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The Francine Porad Award for Haiku

Deadline: 15 March 2007

The Washington Poets Association (
invites your haiku submissions for the fourth annual Francine Porad Award for haiku. The contest was named to honor a leading figure in Northwest haiku, painter and haiku writer Francine Porad. She was a former president of the Haiku Society of America and editor for eight years of Brussels Sprout, an international journal of haiku and art. She published two dozen books of her haiku and related poetry, and passed away in September of 2006 at the age of 77. Entry form and fee: The entry fee is $5 plus $1 per poem (no limit on the number of submissions). Read the fine print and download the 2007 entry form at .

Deadline: March 15, 2007. Prizes: Cash prizes totaling $250 will be paid as follows: $125 for first prize, $75 for second prize, $50 for third prize. Winning haiku will also appear in Cascade, the annual journal of the Washington Poets Association and on the WPA Web site. Winning poets will be invited to read their prize-winning poems at a WPA summer event.
Additional Information: For more information contact Jed Myers at  or at 4026 NE 55th St., Suite A, Seattle, WA 98105, > USA, or phone +00 1 206-526-0972.

Napomena - Objavljeni su Natjecaji i prilozi na blogu
ranijeg datuma, jos aktualni:

- The second European Haiku Conference in Vadstena, Sweden 8.-10 june 2007. (Post objavljen 25.01.2007.)
01. travanj 2007. (Post objavljen 24.01.2007.)
- Concorso intrnationale haiku 2007.-Italiana - Deadline 31. May (Post objavljen 22.01.2007.)
- IHS Irish haiku Society - Closing-date In hand by 1 August 2007. (Post objavljen 19.01.2007)
- Bookaleta za pricu - rok 01.03. (Post objavljen 13.01.2007.)
- Bestselerov natjecaj za kratku pricu - Rok 01.03.2007. (Post objavljen 12.01.2007.)
- Haiku Ireland - Deadline 15 March (Post objavljen 10.01.2007.)
- Chrysanthemum - an internet magazine/Haiku Oz/ -
Deadline April 15th (Post objavljen 09.01.2007.)
- Kaji Aso Studio International Poetri Contest -
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- KONKURS ZA POEZIJU, Aleksinac - rok 10.mart, Gornji
Milanovac - rok do 01.aprila (Post objavljen 08.01.2007.)
- Pinewood Annual Haiku Contest -
Deadline February 14th (Post objavljen 06.01.2007.)
- Romanian Haiku International Contest -
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Post je objavljen 26.01.2007. u 05:18 sati.