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Fake Fly Will Be Spy In The Sky

Već sam pisala o ovim "komarcima" koji su ustvari špijunske naprave, ne kužim zašto sada kažu da su je tek izumili kada su to već napravili. Uglavnom, tekst je na engleskom, a nemam ga vremena prevoditi. Ako se kome da, nek prevede (cyanide?) i nek mi pošalje mailom pa zamijenim tekstom na Hrvatski, ako ne nema veze.

A spy in the sky not much bigger than a fly has been developed by a top American university.

Scientists at Harvard have invented a robotic fly to send on reconnaissance missions in areas too dangerous for humans, such as those contaminated by chemical or biological weapons.

It can also be used to find hidden bombs and in search missions.

The "flybot", which can fit on a fingertip, is made of lightweight carbon and weighs less than a pin.

Researchers, led by Professor Robert Wood, spent seven years on the project with the backing of the US military.

"The real benefit of the fly is that from a military aspect, you probably wouldn't be able to notice it," said Prof Wood.

Recreating a fly's efficient movements in a robot roughly the size of the real insect was difficult because existing manufacturing processes could not be used to make the sturdy, lightweight parts required.

The motors, bearings, and joints typically used for large-scale robots would not work for something the size of a fly.

Ultimately, the team developed its own fabrication process, and using laser micromachining, researchers cut thin sheets of carbon fibre and polymer.

But while the two-winged device can now take to the air using the same motions as a real fly, the team has yet to work out how to control it in flight.

Post je objavljen 30.07.2007. u 12:13 sati.