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(= hahaha... =)

jooooooooj šta je danas vale provalila na matematici.....smijeh
rekla ona pavešićki:''BAKO MOGU IĆI OPRAT RUKE''
a koja budala....a kad je završio sat,svi su ju ispitivali zašto je to rekla...
strašno smiješno,meni su suze išle od smijeha,stvarno...
al koja provala
ma svašta ta valentina provaljuje,al ovo...hahahahahahahaha
joj jutros sam se tako rano digla....sad bih baš išla spavatsmijeh
cijeli dan nešto šaram-evo vam moje umjetničko djelo::::smijeh

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pa šta nije coolsmijeh

joj,stalno listam ''koralj'' (list učenika oš ''zamet''),a najviše gledam slike naših osmaša koji će uskoro ići ''pa-pa''burninmadpuknucumadheadbangno
a najljepši je samo 1cerekcerekcerek

evo i sad se još uvijek smijem pa jesam li ja normalna-očito nisam..smijeh
ali kako joj je baš to moglo pasti na pamet-da joj kaže bako
pa ona je popizdila...ali u pozitivnom smislu...

jedna frendica(iz druge škole) ima danas rođendan,pa: tea,sretan ti rođendan...

evo vam za kraj riječi pjesme working class hero i neke slike:


As soon as your born they make you feel small,
By giving you no time instead of it all,
Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
They hurt you at home and they hit you at school,
They hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool,
Till you're so fucking crazy you can't follow their rules,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
When they've tortured and scared you for twenty odd years,
Then they expect you to pick a career,
When you can't really function you're so full of fear,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV,
And you think you're so clever and classless and free,
But you're still fucking peasents as far as I can see,
A working class hero is something to be,
A working class hero is something to be.
There's room at the top they are telling you still,
But first you must learn how to smile as you kill,
If you want to be like all the folks on the hill,
A working class hero is something to be.
A working class hero is something to be.
If you want to be a hero well just follow me,
If you want to be a hero well just follow me.

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i tako to.....
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Post je objavljen 06.06.2007. u 18:46 sati.