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Psychic Self-Defense

1: On a physical level, of course, it is always good to burn high quality incense, or even better "sage" when you want to clear the psychic and physical atmosphere. However, if you want to super clear the energy, the best method of all is to put three or four tablespoons of epsom salt into a small frying pan or small cooking pot that you don't need anymore for regular cooking. Then pour in rubbing alcohol so that it just covers the Epsom salt by a little bit. Place the pot in the middle of the room you want to clear and light a match to it. The entire atmosphere is burned of all negativity.

2: One of the best kinds of all is to just wear a crystal pendant. Crystals amplify energy, and wearing a crystal or carrying one with you will serve this purpose in a most effective manner.

3: Another important point is to not keep your television right at the foot of your bed. When you shut it off at night it is still emanating radiation and your feet chakra just soak in the energy.

4: The homeopathic pharmacy also has certain kinds of homeopathics that are for the specific purpose of strengthening your energy field and offering protection. I know there are certain Bach flower remedies for this purpose.

Pesticides, chemicals, metals, mercury, and an infinite number of other possible toxins can be cleaned out of your system in a month or two months time using homeopathics and/or herbs.

5: It is recommend drinking six to eight glasses of pure water a day. This clears a lot of toxicity out of the body. It is also very important not to eat right before bed.

6: Never cross your legs when sitting or standing. This immediately cuts off the flow of energy through your chakra system. As long as your aura is strong you cannot be affected by negative entities.

7: Whenever you eat your food it is also a good idea to bless your food. This can be used for a prayer for this. "As you are created by God, adore thy Creator in what you shall do within my body and temple as I build it to His glory. Amen".

8: Another very simple technique to activate, open and energize your chakras is to cup your hand in front of you just below the first chakra. Slide your hand upwards through all your chakras and then over the top of your head feeling the subtle magnetism as you do this. Do this from three to seven times and it will energize you if you are feeling sluggish.

9: If you ever feel yourself under psychic attack of some kind, or there is a negative energy in your home, there are a number of physical things to do. One is to shower and set the intent as you shower, that you are also cleansing all seven bodies. A dark entity can only get in if you are weakened, or vibrating at a similar level of consciousness. Showering cleanses the aura and body. Put on clean clothes, and wash your old clothes.

In a severe case of psychic attack it is a good idea to eat frequently, like every two hours. Food makes one less sensitive, and at a time like that you want to be more grounded. It is also a good idea to be around positive people.

10: Another excellent technique for strengthening your energy field and killing all bacteria and viruses is to sun bathe. This totally vitalizes the etheric body.

11: It is also a good idea to have your bed face East, for this is the direction of the strongest spiritual current. This is also recommended for when you meditate.

Post je objavljen 14.09.2007. u 00:54 sati.