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rage against the machine

band koji me oduševio prije par godina ponajviše svojim tekstovima i načinom pristupu glazbi.po meni jedan od najutjecajnijih bandova koji je ikada kročio kuglom zemaljskom.nakon devet godina su se raspali(1991-2000) i sada,2007 na moje veliko iznenađenje i radost ponovno se okupljaju.nakratko ću vam ispričati o njihovim počecima i koliko su svojim političko protestanskim nastupima,prosvjedima i humanitarnim akcijama uzdrmali ne samo američki narod već i cijeli svijet,ali nažalost zbog toga su postali zabranjena zona i nisu više htjeli niti su mogli normalno nastupati.inspiraciju su crpili iz rocka,punka,ranog metala i rapa poput public enemya i afrike bambaatea,ali i iz djela književnika kao što je noam chomsky,george orwell......njihovi glavni utjecaji se protežu od bad brains,malcolma x-a,led zeppelina,clasha,martina luthera,che guevare....spajanje raznih tipova protestne rime i žestokih vokalnih izvođenja pjesmi zajedno s virtuoznim sviranjem glazbe,čine njihov žanr teško odredivim.mješavina hip hopa,rocka,punka,hard rocka,funka sa snažnim političkim nagonom,zatim alternativni metal,rock,funk metal,rapcore......članovi banda su brad wilk-bubnjar,zack de la rocha-pjevač,tim commerford-bassist i tom morello-gitara,ujedno i jezgra banda čiji su funky riffovi i čudne solaže s efektima njegovo glavno obilježje i zvuče zadivljujuće.tekstovi koji me nadasve fasciniraju imaju beskrajna ponavljanja istih riječi i rečenica,među ostalim riječ fuck,ismijavanja političkih govora,zatim govore o osobnim stajalištima o politici,ljevičarskim uvjerenjima,naglašavaju glavnu poruku socijalne jednakosti,podržavaju mnoge socijalne aktiviste,zagovaraju mir,toleranciju,slobodu govora......njihov znak crvena zvijezda zbog koje su ih mnogi okarakterizirali kao komuniste zapravo predstavlja ezln(zapatista army of national liberation-ukratko pokret koji se zalaže za prava meksičkih seljaka i radnika).to im je i među glavnim temama koje obrađuju u svojim tekstovima.izdali su četiri album(ratm,evil empire,battle of los angeles,renegades)među kojima je zadnji,renegades koji sadržava covere raznih bendova poput devo,cypress hilla,minor threata,mc5,bob dylana,bruce rage mnogi nisu čuli zato jer promoviranje takve vrste glazbe nije baš bilo dopušteno niti dostupno,njihova glazba je više bila promotor akcijama i protestima namijenjenih američkom narodu.

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s lijeva na desno:tim commerford,brad wilk,tom morello i zack de la rocha

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u pjesmi killing in the name of na koncertu woodstock zapalili su američku zastavu okrenutu naopačke

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albumi među kojima prvi,ratm na omotu ima sliku vijetnamskog budiste koji se sam zapalio bez da je ispustio glasa ili se pomaknuo

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slika jednog čike zapatiste

evo i par pjesmica,meni među najdražima.....pokušajte si prevesti tekst,vrijediti će...

killing in the name of!

some of those that work forces,are the same that burn crosses
some of those that work forces,are the same that burn crosses
some of those that work forces,are the same that burn crosses
some of those that work forces,are the same that burn crosses

killing in the name of!
killing in the name of

and now you do what they told ya
and now you do what they told ya
and now you do what they told ya
and now you do what they told ya
and now you do what they told ya
and now you do what they told ya
and now you do what they told ya
and now you do what they told ya
and now you do what they told ya
and now you do what they told ya
and now you do what they told ya
but now you do what they told ya
well now you do what they told ya

those who died are justified, or wearing the badge,they're the chosen whites
you justify those that died by wearing the badge,they're the chosen whites
those who died are justified,for wearing the badge,they're the chosen whites
you justify those that died by wearing the badge,they're the chosen whites

some of those that work forces,are the same that burn crosses
some of those that work forces,are the same that burn crosses
some of those that work forces,are the same that burn crosses
some of those that work forces,are the same that burn crosses

killing in the name of!
killing in the name of

and now you do what they told ya
and now you do what they told ya
and now you do what they told ya
and now you do what they told ya
and now you do what they told ya, now you're under control (7 times)
and now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
and now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
and now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
and now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
and now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
and now you do what they told ya, now you're under control
and now you do what they told ya!

those who died are justified, for wearing the badge,they're the chosen whites
you justify those that died by wearing the badge,they're the chosen whites
those who died are justified,for wearing the badge,they're the chosen whites
you justify those that died by wearing the badge,they're the chosen whites
come on!

yeah!come on!

fuck you,I won't do what you tell me
fuck you,I won't do what you tell me
fuck you,I won't do what you tell me
fuck you,I won't do what you tell me
fuck you,I won't do what you tell me
fuck you,I won't do what you tell me
fuck you,I won't do what you tell me
fuck you,I won't do what you tell me
fuck you,I won't do what you tell me!
fuck you,I won't do what you tell me!
fuck you,I won't do what you tell me!
fuck you,I won't do what you tell me!
fuck you,I won't do what you tell me!
fuck you,I won't do what you tell me!
fuck you,I won't do what you tell me!
fuck you,I won't do what you tell me!



the movie ran through me
the glamour subdue me
the tabloid untie me
i'm empty please fill me
mister anchor assure me
that baghdad is burning
your voice it is so soothing
that cunning mantra of killing
i need you my witness
to dress this up so bloodless
to numb me and purge me now
of thoughts of blaming you
yes the car is our wheelchair
my witness your coughing
oily silence mocks the legless
ones who travel now in coffins
on the corner
the jury's sleepless
we found your weakness
and it's right outside our door
now testify

now testify
it's right outside our door
now testify
yes testify
it's right outside our door

with precision you feed me
my witness I'm hungry
your temple it calms me
so I can carry on
my slaving sweating the skin right off my bones
on a bed of fire I'm choking on the smoke that fills my home
the wrecking ball rushing
witness your blushing
the pipeline is gushing
while here we lie in tombs
while on the corner
the jury's sleepless
we found your weakness
and it's right outside your door
now testify
yeah testify
it's right outside our door
now testify
now testify
it's right outside our door

mass graves for the pump and the price is set
mass graves for the pump and the price is set
mass graves for the pump and the price is set
mass graves for the pump and the price is set

who controls the past now controls the future
who controls the present now controls the past
who controls the past now controls the future
who controls the present now?

now testify
it's right outside our door
now testify
it's right outside our door

Post je objavljen 01.04.2007. u 00:56 sati.