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Let me tell you about my friends. With any luck, this will remain on the blog for a few days until one of them reads it, reports it to others, and then they'll force me to remove it. Since I am not fond of torment, I'll probably remove it, unless if they're not persuasive enough.
First let me tell you, every one of them is special. They all have their flaws, they all have their virtues and they made my life interesting (read - a living hell :) ... kidding) You guys know I love ya! Lets start shall we... (I hope I won't say too much, hihi)
Image Hosted by ImageShack.usThis little freak calls herself Ana. She's probably the most normal among us (what is normal anyway?). She has love problems, but then again, who doesn't. Her past relationships are quite interesting. I must say, a lot of guys are into her, but she remains resilient (playing hard to get). Guys...she's taken, sorry. On the outside she looks calm and focused, but I know better. On the inside she's probably even more confused by this life and its ways than I am. It's like I said - You know nothing, you're just as confused as I am. I am closest to her. She tells me everything (I know she doesn't but she tells me enough) and I can tell her everything. She likes LP, Disturbed and other metal-like music. Sometimes she listens to pop(shit) like Sugababes. Sometimes she likes to be wicked (like I am now, buahaha), and she lies...then she admits it and asks for forgiveness. But she's a friend, she can get away with everything, at least when it's related to me(but be careful). There are times when she's quite playful. That's when she pokes me (why you little...). In closing I would like to say that she's a trustworthy person and a great friend.
Image Hosted by ImageShack.usThis teddy bear calls herself Maya and she only looks as tender and sweet. We all know she's a devil. Correction - she's THE devil. She has the hots for guys in a band. Must be a new devilish characteristic. She likes U2 the most. That's funny...since when does the devil want world peace??? Devils, nowadays, mph. Just like the freak mentioned before, she likes to be tenderly scratched. Probably 'cause that's the closest to sex she'll ever get (ouch:)). She is a queen of impostures and a great manipulator (not that I am being manipulated by her...never gonna happen). It's just like another friend of mine said - "A bitch and proud of it." She bit me the other day, believe that? She likes playing foolish games on her computer (I mean...who plays Solitaire nowadays!?). She also likes her pillow. Believe me. She squeezes it and hugs it (I don't wanna know what she does with it when she's home alone at night). When she smiles it seems like she would kill a fly. When she frowns the world trembles (Uuuuu, scaaary...). In the end I'll just say...DAMN, GIRL! (maybe it should be - damned girl...)
Image Hosted by ImageShack.usThis blood sucker is the irritating one. But our little group wouldn't be the same without him. He's a computer freak (a hacker). I've known him the longest. He's a good friend and always willing to help, although he sometimes doesn't help the right way. He likes techno music. He's always late (so irritating, but tolerable). I spend most of my time with him talking idiotic things that make no sense. But we always laugh. I laugh because he's silly, he laughs because I'm funny and sometimes it's the other way around. He talks real slow (guess why that is, hehe). Sometimes he ties up his hair (must be a chick thing, LOL). His hair is all...ya know...funny. I'll say nothing more or he might get insulted. Now, I know he looks kind of gay, but he's a real man! Girls, watch out for this one, he's the Don Juan of modern age (gosh I talk such nonsense). I guess I can depend on him the most. As a finishing line I'll say that he's one of a kind.
Image Hosted by ImageShack.usThis little fruitcake is probably the sweetest among all of my friends. She goes by the name Rosana, but that's only the beginning. She probably has the longest name in the world (besides Shakira)...ok, well, maybe not the longest, but quite long (I guess she has problems when introducing herself). I don't know too much about her giving that I have only met her quite recently, but we've become good friends. She always annoys me when I get online (That's a lie...). She's a good friend of the devil mentioned before. She reminds me of someone I used to know. Even though she's only fourteen she's quite smart and talkative. She likes to leave things unsaid. She likes to tease me. She likes to think she's good at playing darts, but I'll prove her otherwise (Oh, yeah, you're going down...). I really don't know what else to say, I'll have to update this when I get to know her better. In the end I'll just say that she's an interesting little hobbit.

There you have it. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go increase my pain threshold and get ready for some serious suffering. I may have just signed my death penalty. gentle...

Post je objavljen 29.03.2007. u 16:18 sati.