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There's no place like home...

Hej...vani kiša lijeva, a ja sjedim doma i gledam kroz prozor...prekrasno je...obožavam kad pada kiša...

Malo sam tužna...ali valjda neću biti takva cijelo ljeto...=(...

~vijesti o Arctic Monkeysima~
...opet ja s tim vijestima...ako ih uopće netko u Hrvatskoj sluša osim možda deset barem za njih...ajme, dugačak uvod...

Već izlaze pjesme sa B-strane albuma Favourite worst nightmare.Izašla je pjesma The bakery...pjesma je tužna,ali prelijepa (imam ju,pa ako netko želi-šaljem mailom).Druga će izaći pjesma Plastic Tramp od koje imam samo riječi...od "otočana" (ljudi iz UK) sam saznala da je procurila piratska verzija (pokušavam nabaviti).
...ali da ne duljim...

~Plastic Tramp~

He looks as if he hasnt slept, his hair is purposely unkept
And then he knew his people wept, when you crafted your plan
The shadows underneath the eyes, and everywhere the bastard lies
My lack of Proof is your disguise, you won't remember me
There's nothing really I can say, but sorry mate and walk away
I could be wrong unless you play your game, This world is full of most unkind
and horrible is redefined, I can't imagine that you'd mind at all

You're lying again, you're conscious in your friend
and the only thing your sobbing out is your imagination, Lying again you're conscious in your friend and the only thing your sobbing out is your imagination
Is he really on the street, desperation on his seat and what he's wearing on his feet won't solve our mystery, and i am baffled by how you stand there, soaking it in
and do you hide your identity where you hide your grin, better hide your grin

Shadows underneath the eyes, everywhere the bastard lies
My lack of Proof is your disguise, you won't remember me

There's nothing really I can say, but sorry mate and walk away
I could be wrong unless you play your game, This world is full of is most unkind
and horrible is redefined, I can't imagine that you'd mind at all
You're lying again, your conscious in your friend
and the only thing your sobbing out is your imagination, Lying again your conscious in your friend and the only thing your sobbing out is your imagination

mah Pozdravi, poruke i želje mah

Lucija- 19.07 dolaze Shapeshiftersi...Incredible...pusa
Teuta-nadam se da ćemo ostati prijateljice yes
Dagmar-22.07 SRETAN ROĐENDAN (ajme,kako si stara :rolf:)
Tin-something wicked this way comes...btw Alex je ovaj što pjeva u videu...
Ana-Hi! Kako si proslavila rođendan...pozz cool
Lana-...kako je bilo na maturalcu...i nadam se da si dobila pjesme...
Ira- pa gdje si ljubavi??? <3
Ivana- zabavi se i ti na praznicima party
Luca- okupaj se jednom i za mene
Ginny- hahahahahaha


Dorothy was right though!


Post je objavljen 04.07.2007. u 20:33 sati.