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The Western Jackalope

Gazdi se omililo onomad gostovati na mom blogu, pa me vec neko vrijeme snubi ne bi li smontirao jos nesto. Danas sam nakopon popustila i evo nove price. Nakon sto sam procitala sto je imao napisati, krenula sam kokodakati i praviti neke intervencije u tekstu, brisati marketing glede moje osobe, ali se nije dao, tako da cete imati prigodu citati njegov autorizirani neizmijenjeni tekst i sporni prvi pasus koji veze nema s opasnim zekanom koji je inace predmet price.

Dobra dan

It is I "Gazda" again! Before beginning I wanted to tell of all you that I am the luckiest man on Earth to have such a wonderful wife, she is my world and everything that makes me happy.

The last time I wrote about my father and a beer mug that he had collected. Now I wanted to share another story about my father. He was quite a teaser and teased my aunt Mary (sister of my mother) about an animal that is rarely seen. They are described in several different ways. One story is as a very large rabbit in Texas we call them "jack rabbits", this jack rabbit has the horns of a deer or an antelope. It was called a "Jackalope - or - Western Jackalope". Another story describes it as a cross between a now extinct pygmy-deer and a species of killer-rabbit.

I remember the serious arguments that my father and my aunt had over this unusual creature. She came to visit us in Texas when I was about 7 years old. She came by bus about 2000km from Ohio to Texas. She swore before she left Ohio that she was going to win this argument over weather the Jackalope really existed. Her only proof that it didn't exist was the "World Book Encyclopedia", which at that time was considered the best source of information you could have. The argument ended in a stalemate, she argued that it was not in her encyclopedia so it couldn't exist, my father argued that her book was out of date and that he had a photograph of one to prove it is real. You need to remember that it was before the age of Photoshop and the internet. He put the photograph on the table - main proof.

Some people really believe to this day that the Jackalope really exist and that you don't see them because they only come out at night and sleep in the day time. They frolic on the prairie and eat the farmer’s corn and scare the chickens. They have become a big part of Texas folklore. It is said that the first white man to see this singular specimen was a trapper George McLean in 1829. It is considered among the rarest of hunter’s trophies. The nocturnal, antlered, long eared mammal has keen senses of both hearing and smells and is said to be attracted to alcohol. Don’t ever try to milk one it can be extremely dangerous!!!!!

Take a look at the photo below and tell me what you think. Is it real or not?


I thank all of you for your time.

Stay well.


Dakle, povod napisu je rasprava izmedu njegovog oca i tetke, borba se vodila godinama na temu - postoji li navedena vrsta zeca ili ne. Rijec je o vrsti zvanoj THE WESTERN JACKALOPE, zivotinja je opisana kao sisavac koji ima tjelesne karakteristike poveceg zeca, malo duze usi i male rogove poput jelena ili antilope. Prvi put je videna od strane trapera imenom George Mc Lean 1829 godine i od onda se vode rasprave o habitusu i navikama te tajanstvene zivotinje. Hrane se kukuruzom i ne cine drugu stetu, osim sto plase pilice po farmama. Zivinica je dobro obdarena i vidom i njuhom, a moguce ju je namamiti i uloviti alkoholom. Kad ih se uhvati na takav nacin, nikako ih ne treba pokusavati pomusti, to je izrazito opasno !!! Tetka mu se zaklela da ce rascistiti dugogodisnju raspravu o tom predmetu za sva vremena, tako da je proputovala 2000 km od Ohia do Texasa naoruzana mjerodavnom i vjerodostojnom literaturom koja je opovrgavala mogucnost postojanja takve zivine, i stavom - ako toga nema u mojoj enciklopediji - to ne postoji. S druge strane je bio Gazda senior s nepokolebljivom i dobro obrazlozenom pricom da je zivotinju moguce vidjeti samo nocu i SLIKOM kao krunskim dokazom postojanja iste. Treba povesti racuna da se rasprava odvijala 1969. godine kad nije bilo Photoshopa i interneta. Tetka je bila zilava i nije se dala uvjeriti, a Gazda senior je bio uporan i nije popustao uvjeravajuci je da joj je enciklopedija outdated.

Rasprava nikad nije okoncana, ovdje vam je prilozen site pa se sami uvjerite i donesite sud...

Inace, sudeci po prici nekih clanova obitelji koje sam upoznala, Gazdin caca je bio na glasu kao veliki zafrkant koji je ne jednom namagarcio kolege na poslu, prijatelje, a bogme i svoju sirotu zenicu s originalnim i nepresusnim "practical jokes"... I nikad nikog naljutio.

Ostajte mi u dobru

Post je objavljen 07.05.2007. u 19:41 sati.