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Sophia Bush je svoj 25 roðendan proslavila 06.07.2007 godine u subotu,pa Sophie ŽELIMO TI SVE NAJBOLJE!!

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evo usput i par najnovijih slika sa sophie...

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tu su i par slika sa Book Partya for Author Laura Day!

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još neke slike sa najnovijih promocija...

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(The low fuel light comes on)
Peyton: Oh, my God... Brooke, didn't you think to put gas in the car?
(Brooke looks at Haley)
Brooke: Answer the question, Brooke!
Haley: (gets out of the car) Hey, Peyton, pop the trunk.
Brooke: Peyton, don't listen to her! It might be a trick!
(Peyton pops the trunk anyway)
Haley: (pulls out a gas can) Great... it's empty! I saw a gas station about a few miles back, if I'm not back in an hour; tell my mom I loved her.
Brooke: Don't you mean Nathan?
Peyton: I'll go with you.
Brooke: What about me?
(Peyton locks the doors)
Brooke: Peyton... come back! Someone might come...
Haley: You did remember to crack a window didn't you?
(Peyton and Haley laugh)
Brooke: Come on, you guys, I'm scared! (edit)
Karen: So what does this dress say to you? Single and successful or married to her work?
Lucas: Is this for that Justice League thing?
Karen: Small Business League, and I want to look nice
Lucas: Is Keith still going as your date?
Karen: It's not a date. So which dress?
Lucas: Umm... black I guess
Karen: Then black it is. Keith didn't say anything to you did he?
Lucas: Ohh about the date that you two aren't going on? No...
Karen: Haha... good luck on your game tonight...
Lucas: Yeah you too Ma. (edit)
Lucas: (to Peyton) Hey. So I saw Nathan in the shower... yeah, no wonder you broke up with him. (edit)
Haley: Well, what about you and Lucas?
Peyton: What about us?
Haley: Oh, come on! Tortured artist meets tortured athlete? Talk about your obvious attraction. (edit)
Peyton: So last week… sucked. I just wanted to say thanks.
(Hands him a self mixed CD)
Lucas: Oh, you made me a mix?
Peyton: Just trying to square my karma.
Lucas: Uh-huh. Does this mean we’re dating?
Peyton: Listen, you’ve got a long bus ride tonight and I had some free time. Don’t read too much into it. (edit)
Lucas: Your name is Thing?
Thing 1: Yeah! And I'm Thing 1!
(Lucas turns to the third guy on the car)
Lucas: And let me guess... you are Thing 2!
Thing 3: No... I'm Thing 3! Because I'm the third. (edit)
Brooke: (Pointing out Haley.) What is SHE doing here?
Peyton: YOU invited her! (edit)
Brooke: This really hurts. Do you think you could, you know, give me something for the pain?
College Guy: I shouldn't but... here you go.
Brooke: Just one?
College Guy: Okay.
College Guy: Now, those are really strong so I guess, take half at a time -
Brooke: Whoops! All gone! (edit)
Lucas: Man, it’s been like, what? Twenty minutes? Think they’re coming back? (Nathan starts to laugh) What?
Nathan: Thing, Thing One, and Thing Three.
Lucas: Well, yeah man, he was the third.
Nathan: Yeah.
Lucas: Hey. What are we doing hiding from these idiots anyway, huh? Look, I can hold my own. And I know that you could throw a pretty damn good punch. I say lets take these fools on.
Nathan: Alright. I’m in for that. (edit)
Brooke: Where the hell are we?
Haley: Miles from normal.
Lucas: So this Haley thing… you know, for some reason she feels like you’re not full of crap. Don’t take advantage of that.
Nathan: I’m not going to.
Lucas: I know you’re not. Because if you do, you’re going to live to regret it.
Nathan: Bring it on. Hey, listen. Look, man, you didn’t have to get in that car when those guys grabbed me. Especially after you warned me not to.
Lucas: Right, whatever. You know the way I see it, I mean, if they would’ve taken you out, who the hell else am I gonna have to fight with, right?
Nathan: Same person I have. (edit)
Thing: The game is Gladiator. Basically, you guys beat the hell out of each other for our amusement. The one left standing gets his clothes and a ride to a phone. The loser… well he loses.
Thing Three: Let the games begin. (Lucas and Nathan stare at each other)
Thing: Okay, the game isn’t called two punks staring at each other. It’s called Gladiator. Get to it.
Lucas: Alright, you can screw yourself. Because there’s no way in hell that the two of us are going to fight.
Lucas: (Nathan tackles Lucas) Or maybe we are. (edit)
The Things:(They ditch the police car) Oh, yeah. Yeah, baby!
Lucas: Yeah, yeah, right. Alright. Yahoo! Yeah, enough’s enough. Give us our clothes. (edit)
Brooke: I hear birds.
Peyton: Unbelievable! Brooke, did you not think to put gas in the car?
Brooke: (Brooke looks at Haley.) Answer the question, Brooke. (edit)
Nathan: Dude, this is total crap. These guys are morons, not killers. I bet it’s not even a real gun.
Lucas: Let's just play the game, get our clothes, and get home.
Lucas: Okay. Ah, we need two bottles of spring feminine cleansers.
Nathan: Oh, great. A pair of douche bags.
Lucas: A case of beer and we’re out of here.
Nathan: What? How are we going to pull that off?
Lucas: Would you card us? I didn't think so. (edit)
Keith: Oh, what do you know? We finally got the center aisle this year. Guy must’ve thought I said Dan Scott.
Karen: No. Dan’s table has one spot for Dan and five for his ego. (edit)
Nathan: Alright. This is my stop. Thanks for the ride fellas.
Guy: This one’s funny, Thing. Let's kill him last.
Nathan: Wait. Your name is Thing?
Thing: That’s right. Thing.
Boy: I’m Thing One.
Lucas: Okay, wait. Let me guess. Thing Two.
Guy: Thing Three. Because I’m the third. (edit)
Brooke: That’s perfect. Brookie can come with us!
Haley: Yeah, she named me Brooke.
Brooke: Peyton, can she come? Please? Peyton, please!
Peyton: Just don’t touch the stereo. Or we’ll have a problem.
Brooke: Road trip! (Throws her pompoms)
Brooke: We’re going on a road trip! We’re going on a road trip! (edit)
Brooke: We should totally hang out more. What is your name?
Haley: Haley…
Brooke: Yeah. I don’t like that name. Let's call you… Brooke! (edit)
Nathan: Why do you want my life so bad anyway, man?
Lucas: Dude, don’t flatter yourself, alright? You’re about the last person I want to trade places with.
Nathan: Oh yeah? Well all I know is you came out nowhere and started grabbing everything you could from me. My game, my girl…
Lucas: What about you, huh? I bet your grades sucked before you met me. But I didn’t see you going to Haley for help then.
Nathan: Who said what me and Haley have is about grades. (edit)
Whitey: In all my years of coaching, this has got to be a low point. That little stunt you pulled almost cost us our undefeated record. I don’t give diddlee-squat about your issues with your daddy or your girlfriends. As far as I’m concerned, you can hate each other until hell freezes over. But if you’re going to play on my team, you’re gonna learn how to work together.
Nathan: I can’t see that happening Whitey.
Whitey: Yeah? Well you’ve got thirty-some-odd miles to figure it out. (edit)
Karen: Okay, what does this dress say to you?
Lucas: Uh… beware of crazy ladies who talk to dresses.
Nathan: At least this one. I remember this one summer, I was playing little league baseball and I was the pitcher and my dad was the coach. Anyway, this kid Billy Lyons, he was a great hitter. Everything he hit was a homerun. So, you know, he got up to the plate and there was nobody on base so I just walked him. Four straight pitches, nothing even close to a strike. So my dad calls a timeout, comes to the mound, and I’m thinking he’s gonna say like, smart move or good thinking son, something like that. But instead... instead he grabs me by the arm, and he kicks me in the ass as hard as he can. I mean, he literally took me by the arm so that I wouldn’t like, go flying, he kicked me so hard. Then he brought Stevie Planking in to pitch, sat me on the bench, never mentioned it again.
Lucas: That sucks.
Nathan: Yeah. So just think about that the next time you’re feeling sorry for yourself. (edit)
Karen: Lucas called tonight a date for us. And for a while, I pretended that it was. And it felt good.
Keith: (Half-asleep.) Can I tell you a secret?
Karen: Sure. Go ahead.
Keith: I pretended that too. (Karen smiles.)
Keith: I love you. Always have. (edit)
Lucas: (voiceover) As happens sometimes a moment settled and hovered and remained for much more than a moment. And sound stopped and movement stopped for much, much more than a moment. And then the moment was gone. John Steinbeck (edit)
Mouth: Ooh. And that's a foul by Nathan Scott. (Nathan walks over to Lucas.)
Nathan: Hey. Why don't you try putting your hands up on defense, alright?
Lucas: Why don't you try not getting beat?
Nathan: Why don't I just beat your ass? (He starts to walk away.) Moron... keep it up, punk.
(A whistle blows and the referee throws the ball in)
Referee: Ball in!
Lucas: Hey, you gonna talk or you gonna play, Daddy's boy?
Nathan: Hey, Haley's looking pretty fine tonight, right? Can't wait to get with that. (The Pirates get another basket.)
Lucas: (To Peyton) Hey. So I saw Nathan in the shower... yeah, no wonder you broke up with him. (edit)
Brooke: Did you see that?
Peyton: What?
Brooke: Nathan just gave her the nod.
Peyton: What nod?
Brooke: The "lets hook up after the game" nod. (Pause) Wanna know what I think? I think Nathan likes tutor girl. But I think tutor girl likes Lucas. And I know I like Lucas. And I don't know who the hell you like anymore. This is all turning into one big love… rectangle plus one, whatever that is.


Cool Kids - Screeching Weasel
Holiday - Get Up Kids
Seven x Eight - Anjali
Blueside - Rooney
Hypocrite - Jibe
Time Running - Tegan and Sara
Headlights - Dispatch

Writer: Mike Kelley
Director: Jason Moore
Star: Moira Kelly (Karen Roe), Chad Michael Murray (Lucas Eugene Scott), Barry Corbin (Coach Whitey Durham), Paul Johansson (Dan Scott), Craig Sheffer (Keith Scott), James Lafferty (Nathan Scott), Hilarie Burton (Peyton Sawyer), Sophia Bush (Brooke Davis), Bethany Joy Galeotti (Haley James-Scott)
Recurring Role: Lee Norris (Mouth), Brett Claywell (Tim), Barbara Alyn Woods (Deb Scott)
Guest Star: Dan Becker (Thing #1), Sam Robison (Trainer), BJ Britt (Rob), Jeff Wicker (MC), Sam Horrigan (Thing), Sam Harrigon (Thing), Dave Power (Thing #3)


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Post je objavljen 08.07.2007. u 14:17 sati.