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Ah...ko i obično...opet sam u faking kaj ni tjedan dana nemože sve ić kak treba...čini se da ne...onak super...prošli tjedan sam bila baš hepi...ali sad onak u nekoliko dana...sve se nakupilo...sve se srušilo...headbang...ništa ne to stvarno nije fer...baš nije...headbang...onak neznam šta će se sve na mene uhvatit...šta me sve neće boljet...jebene tablete...mad...ko i je izmislio...majku im...ja želim naručiti jedno ubojstvo...koliko tražite...žena je kuja i nema vam zašto je bit žao...puknucu...dam vam sve što imam...samo neka nestane i neka se ne vrati više nikad...ko da već dovoljno zla nje napravila...aaaaaaaaaaa...prokleti tlak...headbang...prokleta noga...headbang...niš ne valja...aaaaaaaaaaaa...

Is there a reason to live...I think not...why am I then still alive...WHY...I wish I could die my my warm forget be happy...that is everythin I ever wanted...nothing more...NOTHING...with one move I could end this...I could cut my wrists...but then I'll be a one will remember me...I'll be just a shadow in their minds...just one poor shadow...nothing I will again get up...get strenght for one more time...just wondering will I'll be successful this time...all I'll have will be hope and my friends...they are everythng to me...when I remember them I turn back and just forget all ugly things...when I remember them everything is bright and sunny...they give me strenght...I can't imagine my life without them...I just stood up...I'm back...for one more fight...maybe this time I wan't fail...maybe I will be happy...just maybe...

Trenutak inspiracije...niš na pitajte...sam onak prozujite ovuda i ne obazirite se na mene...nisam vrijedna pažnje...nimalo...

Post je objavljen 28.02.2007. u 16:38 sati.