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I'm Feeling the Same Way All Over Again

kiss Tyi, posudil sam naslov jer sam opet weee... cerek as fast as I can... Cijeli dan pjevam Just Like a Pill. the middle of nowhere... Al ne u nekom negativnom kontekstu. the middle of my frustrated fears... Neg, naprotiv! ...and I swear you're just like a pill... Tak sam hiperaktivan! smijeh ...instead of makin' me better, you keep makin' me ill... Za školu nemam više niš radit. as fast as I can... Jedino lektiru, al baš me boli. the middle of nowhere... Sutra ću doć u školu bez torbe. the middle of my frustrated fears... Ko da mi treba! ...and I swear you're just like a pill... smijehcereksmijeh ...instead of makin' me better, you keep makin' me ill... Ostaje mi samo uživat u holiday spiritu (moram još poradit na tome). as fast as I can... I u ovom zadnjem tjednu škole. the middle of nowhere... Ukino bi praznike ak bi mi obećali da će bit stalno ovak fora! the middle of my frustrated fears... Bezbrižno, samo zezancija. ...and I swear you're just like a pill... wave ...instead of makin' me better, you keep makin' me ill...

Post je objavljen 19.12.2006. u 20:58 sati.