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U ljubavi i ratu rezultat je isti: krvvare nevini.....

Hocu vam objaviti jednu pjesmu..... vjerojatno je nitko nece skuziti (jer mi engleski nije najbolji).... al osjecat cu se bolje.....

I´m sorry

I´m sorry because
I´m different.
I´m sorry
because I´m unusual.
I´m sorry because
You can´t understand me.

You always wached at me strange,
Teasy me and laught at me.
You don´t undestand that I´m special
And I was ashamed of my specific feature.

You don´t undestand my madness
But madness is not a bed charactaristic.
For madness you must be brave
And you must have self confidence.

I´m sorry...

I thought that you are crazy
But now I have understand that I´m crazy.
What do you have from your normality?
I am proud of as I am.

What do you have from your normality
When your life is boring?
Maybe I´am crazy and unusual
But my life is exiting.

I´m sorry...

Maybe peopl once
Stop live life in a norm.
Maybe they will stop prusue one another
With the reason that they are different.
Maybe they will start think with tey own heads,
Then they will maybe be free
And maybe undestand me...

Nemojte misliti da sam nesretna.... Ne danas me pukla dobra volja! a znate zasto?..... jer su moja Zule i moja Oliva sritne.... a tko bi onda mogao biti nesretan?.... ame.........kissludcerekwavethumbuppartysmokinroflwinkyesnutnaughtyeekzujohrvatskasmijehnjami

tak vas pozdravljam uz jos jedan grafit (u naslovu je bio prvii):
Tko je volio nije zaboravio
Tko je zaboravio nijje volio
a tko je volio a ipak zaboravio
taj je zaboravio koliko je volio....

Post je objavljen 02.08.2007. u 20:53 sati.