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Ijoojj..eeee....voda..iso miki.....znate kaj to znač znači da će se desit .nešto strašno...uuu....padala kiša.....i sve je isprala..sav smrad ......hmm.....najjači su mi oni ljudi koji čekaju kišu da se legendee....ono skroz su ludii....e u subotu nisam znal za sebe....doma pred kućom sam se opijo...jer su mi starci bila away inače bih se mogo pozdravit sa mobitelom....i ja onak drmam....3 pive...pola boce viskija....pola litre malo pinu coladu.....paa..neki kurac s kokosom i rumom......ja i još par frendova to drmamo i umiramo od smijeha jer smo pričali o nekim šugavim osobama..........i onda dum boce susedi u ogradu....ti mi je bilo naj,,,taj zvuk pucanja flaš dobro sutradan ujutro sam bil ko konj.......priviđale su mi se neka stvari...ono užas....a danaaas...igrali smo hebeni rukomet...i onak zabim ja 3 gola....i kada me neka steepe...u glavi...jebem mu mater..ko da mi neko buši unutra..i samo kaj se nisam zrigal....mislim strašno...i takj čitavo jutro...joj..i još sam imal neke bolesne uloške u šuzama....iso miki...ko da na nekim jebenim iglama stojim i još u sredini uloška neki jebeni krug...ko neka dvometarna kamenčina...e ubili su me ti ulošci....i onda mi još dođe neka debilčina...i počne mi pričat lovačke priče...kak je on prek vikenda zbaril 5 trebi...da je ševil sve u šesnajest....ja onak gledam u njega ...sve me boli...sam kaj se ne zbljuvam...joojj....i još smo pisali matiš je bilo nešto strašno....ko da je sotona ušo u taj hebeni list papira....jebo za mene bili....kineski....e...dobil bum topa....i to mrgu od topa.....i sad sam došo doma...i popil dve hebene tablete za mučninu i glavobolju i nekak jedva pišem ovaj dobro......evo jedna pjesma koja govori o mojim trenutačnim osjećajima:

joooj...neznam šta će se desit još ovaj šugavi znam da će biti time...znam da će neko umirat...znam da će neko pokupit batine....znam da će se neko nalit ko nikada prije....znam da će se neko razbit po stepenicama....znam da će nekom doletit košarkaška u facu....i ono najvažnije znam da će biti hard....core...vikend....

evo i sada par slika

ma car

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e ovo mi se krije u kadi ( zovem ga floki )

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ma prava je lijepota..kako ima lijepe zube visokoga sjaja

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hmm....a sada slijedi nešto strašno...nešto dosad neviđeno....its big..its iss a story...but not a boring's a ghost story...hahahah...

The story was told to me by my Grandma when I was a kid.

My great-great-grandfather had gone out to spend part of an evening to partake in converstion and an ale with his friends. (a night out with the boys). The time came when it was time to start heading home. He was happily singing songs and riding on his horse and buggy that night, when he encountered something laying in the middle of a crossroad. As he got closer he noticed that this was a baby bundled up in blankets.

He was outraged to think who in the world would leave a newborn-baby in the middle of the road like this. He decided to pick the newborn baby up and place it in the back of the buggy, and take it home and report the incident to the proper authorities the next morning. So he continued he journey home, it wasn't until a while later he heard a voice calling his name, he kind of was looking around and saw no one for miles around.

The was nothing but farmland, some trees bushes, but not one person. He continued his trip then he heard, "Daaaaadeeeeee, daaaadeeeee, look." He blamed his hearing things to the last brewski he had. Again, "daaadeee, daaaadeeee,looook, look at me". "daaadeeee, looooook, look at my little teeth!" Well by this time he was a little spooked and especially seeing that the horse was scared and nervous.

He turned around and to his HORROR the baby had fangs and was laughing and smiling at him, while saying, "look, daaadeee, look- I have teeth." ( I am getting the cold chills down my spine as I am typing this story, strange, because I am sitting next to the heater- Now back to the story)

At this point, the horse was going crazy, he decided to pick this thing up and threw it off his buggy- it disappeared before it hit the ground! He was scared S--tless, and drove out of there as fast as his horse would go. He had heard that this part of the country was haunted but he never believed it until that night. He claimed that what he was was the devil or a demon.

There was another story my Grandma told me. She and her parents were on the way to or from town during the day. They encountered a rather large black goat on the road. The weird thing about this goat was as soon as approuched it, the damn thing went on its hind legs and would not let them pass. My Great-grand father quickly took the whip and tried to scare it away. Everyone was in a panic, I goat ran off and disapeared in as soon as my Great-grand mother starting praying.

Alot of the towns people claimed to have seem and heard weird things in that part of the road.

I guess the moral of this story is don't drink and drive.


iskreno rečeno...mene su trnci prolazili dok sam ovo č dobro...ovo je sada kraj...gotovo je...a....i više se nečuju riječi...i gušim se ha...i svi se smiju ha......

htje bih mateu..alexandru.....saru....andreka..čivu...fifija...niksu....i tako ovi su počasni ljudi....pozzdrav!

Post je objavljen 22.01.2007. u 15:15 sati.