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Sretan Božić svima!

Žao mi je što nisam stigla prije pisati, ali stvarno sam bila zatrpana različitim obiteljskim i emotivnim obavezama!Ne znam za vas, ali ja sam presretna što je Božić napokon gotov i što je kolača ostalo još jako malo:)
Nadam se da ste bile jake ovih par kriznih dana i da ste sad ponosne na svoju izdržljivost...Ja priznajem da sam jedan dan malo pokleknula, no nadoknadila sam to sljedeći dan...

Za kraj vam ostavljam još jednu pjesmicu, uživajte...Pusa velika svima!


It`s funny how life brought me
Where I never thought I`d be
And I must trust nobody
I can just count on me

I have seen this coming
It was a matter of days
I`ve walked the path of sin
Now I`m the one who pays

People somehow don`t understand
How it`s hard to feel like a pig
And that this is the only way
For me to stop feeling so big

I have defined my priorities
And the things which come first
I will strictly follow the rules
Even when I`ll feel like I`ll burst

To me beauty is everything
It is my one and only wish
I will fulfill this dream of mine
Even through an empty dish

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Post je objavljen 26.12.2006. u 12:43 sati.