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Why....we love him!!!!Well ok why I love him!!!

-Why we like him?

-Stallone is one of the world's most famous men. He is one of the top earners in Hollywood, yet for all that he has done, he never gets any respect. What did John Wayne do that Sylvester Stallone didn't match? Around the world, characters from his movies have been the subjects of stamps (the ultimate sign your career is over), cult-like fan clubs, and countless imitations.

-Why is he famous?

-We loved Rocky and Cliffhanger, we liked Rambo and The Specialist, but we hated Judge Dredd. But what did all these movies have in common? They were big movies that needed a big star to anchor them, and Stallone will always fit the bill. Bottom line, as far as movie stars go Stallone is one of the biggest ones out there!

Post je objavljen 07.02.2007. u 15:26 sati.