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Opening The Doorway Within

by Rebecca Prescott

Our body-mind-spirit is a series of interwoven systems, each with an
inherent and implicit order, that function within, and as part of, the
whole. Taking this understanding further, the body, mind and spirit
are themselves part of a larger series of interdependent systems. Each
human being is both the unified whole of its own systems, and an
integral part of its species, planet, galaxy, universe, and the
cosmos, and all of the systems of which they are composed.

The reason this understanding is important, is because it is within
these cosmic structures that our existence takes place. Because we are
energetically interconnected in this way, our health and wellbeing is
both related to, and affected by, the functioning of these wider
systems. Thus, in developing an understanding of the nature of these
wider systems, we can learn how to interact with the energies with
which they are composed, in a manner that can bring about true healing
and consciousness expansion.

We, the planet, the cosmos, and all living things in it, are composed
of sentient, structured units of consciousness. These units of
consciousness, from the smallest (as an atom is the smallest element
of our body), to the largest, aggregated structures of consciousness
(as organs within our body are aggregations of individual cells), are
sentient. They, and we, are fundamentally expressions of energy,
ordered according to specific mathematical relationships. These
energetic building blocks are the Primal Substance from which the
cosmos, and everything in it, are made.

These units of Primal Substance continually 'cycle', and it is through
this cycling, that the divine energy of Source perpetually circulates
within living systems. The units of Primal Substance (called partiki),
flash on, and off, in a specific process of fission and fusion.
Partiki units have within them the potential for all polarities, or
none. This means that they can express as both electrical, or
expansive units, and magnetic, or contractive units. In the process of
fission and fusion, they do both.

When partiki units enter our 15-Dimensional Time Matrix from Source,
they replicate. The original partiki unit breaks apart to form two
sub-vibrations, as well as a replica that contains the original
pattern, the core vibration. The base electrical, and base magnetic
sub-vibrational units (particum and partika respectively) , flash on in
our universe (base magnetic) and our parallel universe (base
electrical) simultaneously. Because of the nature of the partika base
electrical units, they start to tow the base magnetic particum units.
The particum unit then flashes off in our universe, and expands the
morphogenetic field within which it all exists. In this way, energy is
added to the morphogenetic field.

Because of this, (remove comma) and the interconnection between the
three units (partiki, partika, and particum), the replicated partiki
and the particum (in the morhpogenetic field) pull the electrical
partika (in parallel), back into themselves. All three fuse, flash
off, and disappear. They create a backflow current that goes back to
Source, and it is this backflow current that, on a larger level,
allows us to return, consciously, back to Source. When we, and the
partiki, flash off, we return to our Original Identity.

It is in this process of expansion and contraction that energy from
the Stillpoint of Source (expressing as a particular partiki unit in
its latent state), moves into, and out of, the manifest arena. These
processes take place continually within our bodies, within the earth,
and within all things connected to Source.

Partiki units create and maintain the electromagnetic frequency fields
upon which the universe is built and maintained. Partiki units group
together to form more complex structures that in turn create
morphogenetic fields. Morphogenetic fields "govern the matter
manifestation and the evolution of biology and consciousness. "
(Kathara 1 Manual) Morphogenetic fields are the "Blueprints" upon
which our consciousness enters the experience of dimensionalization
from those arenas closest to Source.

By entering dimensionalization and being expressed in a physical form,
we as sentient, joyous, radiant and eternal Beings made of pure
frequency (energy) have the opportunity to embark on a journey through
which we can know the nature of God Source more fully. And though that
journey may test us at times, and though we may make choices that lead
to experiences we regret (or might do differently again), we still
have within us that undistorted, healed, "Divine Blueprint" aspect.
And even if we don't fully understand the parameters of 'why' our
lives are some way, we still have within ourselves the potential for
healing. It is through techniques such as the Maharic Seal (see below)
that we can begin the process of realigning our current state with our
Divine Self-as-Source, and heal that which we need to.

The Maharic Seal technique activates the pale silver dimension 11 and
12 frequencies (energy currents) within us by first releasing the
seals within our dormant 10th, 11th, and 12th chakras. We exist within
a 15-Dimensional Time Matrix and possess a 15-Dimensional anatomy but
in our current 3-Dimensional physical bodies, most of the dimensional
frequencies between Dimensions 4 and 15 are inactive or dormant.

Techniques like the Maharic Seal use a precise sequence of color,
sound and methodology to release the 'seals' that keep the dimensional
compartments separate, and thus allow us to bring increasing levels of
these higher frequencies into our bodies. It is in this way that we
can begin to integrate our own God-Source consciousness by bringing it
into our conscious awareness. We are in effect, opening dormant energy
conduits in a safe manner that leads us to our latent "Divine Self".
This is the natural process of "evolution". We all have the ability to
undertake this journey within ourselves. It is a path of unfolding
Self recognition where the limitations and ideas we may have about
ourselves expand to hold an essence of who we truly are, an essence we
may have long forgotten.

Post je objavljen 19.09.2007. u 22:09 sati.