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Inspiracija 4life

Svako malo dobijem inspiracije pa napišem pjesmu-dvije... ali katkada napravim pjesmu neovisnu o glazbi, ne razbijam glavu sa versovima, chorusima, briđevima... jednostavno pustim da misli lete!

I tako sam ovu napisao... skupljajući par mjeseci života u tih nekoliko stihova

1:58 5.1.2007

Light Memories

I go into the faraway of my thoughts
I know I'll be alone there
I know it's cold out there
And that is why I love it so much

This makes me happy
Being alone with my thoughts
A sweet sound, a gentle word
A memory in the distance

I will cry
But those will be the tears of happiness
Those will be my dreams in the air
Singing, remembering

Staying alive in this world
Being born somewhere else
Her voice echoes in the distance
The wind and the rain carry it away

And I smile in the mist
Knowing that I will get lost again
And when you realise what you've done
I will be too far away to catch

Don't miss me
Don't think about me
The shadows go away
There's only light left now

I smile into the face of the weak morning sun
I watch you searching
I feel the bite of the cold breeze
And I worry no more

The doubt is gone
There's only peace in my mind now
Every sad thought fades
And I learn to love again

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Robert Grubačević se vraća u Osijek u Nedjelju ovoga tjedna

Post je objavljen 05.01.2007. u 02:06 sati.