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danas je za nas jako jako tužan dan...
javili su nam se volonteri njemačkog azila koji su uzeli prije 2 tjedna 4 psa od nas...
rekli su da se onaj što je imao slomljenu nogu dobro oporavlja, ali da je mini đaklu nažalost uginuo... cry ljudi su nas nazvali plačući na telefon i ispričavajući se.. al nisu oni krivi... pasić je stigao kod nas totalno izgladnjel, nakon tko zna koliko lutanja.. oni su ga odma taj dan uzeli jer su ga htjeli spasiti.. veterinari u njemačkoj su dali sve da mu pomognu, ali su rekli da mu jednostavno nije bilo spasa.. ovo je naš mali đakluić... tj. pinky...

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lipo spavaj beba.. barem si zadnjih 2 tjedna uspio saznati što znači bezuvjetna ljubav od strane čovjeka...

we are very sad that this happend.. but we wanna say thank you to our German friends who gave their best trying to save this puppy... thanx for giving him all your love and time tryin to heal him...


My best friend closed his eyes last
night, As his head was in my hand.
The Doctors said he was in pain,
And it was hard for him to stand.

The thoughts that scurried through
my head, As I cradled him in my arms.
Were of his younger, puppy years,
And OH...his many charms.

Today, there was no gentle nudge
With an intense "I love you gaze",
Only a heart thats filled with tears
Remembering our joy filled days.

But an Angel just appeared to me,
And he said, "You should cry no more,
GOD also loves our canine friends,
HE's installed a 'doggy-door"!

--- Jan Cooper --- 1995



The dogs who've shared our lives.
In subtle ways they let us know
their spirit still survives.
Old habits still make us think
we hear a barking at the door.
Or step back when we drop
a tasty morsel on the floor.
Our feet still go around the place
the food dish used to be,
And, sometime, coming home at night,
we miss them terribly.
And although time may bring new friends
and a new food dish to fill,
That one place in our hearts
belongs to them...
and always will.

---Linda Barnes ---

za paška.. šušu the shwacenegera.. mini đaklua... crnu-crnu...
kamikazicu... meggy... bapsy... bjelku... pocketa #1... i svima koji su nam ulipšali trenutke u azilu...



Post je objavljen 15.10.2007. u 16:09 sati.