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Da li znate da se jednom iznad nas odigravala povijesna bitka, bitka između čovječanstva i entiteta sa nekog drugog svijeta. Pet godina prije incidenta u Roswell-u, na nebu iznad Los Angeles-a započela je bitka.

Da li ste ikada čuli za "bitku za LA"? Nekolicina je čula. Zamislite posjetioce koji svojom velikom letjelicom sa nekog drugog planeta ili druge dimenzije lebde iznad šokiranog naroda u gradu koji je ostao bez struje, u potpunom mraku. Ljudi, još u šoku od napada na Pearl Harbor, koji se odigravao nekoliko tjedana prije ovog incidenta, mislili su da je to napad Japanaca nekom njima nepoznatom tehnologijom. Uto se pale agregati, snopovi reflektora osvjetljavaju nebo i nešto u njemu. Dok je tako "visio" u zraku, nije prošlo puno i počela je žestoka paljba iz nekoliko smjerova od strane Američke vojske. Dvadesetak postrojbi protu-zračne obrane ispalila je više od 2000 eksplozivnih metaka u letjelicu, a sve to pred tisućama stanovnika LA-a. Probajte zamisliti sve to i dobit ćete sliku o tome što je bila "bitke za LA".

JEDINI članak koji je LA Times objavio o ovom nevjerojatnom događaju, bio je maleni članak objavljen dan nakon incidenta. Hmmmm?

Chilly Throng Watches
Shells Bursting In Sky
By Marvin Miles

Explosions stabbing the darkness like tiny bursting stars... Searchlight beams poking long crisscross fingers across the night sky...Yells of wardens and the whistles of police and deputy sheriffs...The brief on-and-off flick of lights, telephone calls, snatches of conversation: 'Get the dirty...' That was Los Angeles under the rumble of gunfire yesterday.


Sleepy householders awoke to the dull thud of explosions... "Thunder? Can't be!" Then: "Air Raid! Come here quick! Look over there...those searchlights. They've got something...they are blasting in with anti-aircraft!" Father, mother, children all gathered on the front porch, congregated in small clusters in the blacked out streets -- against orders. Babies cried, dogs barked, doors slammed. But the object in the sky slowly moved on, caught in the center of the lights like the hub of a bicycle wheel surrounded by gleaming spokes.


Speculation fell like rain. "It's a whole squadron." "No, it's a blimp. It must be because it's moving so slowly." "I hear planes." "No you don't. That's a truck up the street." "Where are the planes then?" "Dunno. They must be up there though." "Wonder why they picked such a clear night for a raid?" "They're probably from a carrier." "Naw, I'll bet they are from a secret air base down south somewhere." Still the firing continued. Like lethal firecrackers, the anti-aircraft rounds blasted above, below, seemingly right on the target fixed in the tenacious beams. Other shots fell short, exploding halfway up the long climb. Tracers sparked upward like roman candles. Metal fell. It fell in chunks, large and small; not enemy metal, but the whistling fragments of bursting ack-ack shells. The menacing thud and clank on streets and roof tops drove many spectators to shelter.


Wardens were on the job, doing a good job of it. "Turn off your lights, please. Pull over to the curb and stop. Don't use your telephone. Take shelter. Take shelter." On every street brief glares of hooded flashlights cut the darkness, warning creeping drivers to stop. Police watched at main intersections. Sirens wailed enroute to and from blackout accidents. There came lulls in the firing. The search lights went out. (To allow the fighter planes to attack?). Angelinos breathed deeply and said, "I guess it's all over." But before they could tell their neighbors good night, the guns were blasting again, sighting up the long blue beams of the lights.


The fire seemed to burst in rings all around the target. But the eager watchers, shivering in the early morning cold, weren't rewarded by the sight of a falling plane. Nor were there any bombs dropped. "Maybe it's just a test," someone remarked. "Test, hell!" was the answer. "You don't throw that much metal in the air unless you're fixing on knocking something down." Still the firing continued, muttering angrily off toward the west like a distant thunderstorm. The targeted object inched along high, flanked by the cherry red explosions. And the householders shivered in their robes, their faces set, watching the awesome scene.

Isti dan kada je ovaj članak objavljen, oglasila se i američka vojska sa službenim izvješćem da se radilo o meteorološkom balonu. E, sad. Pitanje. Zašto su pucali u balon (i to žestoko)? Te, ako ameri ne mogu skinuti jedan balon u zraku sa tom gomilom protu-avijonaca, kako misle osloboditi svijet od "terorizma"? Sve mi je to malo uvrnuto. Ili ipak nije bio - balon? ;)

Post je objavljen 14.05.2007. u 20:21 sati.