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Na drugi blog sam stavila citate Mike-a i Chestera, a ovdje ću staviti citate ostalih članova benda....Ima zanimljivih citata, posebno Bradovih, a na engleskom su jer kad ih prevedem nisu tako zanimljivi....


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I love playing music with my friends. I'm really proud of the record we've made and the opportunity we have to play these songs all around the world. Much respect to all the people who have supported us and help us to make dis ting happen -- Booyakasha!

Unfortunately, that park (Lincoln Park, the park that Chester got his idea to rename the band to Linkin Park) has been renamed the Christine Emerson Reed Park, so we're actually thinking about changing our name to Christine Emerson Reed Park and making Linkin Park the name of the second record, just to keep the consistency.

I'm inspired by the sheer ingenuity and intelligence possessed by my fellow bandmates.

I think my favorite Mr. Hahn personality is the practical joking Mr. Hahn that probably doesn't have a name yet, but he's constantly inventing things in conversations with new fans who don't know us very well. He'll make up things about us that are totally untrue. So beware.

You know what Andre? How many times must we have this conversation? I can't use a green pic with a green screen.

Mikes toothbrush is soooo sexy.

Were going to be coming out with Linkin Park toilet paper.

(laughing) I'm Big Bad Brad Intellectual Wrestler, I wrestle people with my mind, you don't know right now, but I'm hitting a man.

The weirdest thing a fan has given me is Joe Hahn.

You should name your child Michael Kenji.

Oh my Gosh, Joe Hahn is soooooooooooooooooooo hot!

The best thing I'd ever done to Joe's parents was pretends that we were friends.

Oh, I have an important anouncement to make: Phoenix, a.k.a. our bass player, has officially adopted a new alias. From now on, he demands to be called....."Powerful".

I'm allergic to spam.

I put myself in the group of music called Linkin Park.

I'll take bracelets from anyone, as long as its quality shit.
Q: When will Linkin Park be in Chicago?
A: Lincoln Park has always been in Chicago.

Brad: Did you know that I hear voices?
Mike: He does and sometimes they speak to us too.

Brad: I'm getting a new tattoo, it's going on Chester's left arm
Joe: I'm getting flames on my wrists
Brad: I'm getting Joe's on my flames
Mike: I'm getting water on my wrists
Brad: I'm getting wrists on my....I give up.


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I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to make an album with five of my closest friends. It has been a great experience touring and having the chance to meet our fans and street teamers. Thank you to everyone who has shown their love and support."

I remember getting really really nervous, in high school like playing for all my friends and stuff like we would play at these parties or something like that and i remember getting WAY more nervous playing those then playing like ozzfest shows in front of of 25 to 30 thousand people.

Back here, we got the phoenix. This is where we keep the phoenix.
Rob: Like, on the first single, um, it's called (looks over at Chester)
Chester: Somewhere I Belong.
Rob: Yeah, I always forgot the name of our first single.
Chester: (blows a raspberry)
Brad: Rob, My name is Brad. That's Chester. Right now we're in a hotel in New York doing an interview about our new album Meteora.
Rob: Okay...Kay, thanks. Alright, I'm back. I'm good. Yeah.

Mike: Rob?
Rob: Hi, how's it going?
Mike: Any thoughts, concerns?
Rob: Nope, just chillin' with Big Ben


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We like to dress up in cat suits and re-enact the broadway show 'Cats'.

I learned not to be outside at dusk wearing shorts and a T-shirt in Biloxi, Mississippi... the insects apparently have no sympathy for tourists.

After a long year out of the band, it's been incredible to rejoin and be back in the mix. I appreciate everyone who supports us both on the website and at our live shows more than I could ever express. To be afforded the opportunity to do something I've always loved, with a bunch of friends, is truly a blessing. Thank You.

My favourite colour is clear.
Interviewer: You recently went double platinum, you sold over two million records, what do you have to say?
Phoenix: I know my mom bought a couple of copies, but not two million.

Phoenix: Chester likes to grab his package like Michael Jackson.
Mike: I didn't know Chester had a package?
Joe: Yeah its somewhere down there.

Phoenix: "Chester likes Anime porn.
Chester: "Yes, and Chester likes other things too.
Phoenix: "Why are you talking in third person?
Chester: "Because Chester feels like it. Now shutup and be a good boy and go clean your room.


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Brad is the best turn-tablist ever.

My butt hurts. I've been sitting in this damn chair signing stuff for a half an hour and they won't let me get up and walk around. Big old bodyguards say, 'ooga, booga.'

'The Hobbit' rules.

If it ain't broke, break it, then superglue it together. When your done, give it to a friend

I wasn't a geek, but I was into art. I was one of the guys who the other kids were like, 'Oh, you draw. Could you draw a picture of me?' They'd ask me dumb questions, like, 'Where'd you learn to draw?'

They aren't teenieboppers! They're linkieboppers!
Q: What's your philosophy?
A: Take a bath at least once a day. Don't be dirty.

Mr. Hahn has a split personality named 'Remy.' Remy is a dangerous man. He keeps the rest of us on our toes.

Mike is so cute. I want to have his kids.

I'm warm, huggable, and lovable!
Joe: I have a nice ass!
Chester: "No, you have a big ass.
Mike: A big fatass.
Someone: Aww, don't make fun of Joe's ass!
Joe: Hehehe, you said ass!

Phoenix: Chester likes to grab his package like Michael Jackson.
Mike: I didn't know Chester had a package?
Joe: Yeah its somewhere down there.

Joe: I like, uh, kinda borrowed a few bucks from you, uh, Rob.
Rob: A few bucks? That's okay... how much did you take?
Joe: Oh, just about $250 dollars or so...
Rob: What!?
Joe: Hey, you said it was alright....
Rob: When are you gonna pay me back?!
Joe: Hehe, when I FEEL like it....

Joe: We are not nu-metal, but we are...I don't even know what nu-metal is. Nu-crap. Nu-tard. Nu-vomit.
Mike: Nu-Metal is a weird thing...I don't even think we're metal.
Brad: I want to labeled as Gnu-Metal.
Joe: I like Nu-Ska.
Mike: We need more ska on the next album. Maybe we'll just do ska from now on................Skankin Park. Brad used to love ska in high school

Joe: Knowledge is more important to the mind....quite the contrary... so therefore, we tend to think a lot.
Mike: What?
Brad: Showoff...

Post je objavljen 15.01.2007. u 22:55 sati.