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Turn on, tune in, FUNK OUT!

odusevljena sam eek!smajlicem woohoo


ovo je obavijest da su danas peppersi.
jedinstvena prilika za vidit me u prirodnom hyper funked out stanju.
odoh hajperat.
napisacu post kad se vratim


volim vaaaaas


Evo mene nakon dva dana s editom. Tribute.
Paaaa, bio je tako neopisivo jebeno sevodelican, da probam pisat bilo bi uzaludno.
Samo cu rec, svi koji niste bili stvarno ste puno propustili tolko pozitivne energije nabijene u tako mali prostor nisam dugo dozivila, sve smo uspjele zaboravit probleme bar na par jebenih sati, uspjele smo ispipkat pjevaca *slinslinslinsvrs* waaaaah omg bilo ej jebeno. Slike i videi uskoro.


When I am gone, you will all have this to ponder and maybe realize why I did what I did. A little push in front of other kids is a very big deal, particularly when you know it's gonna happen to you every single day, every single day, every single day, you are almost relieved when it actually happens. You are always waiting, waiting for the next attack. They don't just hurt kids, they make you hurt yourself. I cant take two more years of this, and the more they call me the mad bomber, the more they are scaring themselves. They dont know what am capable of, they dont know what I can do, and then there's the sanctuary of home sweet home. So, the play, yes Mr. do-gooder, why does he even bother? Doesn't he know its already too late? Sometimes I see the way things could've been, I just wish I could be the person she thinks I am. Kids can be the most ruthless people in the world. They can just be supernaturally cruel. You've got to be a man! Be a man! BE A MAN! Sometimes you just wanna cry. Sometimes hate is the only real thing in the world. You can stop loving someone, but hate seems to go on forever. People respect hate. It speaks, it vibrates. Some people don't even need a gun to hurt you. They use words or laughter. They enjoy watching you bleed to death. They get off watching you fighting back the tears, getting a lump in your throat, blushing, wanting to cry, and they give you a name: Trashcan, pizzaface, loser, faggot, loser, weirdo, spaz, retard. You know the name does something to you. It changes who you are, it alters your molecules and one day you wake up and you look in the mirror and you don't recognize yourself anymore, because you believe them. They win you lose. You wanna cry, please leave me alone, but nobody listens, because nobody cares, because you don't have a name anymore because they took it away, and then one day they say that name and you hear something go snap. You realize what you gotta do, you gotta take back your name and you've gotta do it in front of the whole school because that's where they took your name away from you. You gotta do it so every kid will remember. This is about justice and after a while you can only think of one way: Jonesboro, Springfield, Paducah, Columbine, a gun, a bomb, instant justice, Ba-bang! But what a rush when they roll out that yellow tape, miles and miles of yellow tape. They won't have enough when I'm finished. So when these hallways are flooded with rivers of blood, when these hallways are choked with their corpses in body bags you all say oh what a tragedy, oh what a tragedy, but possibly after viewing my tapes, you wont be so quick to judge. Maybe that's why I was put in this earth. So consider this my last will and testament.

Bang bang. You're dead. Bang bang. I'm dead too.

Ne ne ne. Ovo me ubija. Ne ne ne. Zasto su svi otisli? Ne ne ne. Necu to dopustit. Ne ne ne. Zasto svaki put ja stradam? Ne ne ne. Winter is coming. Ne ne ne. Proprium humani ingenii est odisse quem laeseris. Ne ne ne. Zar mrznja? Ne ne ne. Denial. Anger. Bargaining. Acceptance. Death. Ne ne ne, sutite svi glava me boli, pustite me na miru! U mojoj glavi se svada gomila ljudi, nadam se da se ne cuje, a dijete u meni jos uvijek se cudi kamo se to putuje....

I wanna jam it wid you.... Toga nema. Nema onog poleta, ubrzavanja srca, leptirica, prokletih...Nema niceg. Samo prazno gdje je nekad bio on...

Tararararam. Pucam po savovima. Screaming. Nobody hears. Is anyone there? Is anyone listening? Does anyone care? She's lost...
She's leaving... Faraway... so close....

I always hear you. Now I'm gone.... And everything falls into place, right? IAG?

Cry alone, I've gone away
No more nights, no more pain
I've gone alone, took all my strength
I've made the change,
I won't see you tonight

Sorrow, sank deep inside my blood
All the ones around me
I cared for and loved

Building up inside of me
A place so dark, so cold, I had to set me free
Don't mourn for me,
You're not the one to place the blame
As bottles call my name I won't see you tonight

Sorrow sank deep inside my blood
All the ones around me
I cared for and most of all I loved
But I can't see myself that way
Please don't forget me or cry while I'm away

Cry alone, I've gone away
No more nights, no more pain
I've gone alone, took all my strength
But I've made the change,
I won't see you tonight

So far away, I'm gone.
Please don't follow me tonight
And while I'm gone everything will be alright

“So we’re over… you're just going to leave and walk away from all of this…no…I am," she said...
"Always and Forever" she said straining to keep a recognizable voice. She didn't look back or say anything more as she walked away and shut the door behind her.

Show love with no remorse and climb on to your seahorse adn this ride is right on course and....

i love you.
(ne, nije za NEKOG, nego za sve. All for one, one for all.)

Post je objavljen 20.10.2007. u 15:34 sati.