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ALIVE... Static stasis of confusion and contribution, you never know… Burden of believe, death rules this world…


Nakon dugo vremena evo me nazad...
Nije me bilo jer smu mi iskopčali net...

Jebiga treba to tu i tam platit!!!!

Jebate 5 mj nisam platil... još sam dobro zdržal jebate...

A neznam... Sve je prošlo tako brzo...

Ovih mj dana je prošlo vrllo brzo u stilu SEX, DRUGS and METAL!!!

Tak da ono, niš čudno...
Ljubav raste, moja želja za znanjem i glazbom RASTE, al ima i malo bedara...
Nikak da se nađemo na pol puta...

Ma šalim se...

Savršeno je sve...

Oko mene prolječe i sve se samo zaljubljuju i vole se fakat mi se puno frendovva obljubilo u zadnje vrijeme..

ah bilo je stvarno legendarnih situacija...
I rasnih deklasiranja...

Ekipa, Jarič, Tralalala, Ivona i Ja...


OOO DA DA DA... kak bi onaj prašnjavi vepar reko...

NEznam.. Ovo mi je neki tranzicijski post između nekih događaja...

Eto ima sreče i radosti ima i mene i vas...

Močvara u petak je bila oKEeeee... Par sepulturica, slipknota, korna, machine heada i tak... dovoljno za razbijanje...

Probe su tečne i kreativne i razvijamo se ko bend...
Problema imamo jedino u finiširanju pjesmi...

E da pišem SF knjigu i hrpu pjesmica ima...

Ah eto vam jedna...

"Nothing to Gain"

Progress my deepest and most vile wish of truth towards this ending of intrusion upon the hands of disbelief…

I’m silent as the visions purge my inner outmost self…

This nothing you gave me made me into something…
This nothing you gave me, and something I’ve become…

Proves me right…

Ridiculed and ignored ghosts haunt my thoughts…

This nothing to you, made everything to me…
This nothing is you and everything is me…

"The Art of Ashes"

Risen from this ashes, from trash and dust,
Crafted from scrap and created from none…
Forged in damnation and built in despair…

We live and enter, we die and enter…

Amongst this ruins and waists final salvation dwells…

The final solution given…
The only choice taken…
But never forgiven…

We did start at the end…
But our mission is to end it once again…

Determine in downfall the final art of confusion has taken its toll…

Darkness and devotion burn and show a path…

Our mission starts…

With honor and leftover existence we enter the day of despair…

Facing fears and shading blood, burning body’s in this horribly gone picture of the end…

Disruption and deformation formidable with comprehension and incompetence…

You live and do not learn; you die and do not deserve such an easy way out…

Our mission still lasts…

Our spirit in the skies, dealt with death still survives but bleeds and immensely cries…
Our mission is simple…
We only need to die…

In a human manner not, star struck and drained just laid down and dead…

The search draws closer to its end…

Found by the human virtue and immense simplicity our lives end with pride…

Not the one that mortal sins are made of…
But the one that brings our souls closer to each one…

United as one…
The reign of thrash has just begun…

Voli vas Matek....

Attitude And REŠpektica...

Post je objavljen 12.03.2007. u 01:41 sati.