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Zule me zamolila da objavim svoje pjesme.... Ispricavam se, engleski mi ne ide bas najbolje..... Zanima me sto vi mislite o tome....

3 things you must love

3 things you must love:
Love life,
Love music,
Love pretty girls...

Donīt understand life to hard,
And take the best.
What is important.

3 things...

When you are angry
Can ease you.
When you are sad
Music can enjoy you.
When you are happy
With music you can show that.

3 things....

But when luck abandoned you
In life,
When muic pull you
Just in bigger depresions,
Then you need a pretty girl.

3 things...

When you found a pretty girl
Protect her like gold.
Music is better than drogs,
But life canīt go on
Without pretty girls and music (heavy metal).
(Ovo je sprdancija na izreku mog decka i njegovog prijatelja, da je zivot: jebanje, glazba i hrana...)


Black memories
Follow you howle life.
Never forgot
Your black.

One bad experience
Can cause constant traumas.
One misfortune
Can cause
Continual seqencea.
When you once experienc violenc
It will shure had
Sucessions on your life.

Black memories...

The biggest error is
To close eyes from the reality.
Never try forgot bad things,
Just a association will open the wounds again.
Also never live only in past,
Present is beautiful
And future will be still more beautiful.

Black memories...

Violence is not a solution.
Donīt mistreat anyone.
Imagin that anyone maltreat you.
Itīs not nice to be a scrifice!

Black memories....

To look at the other side,
To allow violence,
Not to help
Is also a evil deed!
Look what is happening aruond you,
Donīt allow violence,
Help other.
Donīt let violence to grow......

Iīm sorry

Iīm sorry because
Iīm different.
Iīm sorry
because Iīm unusual.
Iīm sorry because
You canīt understand me.

You always wached at me strange,
Teasy me and laught at me.
You donīt undestand that Iīm special
And I was ashamed of my specific feature.

Iīm sorry....

You donīt undestand my madness
But madness is not a bed charactaristic.
For madness you must be brave
And you must have self confidence.

Iīm sorry...

I thought that you are crazy
But now I have understand that Iīm crazy.
What do you have from your normality?
I am proud of as I am.

Iīm sorry...

What do you have from your normality
When your life is boring?
Maybe īam crazy and unusual
But my life is exiting.

Iīm sorry...

Maybe peopl once
Stop live life in a norm.
Maybe they will stop prusue one another
With the reason that they are different.
Maybe they will start think with tey own heads,
Then they will maybe be free
And maybe undestand me...


When your life is boring,
Do somethong,
Change it!

Donīt draem about life,
Live your dream.
Have your destanation
And puruse it.

When your....

Be just your,
Enjoy every second.
Ever think about:
There isnīt a problem
Without solution.

When your....

Be brave,
Ever see the good side of life.
Donīt lost your optimism.

When your....

Forgive fast.
Love with whole soul.
Help other peopls
And be concet with that you have.

When your....

Laugh a lot.
Donīt cry often,
Nothing and nonosy is worth it.

When your....

In life you often rise and fall,
But the art is,
To stay up one more time,
Than going down.

Run away

I constant run away,
wthout stop,
I run,
I run as far as my feets can take me
but I canīt run away....

You are watching me,
in my dreams,
You are chase me,
in my thoughts.
You gives me no peace
because you want to destroy me.

I constant.....

You are watching at me, at the conner of teh room,
but you will never win me,
īcause there is somebody who protect me
and his heart is warmer than your cold eyes.

I constant....

I donīt know who you are,
I try hide from you,
I hide from the whole world,
īcause I donīt know who you are.

I constant.....

He, his love, connected me with the world again,
bringed me back
and reconceld me with life,
His love teached me to belive again in peopls
and also told me who are my rivals.
I constant....

You will never win me,
You will never conquer me,
because there is somebody who protect me.
Here is the End of paranoia,
because I meet the salvaging.

I constant run away,
without stopp,
I run,
I run as far as my feets can take me
and finally I found a safe place.

Did you know

Did you know how it pain,
How it is, when somebody humiliat you,
When somebody despise you,
Did you know how it pain?

Did you ever feel,
That feel of helplessness and smallnes.
Did you ever feel
Insignificant and tiny?

Did you know...

Did you vever be confused
Because somebody told you, he loved you
But however he hurt you?

Did you know...

Did you know how it is,
When you love somebody,
You are ready to do everything,
But never enaugh.

Did you know...

Did you ever be face of
With someones angrynes
Who you love
But you upset her so much that she exploded?

Did you know...

Did you know how lovling you can be?,
Think about that
And all will be okay...

Post je objavljen 11.02.2007. u 18:34 sati.