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->like to have fun<-

Hej pozdraf svima…et ja danas ostala kod kuce…mal uzela odmor hehe…nije mi sad vise nist…al nije mi bas bilo dobro…a jbg-a hehe…bas lijep dan osim toga…odmarala, gledala tv, glusala glazbicu I zujala…jos da sam mogla prekocit onih 30 kapi neceg gustog bijelog sto sam morala popit…fuj…nest slatko-kiselo…valjd necu morat vise…hehe…I tak…vikend proso super…u nedjelju bio streetrace…fora…jedva cekam da vidim snimke…I tak…ev dio jedne pjesme koju sad slusam…

Everybody's got their problems
Everybody says the same things to you
It's just a matter how you solve them
And knowing how to change the things you've been through

I feel I've come to realize
How fast life can be compromised
Step back to see what's going on
I can't believe this happened to you
This happened to you

It's just a problem that I'm faced with am I
Not the only one who hates to stand by
Complications that are first in this line
With all these pictures running through my mind

Knowing endless consequences
I feel so useless in this
Get back, step back, and as for me,
I can't believe.

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…zakon mi ta pjesma…jer onak kad se nest dogodi onda su svi odjednom pametni I puni znanja I iskustva…a zapravo si mozes pomoci samo sam sebi… a ja opet picam gluposti…oke hehe…prestajem
… necu ovaj put duzit…bolje da se vratim u krevet, ak mislim sutra ustat hehe…uzivajte svi…hope u’re all fine…poosa velika :o)

Ljubav je hašiš, gdje ima i vatre ima i dima, moraš popušit jednog dana.
Naš karakter je ono što radimo kada mislimo da nas nitko ne gleda... :)
Da bi ostvario svoje snove moraš se prvo probuditi.

Post je objavljen 12.03.2007. u 22:30 sati.