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Da je Bog htio da sam drukčija ,drukčijom bi me stvorio...

Stižem ja...ovo je jedna moja pjesmica....
Why me?!
Why am i always alone?!
...alone... this world full of people...
oh,i don't know!
I don't understand anything?!
I am confused...
Why me?
Why not somebody else?!
Is in this world any person like me?!
...All that people around me..
but they don't see me..
but that isn't real..
I feel like I have,I don't know how to express that,
something, that black feeling, is it feeling?...
...or pain or just something in me,
in my head!
It is something weard!
People think that I am weard
but they actually don't know me ...
real me.. and certainly never will..
I think that I am some little person,
who is lost , lost somewhere, maybe here, can you find me?!

Eto to je bilo nešto iz moje weard glave, nije nešto posebno,al eto...

Post je objavljen 10.03.2007. u 09:46 sati.