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...Be true to yourself and follow your heart...

...ewo...jawljam wam se na prwi dan shkole...dada...ponowno je pochela shkola...ljeto je zawrshilo...zaprawo po kalendaru narawno josh chim je shkola pochela...zna se da se ne mozhe ich swaki dan na kupanje...izlasci do kasno...i takwe stwari....nazhalost =(...ja sam sad 7. razred....shta znachi...nowi predmeti...buu hh...joj...dobili smo kemiju,...fiziku....i biologiju...grr =)...danas smo imali 3 sata...naj je prwi dan haha =)...nish ne radish...pushtaju te...i prwom su nam podijelili besplatne knjige...a bolje je tako...samo shta su nam dali neke welike wreche da knjige unutra strpamo i moramo to nosit doma...a znate kako je to teshko????...omg...otishle smo ja i moe curke u grad malo....shkl nam zavrshila oko 8..9..a mi bile u gradu do podne....hhh...bilo nam je suuperr...iam slike al mi nesh ne walja onaj samsung pc studio (slike su s moba) ...nesh mi onda nish od slika danas...mozhda drugi put =)....sorryte :) al chu stawit, da wam se iskupim, neke ewo...

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To bi bilo to od slika ;)...sorryte kaj ih je malo..

U zadnje wrijeme nisam pisala onako one swoe stwari hh pa ih neche bit u owom postu ( u drugom sigurno =)...ewo sad nesh shta nisam je netko drugi napisao....hih:)

Words escape me
at this moment
that seems like the end
yet it is only the beginning
when friendships are close
and dreams are far
you were there for me.
Tears fill me
with memories of both good and bad
some nearly forgetton
yet all dear to the heart
you were there for me.
In times of trouble
and in times of thanks
you stood by my side
and held me up.
Through your ever-patient ears
to your comforting hugs
you were there for me.
From that first day
when I saw you and knew
that you would love me for who I was
you were there for me.
And until the day
when we are old and gray
I will always know that
you are there for me.

Shta nie prekrasna =) ?

Ewo josh neshto krache da was ne muchim s tolikim textom hh....

You're never alone, I'm always near,
When your troubled, down or blue.
All you have to do is call me,
I'm always here for you.

It doesn't matter where I'm at,
It doesn't matter when.
When you need someone to talk to,
I'm here to be your friend.

If you need someone to hold your hand,
or a hug to say I care.
If you need a shoulder to cry on,
for you I will be there. bi bilo to od mog 52. posta....prwi dan shkole =)....ajd zabawljajte se josh dok mozhete hh...i sretno!...hih...jawljam wam se brzo=) AnNa =)

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Poprawio se samsung pc studio lol....ewo slika od danas haha~

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omg nes mi ne valja...bilo je puno vise razlicitih slika a sad su sve ispale iste pa sam brisala...sad ih je samo 3...=( šmrc...

Post je objavljen 03.09.2007. u 12:46 sati.