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&hearts &hearts &hearts Voleo sam je tako lako a tako sam tesko to znao da pokazem &hearts &hearts &hearts

  • Nije bilo tako davno kad sam pjevuskao ....

    "O da mi je da se jos samo jednom zaljubim, opet bih uzeo kostim vecnog decaka
    i opet bih znao da se u oblak zadubim i cekao bi samo nju, nijednu drugu '

    aaaaaanddd hmm i fall in love... cerek my heart fell in... love... so pure like a soft, so near but the same time so far away from me... i fall in love what i've dreamed so many nights.. even when i was wake up ... rolleyes it was so fast... when i see her i see her eyes.. how are playing with my heart.. nut her smile how melt my soul.. zujo and give me wings ...
    but i have problem.. no i don't know how to prove my love... to prove that i realy love her.. that she is my everything now for me.. to prove her not with words... not with things.. but with my feelings.. i want from she to hear my heart.. that she is the one who brings me joy in my life, who make my life more beautifull, give me houp..
    also i have problem with that word.. " i love you " when i say that i scare her and also i scare me.. it takes me so long time to say that word again from the bottom of my heart... and now i'm scared to say it.. but sometimes i need to tell her my feelings.. i can't hide my feelings, it was so fast.. so simple.. so strange..

    Dal je kasno nesto da promjenim? kome da kazem da ne mogu bez tebe?
    kupio bi ti cijeli svijet ako pozelis, ti si nemir koji me tjera da se premislim, da vjerujem u ljubav... Eh kad bi nasla koji povod, il razlog u ponoc da me probudis, vidjeces u mojim ocima da je bila istina sto kazu da sam se opet zaljubio ... kad cujem tvoje ime, bude se suze... dodji zagrli me, hocu da te vidim, da te poljubim... pogledom priznacu ti sve, da nisam ziv bez tebe, i sta mogu to je jace od mene
    Poklonio bi ti daleka neba, daj mi mjesto pored sebe, ti si onaj san koji mi treba, niko nije kao ti ...

    Post je objavljen 23.03.2007. u 22:24 sati.