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LiVe eVErY SeCoNd!


Ej! da se nabrzinu opet javim... neki Jade Puget , gitarist Kalifornijskog rock-benda A Fire Inside je napravio remix pjesme Ready set go! TH-a!!!
nije loše...ima 30 sekundi samo...

Click here to watch 'tokiohotel-remix-of-uedw'

intervju twinsa o 18.rođendanu.... intervju je odličan...ja sam pala u nesvjest kad sam ga čitala... a Tomove izjave.. .OMG...

That will become the birthday of their life! The Tokio Hotel-twins Bill and Tom Kaulitz will celebrate their birthday at 01. September. Both megastars are looking forward to that date already for ages. The super-twins tell in an exclusive Bravo-interview, how they will "es krachen lassen" ("really make party") - and what will change now for them!

Why are you looking so forward to your birtday?

We are looking forward to that since 18 years (laughs)! This is the most important birthday at all! It was always so far away. I always made plans with friends and Tom, what we will do then. Since now our whole life is open for us. But the 21st is also cool. Because you can booze then in many countries. (grins!)

That sounds like you wanna really ("es krachen lassen") make party at your birthday party…..

I will drink a lot. And I`m happy that I can tell that frankly now. Up to now we had always stress, when we were caught by something, that wasn`t allowed at the age of 16 or 17. Though actually every young person does it ….

Depends on my mood for me, how I will ("abgehen") celebrate. I don`t make now the plan, to booze totally. But at your 18th birthday you can ("kann man sich mal abschießen") you "can shoot yourself"……

What have you planned for your birthday party?

We will celebrate into it at 31. August. We have rent a bar - a room just for us.
The party will have the motto "Casino Night". Because you can finally go in a casino at the age of 18. We find that cool ("geil"). Everybody has to wear chic clothes - with suit and soOMG...
. Except Tom, who wants to wear a black tracksuit. I have already a suit in my wardrobe.We let decorate the room now - with cool lounge-furniture and so.

What`s at the menu card?

I`m planing that right now. Tomorrow I `ll have a date, where I will taste everything.
I would like to have Fast Food, but also thailand dainties. It should become more a relaxed eating. People should not sit there stiff with knife and fork, besides they can take always something fresh.

Who will come to your party?

That will take place in a more small scale. I estimate around 50 people. Acquaintance, relatives, friends and of course family.

Have you sent the invitations yet?

Yes, we have already something mailed. But I don`t have seen it yet. I believe, the invitations will arrive just one day before the party in the mailboxes. For that reason I`ve preferred to invite everybody via SMS.

Will come VIP-friends?

No - we don`t want to have VIP-people at our party. We separate private life and job.
We know some VIP`s, but there`s nobody we`re friended with.

What do you wish for your birthday?

Good question! We are really happy that we`re not invited for ourselves. We wouldn`t know, what we would give us as a present. But we don`t have wishes. The main point is, that all people come and have fun.

And what is with your driver license?

Time has thwarted our plans. Actually we wanted to get in a car and start driving. I hope, we can make it soon.

I hope that, too. Then we could finally visit our families and friends spontanously.

Do you feel actually adultlike yet?

We have felt adultlike since we were 13. We stood in front of a disco and said: "Let us in!" We were early by ourselves and bore always a lot of responsibility.

Is there something, you always wanted to do? Maybe going in a strip-club?

I thought about that already. It would be really cool to go in a strip-club - at the Reeperbahn, the red-light-mile in Hamburg, for example. But a bordel would be nothing for me. I don`t pay for sex, when I can get it for free - and that since I`m 12! (laughs)

But as adult you`ll become more mature…

We will see…. I`m not against relationships anyway. But it just didn`t work so far. But maybe now - with 18 (grins).

Live every second je objavljena uz singl Ready set go! 27.8.
kao dodatak singlu, to je engleska verzija Leb' die Sekunde.
napisala sam lyrics ono što sam razumijela i što sam našla na netu...
a to što sam našla nije vrijedno spomena...
pa fali mi jedan stih!!!!! vidjet ćete koji , pliiiiiizzzzzz
probajte 'odgonetnuti' što kaže!!!!!

pjevaLiVE eVeRy SEcOnD Full VeRsIoN ! ! !pjeva

pjevalYrIcS pjeva

From today all the days are only half a long
nothing left to laugh about
yesterday is one milion years ago
a day befour...???
hours are repleced by coundown
the sun is shining in the night
so here are the words
just think it twice
wake me up, this time is running out
running out, running out
running out,

Live every second,
here and now
don't let go
Live every second,
here and now
don't let go
before it's to late
before it's to late

For today our life is just a tv show.
You can even get a planet for free.
The whole galaxy is chilling out.
And time that`s all you can see .
Don't look back. It`s now. It's all that counts.
Remember that before you forget
So here are the words, just think it twice
Wake me up. This time is running out, running out

Live every second,
here and now
don't let go
Live every second,
here and now
don't let go
wake up
wake up
wake up
stop it now
wake up
wake up
wake up
wake up
wake up
wake up

live every second....
wake up
before it's to late
before it's to late
wake up
stop it now

headbangToKiO hOtEl U IzRaeLu !headbang

Zahtjevi dolaze od peticije - više od 5000 Izraelskih fanova zahtjeva od Tokio Hotela da održi koncert u njihovoj zemlji, ''radimo na koncertu'';
TH- menadžment je svjestan da je velika čast da je njemački bend tako pozvan. Ali tu je također i opasnost. Izrael nije siguran od terorističkih napada, strane agencije upozoravaju: Glavne mete napada su velike gužve ljudi. Ako bi TH svirao u Izraelu, sigurno bi došlo nekoliko tisuća fanova. ''Bilo kako bilo, bend ne treba strahovati'', jamči Njemačko veleposlanstvo na Tel Avivu. Izraelski čuvari i pripadnici policijskih snaga će adaptirati koncertnu dvoranu u visoko osiguranu zonu...

kissNoVi TeRmInI kiss
cerek06.09.2007 MTV TRL Italy

cerek12.09.2007 Elämä lapselle - konsertti, Live on MTV3 at 8 PM - 9.55 PM (Finland time)

cerek12.09.2007 "Teenies im Konzertrausch", 23:45, WDR

cerek30.09.2007 Goldene Stimmgabel, ZDF

naughtynOvOsTi uBeR ToKiO HoTeLnaughty
ovakooo, TH će ponovo biti na Njemačkoj televiziji, ali postoje informacije, da će bend jedan cijeli tjedan biti u Njemačkoj i stalno će davati nove intervjue Njemačkim novinarima. Znači ubrzo će biti puno novosti o njima, novom DVD-u i Live-albumu! Tokio Hotel jesen može doći!!!


Billov i Tomov pas mješanac Doberman-Labrador-Mischling se zove Scotti
Imaju također i mačka Kasimira i prije su imali zlatnu ribicu Johnnya
Gustav ima psa Mischlinga Brunu i mačka Richarda,
a Georg ima psa Garona i mačka Moritza (hehe, kao i njegovo drugo ime..aaaa sick)

Post je objavljen 27.08.2007. u 19:59 sati.