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Kad Život udari.....i to Martom u jaja!

Dragi Hugoljupci i Hugoljupke....

...prvo vam moram s zakašnjenjem čestitati Božić i Novu i zaželiti vam sve najbolje i da se ne sapletete u startu kad vam život zaveže žnirance jedne tenisice sa žnirancima druge...

...kao što sam se ja sapleo...

Mislim da većina stvari koje sam proživio(i još uvjek proživljavam) nije za javnost, ergo, ni za blog, prema tome, dat ću samo natuknice i par kratkih savjeta:

1.) Ne vjerujte Ženama(ili muškarcima, ako ste žena ili se tako osjećate)!

Uvjek budite oprezni na kojem ste nivou iskrenosti s nekim, jer u 98% slučajeva nećete moć pročitat neku osobu do kraja, i ako nekome se nekome previše otvorite, moglo bi vas to DEBELO povrijediti....

2.)Vjerujte intuiciji!

Znate o čemu govorim: to vam je onaj osjećaj koji imate duboko unutra, ispod svih predrasuda i informacija o golim činjenicama. Što god ljudi rekli ili učinili, intuicija će uvjek biti tu. Ponekad ju ljudi osjete jače a ponekad slabije, ali u većini slučajeva, kod donošenja odluka prednost daju zdravom razumu, a zanemaruju urođeni instinkt. Ja kažem: UVJEK!!!!!! obratite pozornost na intuiciju, kolko god svijet oko vas bio idiličan i cici-mici...

3.)Uvažavajte savjete, ali samo od dobrih savjetnika!

Imao sam sreće što sam imao jednog Gandalfa u blizini, koji je, kao u dalekom Međuzemlju, dojahao na Shadowfaxu kroz oluju i plamen kako bi me obavijestio, savjetovao, ohrabrio(ne pretjerujem)...
....ali, ponavljam ja sam sretan čovjek, što poznajem osobu objektivnu i surovo realnu, vi narode možda, ispravak, NAJVJEROJATNIJE niste takve sreće i zato morate pažljivo poslušati svake savjet, ali i razmisliti od koga on dolazi, te koliko je osoba od koje je taj savjet došao pouzdana...

4.)Budite iskreni!

Samo iskrenost, moja, njezina, njegova i još jedne osobe, nazovimo ga Bob, spriječila je da ova čaša gorčine postane krigla jada, i iako smo tu čašu svi ispili nadušak, osjetili bič života na svojoj koži i prošli(ili prolazimo) kroz ovo ranjeni i zbunjeni, znamo da bi neiskrenost dovela do katastrofe...

5.)Imajte mozak u mudima!

Treba imati pameti, ali i Habrosti upotrijebiti tu pamet.
Treba imati Hrabrosti, ali je upotrijebiti pametno, jer su Hrabrost i Ludost brat i sestra...

6.)Nemojte se NIKAD dovesti u situaciju da morate birati između žene i najboljeg prijatelja!!!!

7.)Ako ste se već doveli u gorenavedenu situaciju, nemam vam šta savjetovati osim da razmislite dobro za koga se od njih vrijedi boriti!

Ovaj izbor mene je natjerao do ruba ludila, pa se molite da se ne dovedete u takvu situaciju, jer kad jednom molitve vam neće pomoć, već ćete se morati izvući iz toga svojim zubima i udovima...

8.)Niste sami!

Ogledajte se oko sebe i uvijek ćete naći prave prijatelje kako stoje iza vas, iako od nekih ne biste očekivali ništa više od "Jebiga, sam si si kriv..."

9.)Nadajte se da su prava prijateljstva vječna!

Jer ja se nadam....

Naučite iz mojih pogrešaka, kad već ne učite iz svojih!

Vatra može biti lijepa, bliještava i topla, ali pazite da se ne opečete!

Svima koji su sudjelovali u ovome, volim vas sve i nadam se da ćemo srediti ovo zajedno...

I za kraj, 'kratka' lirska digresija od strane najzapostavljenijeg benda zadnjih 40 godina:


"I. Heorot's plea and Grendel's awakening.

Midnight suns bid moors farewell, retreats from charging dusk,
Mountain echo, curfews bell, signal ending tasks
They place their faith in oaken doors, cower in candlelight
The panic seeps through bloodstained floors as Grendel stalks the night

Earth rim walker seeks his meals
Prepare the funeral pyres
The shaper's songs no longer heal the fear
Within their eyes, [their eyes]

Wooden figures, pagan gods, stare blindly cross the sea
Appeal for help from ocean fogs, for saviour born of dreams
They know their lives are forfeit now, priestly head they bow in shame
They cannot face the trembling crowd that flinch in Grendel's name

Earth rim walker seeks his meals
Prepare the funeral pyres
The shaper's songs no longer heal the fear
Within their eyes, [their eyes]

As Grendel leaves his mossy home beneath the stagnant mere
Along the forest path he roams to Hrothgar's hall so clear
He Knows that victory is secured, his charm will testify
His claws will drip with mortal blood as moonbeams haunt the sky

As Grendel leaves his mossy home beneath the stagnant mere
Along the forest path he roams to Hrothgar's hall so clear
He Knows that victory is secured, his charm will testify
His claws will drip with mortal blood, as moonbeams haunt the sky

Earth rim walker seeks his meals
Prepare the funeral pyres
The shaper's songs no longer heal the fear
Within their eyes, [their eyes]


II. Grendel's Journey.

Silken membranes span his path, fingerprints in dew
Denizens of twilight lands humbly beg him through
Mother nature's bastard child shunned by leaf and stream

An alien in an alien land seeks solace within dreams
The shaper's lies his poisoned tongue malign with mocking harp
Beguiling queen her innocence offends his icy heart


III. Lurker at the Threshold.

Hounds freeze in silence bewitched by the reptile spell
Sulphurous essence pervades round the grassy dell
Heorot awaits him like lamb to the butcher's knife
Stellular heavens ignore even children's cries

Screams are his music, lightning his guide
Raping the darkness, d-d-death by his side

Chants rise in terror, free round the oaken beams
Flickering firelight portraying the grisly scene
Warriors advance, prepare for the nightmare foe
Futile their sacrifice as even their hearts must know

Heroes delusion, with feet in the grave
Lurker at the threshold, he cares not for the brave, he cares not for the brave


So you thought that your bolts and your locks would keep me out
You should have known better after all this time
You're gonna pay in blood for all your vicious slander
With your ugly pale skins and your putrid blue eyes
Why should I feel pity when you kill your own and feel no shame
God's on my side, sure as hell, I'm gonna take no blame

I'm gonna take no blame, I'm gonna take no blame
So you say you believe in all of Mother Nature's laws
You lust for gold with your sharpened knives
Oh when your hoards are gathered and your enemies left to rot
You pray with your bloodstained hands at the feet of your pagan gods

Then you try to place the killer's blade in my hand
You call for justice and distort the truth
Well I've had enough of all your pretty pretty speeches
Receive your punishment, Expose your throats to my righteous claws
And let the blood flow, and [let the blood flow], flow, flow, flow."


Post je objavljen 04.01.2007. u 17:49 sati.