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...WiR SteRbEn NiEmAlS AuS, iHr TrAgT uNs BiS iN aLlE zEiT...

ewo me opet, hehe, 174 komentara za 3 dana, danke schon,,,,
evo nadogradit ću opet malo post... jedva čekam da mi se Nina vrati iz Njemačke, billa je i u Magdeburgu i Loitschu....

6.7.2007 Terre Neuvas festival u Bobitalu

a dobra je Tomova majica: ''king of kings'' , yeah right!

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By Evule at 2007-07-12
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By Evule at 2007-07-12
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By Evule at 2007-07-12
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By Evule at 2007-07-12
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By Evule at 2007-07-12

e da i znate za ono da će TH nastupati 14.7. na dan Francuske nezavisnost ili nešto slično na Eiffelovom tornju zajedno sa M.Mansonom, Nelly Furtado, i nastupit će još par nekoh beznačajnih Francuskoh glazbenika, i ugl. doći će pola milijuna ljudi, da 500 000 ljudi!!!!!!! cool...

ovo je slikala neka fanovka... neznam odakle je, ali je novo...

* 03.09.2007 ''Don't tell mama'' concert in Latvia, Arena Riga (1 hour gig)
* 25.09.2007 Kiev (Ukraine)
* 27.09.2007 Moscow (Russia), SK Olympiysky Hall, 7:00pm
* 29.09.2007 Minsk (Belorussia)
href= target=_blank>Vote!!!!! jetix awards

Video je super!!! ispod je engleski prijevod!

Oliver Pocher: ..and everytime i have this feeling, i try to fight against's stronger than me...
The girl: That's no problem, really..I can get to the car alone...
O.P: ..ane everytime i have this feeling...the only thing i want to do dance...

Schreeeeei....bist du du selbst bist....

the girl screams...

O.P: now you are a bit scared, don't you?
G: what? they are tokio hotel...all the girls react like that when it comes to them...*screams again*
O.P: ok, that makes sense
Bill: stop it, stop it, stop it...hmm you're making a fool out of yourself ... would you dance somewhere else?
Tom: hey...take a look at your hair, so listen to this: we respect what you're can not dance, you can not sing, and we'd better not talk about the way you look. But pay attention..over there is a closed parking lot..there's nobody...I would recommend you to practice there...that would be better for you, and for us of course
O.P: wait...i have the feeling you want to make fun of me...
Bill: no, no...of course are the one who will win out of this, really!
O.P: do you really mean it?
Bill:&Tom: yes!
Tom: Yes, of course, there is the parking lot..
G: Olli, you've heard what the boys stop it! Oh God, he starts again...hey boys, i know you from TV ...he'll go back to being Kevin! (i don't get this part )
O.P: aaah..i wanna dance! I WANNA DACNE!!!!
*Gustav hits him*
Gustav: the guy is irritating!
G: you idiot! oh, guys, please, play again for me
Tom: the condition is: we'll play on you after this
G: just play
Tom: yeah, ok...than we'll do it
G: Schreeeei..........aaaaaaah
O.P: is everything ok? hey, baby, it was just a dream!
G: Oli!...
O.P: hey, come on, let's go...

Ewo mene ponovo, našla malo wremena da napishem postich..wink
u wezi sa TH nema nishta nowo, swe dobre stwari se događaju kad mene nema na netu... tako je spot DLT bio objawljen kad sam proshle godine billa na moru, Bill je naprawio tetowažu... i tako... bash me zanima stha će biti owe godine.... mislim da friz neće mijenjat, mogao bi možda stawiti neku new tetowažu neznam...kod njega se nikad ne zna...smijeh
EWO DA WAM SE ZAHWALIM ZA 286 KOMENTARA U PROŠLOM POSTU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
prije je rekord bio 104... samo da znate sad sam se umislila i sad hoću na swakom postu najmanje 100 a ne kao prije 27, 64 i tako....
ma zezam se... naturlich... DANKE SCHON, MERCI !!!!!
Kao što sam rekla o TH nema ništa novo pa ću zato ovaj post posvetiti Georgu i Gustavu cerek i spotovima TH! Neće biti niti jedne sličice twinsa, samo G&G. smijeh I stavit ću sve spotove kronološki kako su izašli... i pored njih ocjenu by me thumbup neće ocjenjivat pjesmu, samo spot...

1. DuRcH DeN mOnSuN - >> Ocjena: 4

2. ScHrEi! ->> Ocjena: 2 (ne volim Schrei!)

3. ReTtE mIcH ->> Ocjena : 4

4. DeR lEtZtE tAg - >> Ocjena: 4

5. WiR sChLiEsSeN uNs eIn ->> Ocijena:5

6. UbErS eNdE DeR wElT ->> Ocjena: 5

7. SpRiNg NiChT ->> Ocijena: 5

8. MoNsOoN ->> Ocijena: 5

9. ScReAm! ->> Ocijena: 2

ewo, to su moje ocijene od 1-5 spotova TH, waljda nisam billa prestroga...smijeh

a sad ! Georg i Gustav:::cerek


... Gustav...cerek

eto to je to.... new post stiže 1.8.smijeh

Post je objavljen 11.07.2007. u 09:40 sati.