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.....sritan božić.....

yo,ljudi.....eto puklo me pa moran napisat novi post....ovih dana bilo mi je super....ovih dana san bila s KATON,NENON,ENI,STEFANNY,KIKON,DEBY,ANON,BUBON I PEKY...bilo mi je super!!lolin ih...baš smo se super zabavile...hehe... škola je napokon završila....cili dan smo se zezali...a muški su radili takve gluposti...bacili su smrdljivca...našminkali su se da bi iznervirali profe...pivali su...rušili kraljevi...baš zato obožavan moj razred...jer se uvik zezamo al smo opet spremni drugima pomoć ka šta smo jučer bož duga priča....uglavnon-bili smo se isto zezali na matiši jer nije bilo razrednika...šporkali su muški kameru...a mi smo svi tješili božu jer je triba bit izbačen iz š mislin da neće bit...bili smo SVI picali vjeronauk...meni se nije dalo al kad su svi-onda ću i ja...ka šta su neki već primjetili na komentarima...ja i antea smo se gadno posvadile...a i karla se s menon posvadila...neznan šta će bit na ja se bome nikome neću ispričat...uglavnon-nisu one sad vridne mog pisanja...preskočimo ih...ajme poslala san emi poruku al mi gospoja ne san i zbog toga živčana...hehe...bia mi je nastup...proša je ok.ajme tako san happy jer je škola toliko zbog učenja...(iako je naravno i ZBOG TOGA)..nego zato jer neću fala bogu morat gledat neke face...yees...mislin da ću za božić bit uglavnon u splitu i rogoznici...evo van neke riči pisama od najboljeg NU METAL BENDA-LINKIN PARKA!

What do I do to ignore them behind me
Do I follow my instincts blindly
Do I hide my pride from these bad dreams
And give in to sad thoughts that are maddening
Do I sit here and try to stand it
Or do I try to catch them red-handed
Do I trust some and get fooled by phoniness
Or do I trust nobody and live in loneliness
Because I can't hold on when I'm stretched so thin
I make the right moves but I'm lost within
I put on my daily facade but then
I just end up getting hurt again

By myself (myself)
I ask why
But in my mind I find
I can't rely on myself (myself)
I ask why
But in my mind I find
I can't rely on myself
I can't look around
(It's too much to take in)
I can't hold on
(When I'm stretched so thin)
I can't slow down
(Watching everything spin)
I can't look past
(Its starting over again)

If I turn my back I'm defenceless
And to go blindly seems senseless
If I hide my pride and let it all go on
Then they'll take from me till everything is gone
If I let them go I'll be outdone
But if I try to catch them I'll be outrun
If I'm killed by the questions like a cancer
Then I'll be buried in the silence of the answer


Repeat 6X:
Don't you (know)
I can't tell you how to make it (go)
No matter what I do, how hard I (try)
I can't seem to convince myself (why)
I'm stuck on the outside


I am
Little bit of loneliness
A little bit of disregard
A handful of complaints
But I can't help the fact
That everyone can see these scars
I am
What I want you to want
What I want you to feel
But it's like
No matter what I do
I can't convince you
To just believe this is real
So I let go
Watching you
Turn your back like you always do
Face away and pretend that I'm not
But I'll be here
'Cause you're all I got

I can't feel
The way I did before
Don't turn your back on me
I won't be ignored
Time won't heal
This damage anymore
Don't turn your back on me
I won't be ignored

I am
A little bit insecure
A little unconfident
'Cause you don't understand
I do what I can
But sometimes I don't make sense
I am
What you never want to say
But I've never had a doubt
It's like no matter what I do
I can't convince you
For once just to hear me out
So I let go
Watching you
Turn your back like you always do
Face away and pretend that I'm not
But I'll be here
'Cause you're all I got


Hear me out now
You're gonna listen to me
Like it or not
Right now

Chorus 2X
.......šta kažete na ove pisme...?meni su zakon...

i.......evo video...od gunsa...(TO JE ZA tebe ema...haha...)MORAN SE POHVALIT DA SAN DANAS KUPILA U PRIME CRVENE STARKE!!NARAVNO...ORGINAL...haha...kupit ću još i tek za tjedan dana...jer mi mater više ni nema baš love jer je puunoo potrošila na darove...bor...kolače i ostale sada san imala 4puta starke crne boje pa san mislila da mi dobro dođe jedna ipak ću ja opet kupit i mogu ja bez crne boje...haha...ETO POŠTO JE SUTRA BADNJAK..IĆ ĆU SA ANON NA PONOĆKU...(yees..)a vama svima želin LIP I BLAGOSLOVLJEN BOŽIĆ!!ZABAVITE SE...BUDITE SRITNI JER NEMA ŠKOLE...OSTAVLJAJTE MI KOMENTARE...ja van u ponediljak iden u rogoznicu...tako da neću bit na blogu 3-4dana al zato ne brinite...kad dođen u split...napisat ću novi post...i komentirat vaše...lolin vas ljudi...
Music Video Codes by VideoCure

......pošto san stavila video od gunsa...onda ću i od evanescencea....
a sad iden...kiss svima....
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...........OD DORE.......

Post je objavljen 22.12.2006. u 12:27 sati.