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samo riječ dvije, više tuđe nego moje...

nisam baš na kompu, nije ni da stalno učim, al ipak
prijemni je svakim danom sve bliže, srijeda je tu iza ugla...
pa vam za sada samo ostavljam stihove, ovaj put ne moje...
pjesma koju mi je frend nekidan poslao i ima vrlo zanimljiv tekst :)
utopite se u to, kao ja, dok odmaram :))

the most perfect silence is
when there is no need to speak
the most perfect silence is
when there's no need to explain

the most perfect moment is
when we just come from different circumstances
but the stream of lust flows into the same direction

the most perfect silence is
when there's no need of showing
something is true
when you see the same pictures
from another point of view

when there's no need to search the outside
no need to linger on
not a single something left to distract you
no need to want

don't you see how I long
how I long
for that moment to come?


Post je objavljen 07.07.2007. u 23:08 sati.