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Maybe I’m Amazed

Jucer je u Los Angelesu padala mala kisica? Bilo preko 30 neki dan, i onda dva dana nakon kisica, ne mogu vjerovati. Isto tako jucer sam gledao Babel, i jako mi se svidio, samo nekako na kraju kao da mi je bio zbrzan, iako traje preko 2 sata. Iako kako kazu ending suggests a gloomy future for some of the characters. Danas naravno cu opet gledati amores perros i 21 grams (istog rezisera Alejandro González Iñárritu-a). Osim toga nist drugo se posebno ne dogada. sletio je Airbus na Lax, pokusavam se natjerati napisati drugi dio mog poslovnjaka koji sam vec napisao i koji se izbrisao, pa mi se nikako neda. Na tv-u, a&e network, ponovno pokazuju sopranose of prve do zadnje emisije, svake srijede po dvije, pa i to gledam, i jos uvijek se divim kako je dobro snimljeno i odglumljeno.
Blogerrica snoopy pitala me o cemu se radi knjiga koju sam nedavno spominjao kao jednu od najboljih koje sam ikada citao.
The Education of Little Tree, written in the Seventies are the memoirs of an orphaned Cherokee Indian boy, telling of his upbringing in rural Tennessee with his Grandma Bonnie Bee and Grandpa Wales. The book tells how these Native American paragons raised him in the old ways, taught him to hunt and trap and how to be in tune with nature. And, being versatile old folks, they also brought him up to love the works of, as he put it, "Mr Shakespeare".
Thus tutored, the autobiography claims, Little Tree went out into the world and became a cowboy and official storyteller in council to the Cherokee nation. In 1976, under his adult name, Forrest Carter, Little Tree poured this moving life story into a book. It became a cult hit, hailed as a classic of Native American literature. By October was number one on the New York Times bestsellers list, Hollywood was panting for the film rights, and the American Booksellers Association made it Book of the Year.
Bas na netu citam da je McCartney potpisao za Starbucks label...Starbucks bude useful Paulovoj karijeri isto kao sto ce zena sa laznom nogom biti useful showu o plesanju.
Pitam se govori li to potpisivanje vise o trenutnom stanju glezbene industrije ili Sir Paulove karijere?
Tko zna Maybe I’m Amazed At the Way Paul Sells Out All the Time.

Pozdrav, B

Post je objavljen 21.03.2007. u 22:24 sati.