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Marketing čovječe, JA SAM U ZADRU!...

...evo da se javim iz Zadra svog dragog... ajme majko kako je tu lipo! ne fakat je super! jučer sam se ćak i kupala... more je malo hladno i naravno meni treba tri godine da uđem unutra ali jednom kad to obaviš i nije više tak hladno... ma super je bilo! sad bumo za kojih h vremena išli opet na plažu. stara želi da je malo sunce oprži, a ja bum se možda opet kupala, ali malo...hehehe, ma meni je super!
a inaće, Petri je sutra krizma; ah napokon... jedva čekam da i to obavimo...! bit će 102 krizmanika + još 102 kuma= 204 ljudofa u crkvi i onda još starci i gosti; ajme majko! mi sjedimo u prvom redu i treće izlazimo "primiti duha svetog"...hihihi... jučer smo se ispovjedile. brijem da se ja nisam ispovjedila od svoje krizme koja je bila prije dvije godine...nonozaliven ali dobro je sve prošlo...crkva se nije srušila; ajd hvala Bogu...
ajme neznam kaj da više velim, mislim da je to to! stara me zove da idem jest prije nego idem na kupanje...

ova mi je pjesma odlična... neznam dali je itko čuo za nju, novija je pa...

I've got to turn it louder (louder)
all the beautys smile
passing by our style
my friend you dance your way (louder)
my friend you make my day
I've got to turn it louder (louder)
all the beautys smile
passing by our style
my friend you dance your way (louder)
my friend you make my day

(turn it louder)

Put that blowjob
on my high head
Gimme the kick
the base is sexmad
you think it's sick
but it's just music
Pushing the gap
kicking the rap trap
go hit the riot
go on try it
Ring your bells
well done allright
It's hot and tight
in here come ride
on your side

We're in the club
shakin' it wild
We cannot stop
gettin it styled
Let's get it on
don't waste a song
cut it loose
and it comes strong
We're livin' our boundzoundpeace
our club is binding boundaries
There aint no lock we don't need keys
you can bend your knees

I've got to turn it louder (louder)
all the beautys smile
passing by our style
my friend you dance your way (louder)
my friend you make my day
I've got to turn it louder (louder)
all the beautys smile
passing by our style
my friend you dance your way (louder)
my friend you make my day

(turn it louder)

My bees like to smell spaceflower
my bees don't drink whiskey sour
Come on wake up take a shower
it's your time your happy hour

Please my bees release the power

gimme sweets my honey louder
I watch your step listen it tap tap
it's like a map defines my next step

It blows your mind
shows you were blind
You're rid of it
it flows so giant
for you kid
Now let me see
what you are working with
Move it like money
moves the bank of swiss
Feel the Boundzoundkiss
noone should ever miss.. this.. rhyme!
Take care of this
time's got tide
Sometimes you fight
sometimes it's allright
sometimes will bite
sometimes your guide
feels safe on this flight
Our turbulence controls the ride
we have great views now don't you hide

I've got to turn it louder (louder)
all the beautys smile
passing by our style
my friend you dance your way (louder)
my friend you make my day
I've got to turn it louder (louder)
all the beautys smile
passing by our style
my friend you dance your way (louder)
my friend you make my day
(turn it louder)

evo jedna od BEP, malo starija pjesma ali odlična je...govori o zajedništvu među ljudima...pažljivo pročitajte...

(One for all, one for all)
(It's all it's all for one)
Let's start a union, calling every human
It's one for all and all for one
Let's live in unison, calling every citizen
It's one for all and all for one

We don't want war- can't take no more
It's drastic time for sure
We need a antidote and a cure
Coz do you really think Mohammed got a problem with Jehovah
We don't want war – imagine if any prophet was alive
In current days amongst you and I
You think they'd view life like you and I do
Or would they sit and contemplate on why
Do we live this way, act and behave this way
We still live in primitive today
Coz the peace in the destination of war can't be the way
There's no way, so people just be'em wanna be a man
Realise that you can't change the world by changing yourself
And understand that we're all just the same
So when I count to three let's change


Got no time for grand philosophy
I barely keep my head above the tide
I got this mortgage, got three kids at school
What you're saying is the truth, but really troubles me inside
I'd change the world if I could change my mind
If I could live beyond my fears
Exchanging unity for all my insecurity
Exchanging laughter for my tears


I don't know, y'all, we in a real deposition
In the midst of all this negative condition
Divided by beliefs, different sink and religion
Why do we keep missing the point in our mission?
Why are we killing each other, what's the reason?
God made us all equal in his vision
I wish that I could make music as a religion
Then we could harmonise together in this mission
Listen, I know it's really hard to make changes
But two of us could help rearrange this curse
Utilising all the power in our voices
Together we will unite and make the right choice
And fight for education, save the next generation
Come together as one
I don't understand why it's never been done
So let's change on the count of one

It takes one, just one
And then one follows the other one
And then another follows the other one
Next thing you know you got a billion
People doing some wonderful things
People doing some powerful things
Let's change and do some powerful things
Unity could be a wonderful thing

Post je objavljen 26.05.2007. u 10:28 sati.