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Ovaj post je za my love... Iris <3

Evo mene ljudismijeh
Vidite, ja sam od nedjelje prijepodne jaaako zauzet, a od ponedjeljka navečer još višesmijeh
Neki određeni znaju da sam napokon i ja upoznao ljubavyes
Iriskiss (ovaj kiss niti približno ne pokazuje kakvu bi joj pusu sada najrađe daocerek)
I tako...ovo je prva pjesma posvećena njoj, and two more are on their way...cerek
Nemojte ovu pjesmu krivo shvatiti, možda će biti malo nelogična, pisao sam je u ponedjeljak navečer kada smo se rastali smo zagrljaljem i obećana mi pusa bilasmijehpa se ponadah....ofkorz, imam i nakon te puse i cijele te večeri...ali neću je još postati, prvo je moja voljena mora vidjeti kiss

I think you know why now I have a smile on my face.
I hope that there my heart is - there,
where you shake the very balance of the world,
as you took your steps,
your walk on the graveyard,
enchained by the moonlight on a dark night
as I hold on your hand.

It's someting I don't wanna break.
It's someting I look foward to play.
It is someting that never happened to me before...

Enchained, but free at last, soon no more!
Only one door remains.
Just few more steps and I'll be free.
I hope that you will help me claim my wings!
I hope it is destiny
I hope that it is you,
that you're the one
who shall help me claim my wings...

Your hands are so cold,
but I'm here to warm them up.
Do you like the way I touch you,
warming your hands..
I guess you you clench mine so hard,
yet so soft, and yet so cold again.
Looks like it, so take my hand,
we both make our way, troughout this park,
forward the cross and beyond..
beyond our eyes can see...
Your wings are playing with mine,
will they set me free?

Your eyes look so beautiful, eternal...
I'll dream of them…
I wish to dream of you
I wish to be with you
I wish to gain my wings,
I wish this would last for a lifetime,
I wish to grant you eternity.

I feel so tense when we stop,
You need to go, we both wanna stay,
no matter how well we played,
tomorrow we will show our love...

Iris...I love youkiss

Sad su počeli praznici a ja se neću odmarati toliko...kod tate u radioni četri cijela dana raditiludi učiti za malu maturu sedam listova pitanjalud i smišljati kako ćemo se Iris i ja naćicerek
Idem sad šljakati,svima vam želim ugodne praznike, tj. čim ugodnije...
Budite pozdravljeni...
Čim pomislim na Iris već mi je bolje...
Joooj ta ljubavcerekne mogu vjerovati.....


Post je objavljen 05.04.2007. u 12:16 sati.