Nemogu pisati vise,nemogu...
Sklizu prsti,tipke su mokre od suza...Molim te,sacuvaj rodicu,i nek joj bude dobro,cuvaj sebe i svoje...
A ako ti ostane vremena,malo pricuvaj i mene nekad...
Znaj-volim te,prijatelju najdrazi...
Friends forever...Eternaly blood brothers...

Rest in Peace!!!

When you smiled the sun shone
And when you frowned the rain came.
I felt like a queen, top of the world
walking beside you and
all the rainbows did gleam.
Now there's an empty space,
where you once did pace...
I'll always love you -
never forget you.
God bless you and hold you as dear as
you were once to me....
So let it be!

Take me away
To a distant land
It doesn't matter
If it exists

Take me away
To a wonderful place
As only seen in books
Cause I don't want to stay

Take me away
No matter the cost
I would rather die
Than remain

Take me away
Before I am gone
I'll lose my soul
And be nothing

Take me away
Body and soul
No worries
Only away

Take me away
Before I drown
I died long ago
I don't belong here

Take me away
Before I disappear
I'm halfway there
There is no fear

I just need to be taken away
To a far away place
Where picky things don't matter
And happiness is key

Take me away
Before I die

Cross the mountain, cross the sea
In the moment left by thee
Midnight a-sleeping past the clock
And the graveyard is on its watch

Friends of many and many allure
The dead never lives more;
Sleeping, unaware of the past
The world lives by so vast

Uncontrollable, in their graves
Locked up like a cave
To hide in deep all away from the now
Many visiting; none of vow

With and through, in the graveyard still
The only movement on that hill
Was the sound of human, the sound of wind
The memories on when it begins

Many more to come and many until
All standing upon the same hill
They enter themselves, silent as stone
To see the light which brightly shone

Watching, they are, you never know
Whether they see you, until you go below
The darkness itself, in light appear
Up, in the living, its all tear

We aren’t immortal, we don’t last
Pain and emptiness are often cast
Upon the lovers, upon the friends
To go through many times again

The undead lives on and on
Past the living, and we all were wrong
Wrong about the future, wrong about the past
Wrong about what will forever last

In the graveyard, there are two worlds
And both the lands unfurl
Into the living, into then not,
Into the hopes of life unsought

Is there an end after this end
Can we again see our friends
Are you off, away to descend
And are we paranoid enough to pretend

Cross the mountain, cross the sea
In the moment left by thee
Midnight a-sleeping past the clock
And the graveyard is on its watch

Post je objavljen 21.10.2007. u 21:22 sati.