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Nikada nije postalo lakše, nikada neće ni biti. Teško je doživjeti bol, ali katkada je teže gledati tuđu... proklinjem cijeli ovaj tinejđerski svijet ili neznam kako bih rekao... neki ljudi jednostavno nisu zaslužili da budu povrijeđeni. Nitko nikada ne čita tekstove pjesama, ali staviti ću ovaj jer ima značenje u sebi

Die Krupps - Alive

Where's the hand that guided me
my cry within me is let me be
crossing the endless seas of pain
fighting against torrential rain
it seems pain is the experience in life
I'm sorely
tried by affliction in my life
I have to master this impossible situation
this driving force is my salvation

The world in my arms - I'm alive
Love is gain, pain is strife
In my world - I'm alive
and I can't see danger - anymore

This driving force sets me in strife
that driving force that's in my life
Whatever the pain is - I must survive
determination keeps me alive
this extreme situation makes me realize - I'm alive
it makes me realize it changed my life
Hope is the hand that guided me
secured by the hand that set me free.

Ovaj je post posvećen jednom od mojih najboljih prijatelja, čovjeku bez kojeg nebih bio ono što jesam danas.

Post je objavljen 27.05.2007. u 22:38 sati.